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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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“In that case, my condolences.” The man patted him on his shoulder. “And there’s a bar next door to the B&B that has half-priced margaritas from now to closing.”

That was going to be a necessity if they weren’t getting out of here tonight. Quinn scrubbed a hand over his face. “You’re sure you can’t get my truck fixed up before closing?”

“I’ll call Sue over at the B&B and let her know you’re coming.”

Guess that was that. Now all that was left to do was let Aubry know about the delay. He headed to the front of the shop and planted himself in front of her, forcing her to stop her pacing. “I have bad news and I have good news.”

“What’s the bad news?”

“Why am I not surprised you don’t want to start with the sweet?”

“Because you’re not as dumb as you look.” She snapped her fingers, looking all the world like a queen deeming to notice an ant beneath her boot. “Now—the bad news?”

“They can’t get my truck fixed up before morning.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“It’s fine.” He glanced down and blinked. “You’re looking a little pale.”

“I can’t…” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Give me a second.”

His forced amusement vanished. Holy shit, she was having a panic attack. He recognized all the signs. “Come on, peaches.” He half carried her to a faded plastic chair and guided her head between her knees. There was no telling what would ground her, because she hadn’t told him when he’d asked, but he’d try what worked for Jenny and adapt as needed. “Breathe, yeah, just like that, in, hold it for one, two, three. Now exhale. Good girl.”

Ten breaths later, she lifted her head. “Sorry.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to make a smart-ass comment about the fact she’d never once apologized to him before now, but he bit it back at the last second. She might be a pain sometimes, but she still looked pretty shaky. He’d known a panic attack could bring down the strongest person, but there was something about seeing Aubry so shaken that made him want to yank her into his arms and hold her until she was herself again.

No wonder she didn’t want to go to that damn convention by herself. If one unexpected delay was enough to set her back on her heels, what would being around a couple thousand people do? He realized he was still covering her hands with his and forced himself to let go of her. “You ready for the good news?”

“Sure.” She managed a smile, though it wasn’t anywhere close to convincing.

“There are half-priced margaritas.”

“Well, damn, Quinn. You should have led with that.”

He helped her to her feet, telling himself that he was just worried she’d take a nosedive, but the truth was that he kind of liked touching her. She smelled good despite the hellish day they’d had, like citrus and the warm summer sun. She must have noticed him watching her, because she took two large steps away, putting herself out of reach. “I’m fine.”

“Didn’t say you weren’t.”

“No, but you’re looking at me like I’m about to take a concrete nap.” She shoved her hair out of her face. “Did you find us a place to stay? Equally important—can we walk there?”

“Yes to both.” He led the way outside and down the block in the direction the mechanic had instructed. Aubry kept pace, but she was still looking a little peaked around the edges, so he walked slower than he normally would have. It wasn’t being nice. It was making sure he didn’t have to carry her ass in this heat.

Sure it is.

The B&B was a cute little thing tucked back from the street and was charmingly decorated in bright colors. It was manned by a cute little old lady with an accent thick enough he was glad for his sort-of-fluency in Spanish. Once she realized he could converse in that way, she switched over with a grin. “What’s brought this handsome man through my door?”

“I’m looking for Sue. Larry said he’d call and let her know we were heading this way.” Quinn grinned right back. She kind of reminded him of Daniel’s aunty. She was as gently forceful as she was short, and she usually wore the same amused look that this woman did.

“Ah, yes, overnight stay for the happy couple.” She accepted his card and passed over an honest-to-God key with the number four attached to it. A few signatures later and they were headed upstairs.

Aubry opened the door and stopped, halfway in the hall and halfway in the room. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“You keep saying that.” He nudged her the rest of the way into the room…and broke out laughing when he saw how it’d been decorated. There was a heart-shaped bed he was almost disappointed to find didn’t seem to vibrate, and everything was done up in ways that suggested love and romance—from the heart-shaped candles scattered about to the curtains with their little hearts printed on the fabric. It was truly impressive.

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