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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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He walked over to look in the bathroom and whistled. “Check out that tub.” It was big enough to fit Aubry and him.

He turned around before that thought could take root, but it was too late. All he could picture was her straddling him, bubbles sliding over her skin, her red hair wet, and her eyes with that same expression she’d had by the truck before they’d been interrupted.

Back when he’d almost taken them off the deep end.

Quinn spun on his heels and nearly ran over Aubry. “I’m going for those margaritas.” He didn’t wait for a response. He just grabbed the second key and walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

It didn’t help. He could still smell her on his skin, which shouldn’t have been possible, and it seemed like his control had splintered the second he got into the damn truck cab with her. Now he couldn’t get the damn images out of his head, and with her showing interest there wasn’t a whole lot standing in the way of burying himself in her until he could feel her coming around him.

Nothing but the fact that they weren’t dating, weren’t friends, and could barely stand each other.

Aubry stared at the door and then looked around. Quinn hadn’t acted like he thought she was more of a freak than he normally did, but maybe her practically shoving his hand down her pants, followed by a panic attack, had been the last straw. She couldn’t help losing it. She’d been so focused on just surviving the trip that hearing the trip was actually going to take two days instead of one sent her into a tailspin.

No, that wasn’t completely accurate. She’d been strung so tightly from getting so close to orgasm and denied, and then having to sit next to Quinn while they rode into town, and then realizing she was going to spend an extra day in close quarters with a man who didn’t know if he wanted her or didn’t want her—and whom she couldn’t decide if she wanted to jump his bones or shove him out of the truck and take off…

She’d lost it.

Quinn had handled her panic attack, though. He hadn’t touched her other than to help her sit, and there had been no taunting or jokes, just his smooth voice anchoring her, walking her through it. If she’d had any doubts that he’d be able to stand as a wall between her and the strangers at the convention, they were gone now. He’d do what needed to be done to keep her from freaking out.

It made her feel weird to know that, so she refused to focus on it. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to think about the fact they were sharing a room tonight—and every night from here on out, until this godforsaken trip was over.

Instead, Aubry walked around the room one more time. It was exactly what it seemed at first glance—a lovers’ nest. Her gaze fell to Quinn’s phone sitting on the dresser and she shook her head. There was no way she would go searching for him if she needed him, half-priced margaritas or no. Not that she’d need him. She wouldn’t. What she needed was to get her head on straight.

She grabbed a set of clean clothes and headed for the shower. It would help center her and wash away all the insanity of the day. Or that was the theory, at least. As long as she tried not to be too weirded out by the fact there was no actual door in between the bathroom and the rest of the room.

The reality was that as soon as she got beneath the hot spray, her over-sensitized skin went into overdrive. All the pent-up feelings she’d wrestled down after they were interrupted rose to the surface, and she closed her eyes and braced her hands on the wall. She didn’t make a habit of touching herself when she was on the go—probably because she was never on the go—but maybe she could make an exception…just this once. She glanced at the doorway to the bedroom, but she was just as alone now as she’d been two seconds ago.

She closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and slipped her hand between her legs. Her body was already primed from all the near-miss with Quinn, so it was the easiest thing in the world to imagine him on his knees in front of her, hiking one of her legs over his massive shoulder, that look in his blue eyes as he lowered his mouth to press a kiss to her inner thigh. A moan slipped free as she stroked herself, following the imaginary path his mouth would take. She reached her clit and circled it with her middle finger just like he’d done. She was so close. So freaking close.

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