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Wild Cowboy Nights (Foolproof Love 1-3)

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A low curse had her eyes flying open. She froze, a deer in headlights, when she focused on Quinn standing in the doorway to the bedroom. One breath passed, and then another, with them staring at each other across the steam-covered bathroom. She’d almost convinced herself that this was a desire-fueled hallucination until he took a step forward. “Tell me something.”

It was too late to cover herself—not that she was particularly inclined to be bashful anyways. He’d had her on edge for hours. It was only fair that she returned the favor in whatever way she could. From the look on his face, she was doing a damn good job of it. She licked her lips. “What?”

“What are you thinking about right now while you’ve got your hand between your legs? What almost happened on the side of the road? Or about delivering some particularly violent finishing move in that game of yours?”

Maybe it was lust curdling her brain, but she didn’t even hesitate. “You.” When he cursed again, she kept going, enjoying the intense expression on his face. “On your knees, your mouth driving me to orgasm.” It was perversity that had her adding, “Though, to be honest, I think it’s better in fantasy than it could ever be in real life.”

His brows slanted down, a forbidding look coming into his eyes that made her nipples tighten. “How do you figure?”

“Oh, you know.” Her voice was breathy, but she was too distracted to be annoyed by how intensely he affected her. “I know my body better than anyone else ever could. So I’d just be setting myself up for disappointment.”

He’d closed the distance between them without her noticing, until he stood just in front of the shower door, his big frame taking up entirely too much space. “Want to bet?”

“You can’t be serious.” He just looked at her, and she laughed. “You want to bet that, what, you’re better in reality than whatever I can dream up? Does that line ever actually work on a woman?”

“You tell me.”

Damn it, he had a point. She wanted to say yes. God, she wanted it so much, she was practically shaking. That’s just one more denied orgasm. Aubry trailed a hand down her sternum, her heart picking up at how intently he followed the movement. “I don’t like you.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

No, she supposed it didn’t. She’d never done anything like this before—casual sex wasn’t in the cards for someone like her—but there was a first time for everything. And if she didn’t come soon, she might go insane. Aubry stepped back into the spray of the water, opening the door as she did. “Just this once.”

“Peaches, I’ll make you a deal.” He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. His chest was just as cut as it had been last year when she’d seen him at the swimming hole, but this time she was allowed to touch him. It shouldn’t be possible, but that made him more attractive. Quinn laughed darkly. “Are you listening?”

Nope. I’m too busy checking you out. She took a deep breath. “I’m listening.”

“This is going to be as good as your fantasy—better than your fantasy. And when it is, you’re going to be in my bed and on my cock for the duration of our trip.”

Her jaw dropped. “Did you not hear what I just said?”

“I heard, and I’m telling you that you’ll change your mind the second I get my hands on you.”

The scary part was that she wasn’t sure he was full of it. He had such a magnetic confidence that she was tempted to believe he was actually capable of what he was promising. “And if you’re wrong?”

“I’m not wrong.” He unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor, revealing that Quinn apparently walked around commando.

Oh my God, I’m never going to be able to get that knowledge out of my head. That, or the fact he did not have a micro penis. She stared at his cock, deciding right then and there that there was no way that thing was going inside her. It was a study in impossibility. “We’re not having sex.”

“I’ll promise you something else.” He stepped into the shower stall and slid the glass door closed behind him, and suddenly there wasn’t enough room and she didn’t know where to look because she was having a seriously hard time lifting her gaze from his waistline.

Aubry took a shuddering breath. “What’s that?”

“We won’t have sex until you beg for my cock.”

She went ramrod straight. “That’s never—”

Quinn kissed her. It was nothing like before. There was nothing polite or soft about this kiss. It was hard and dominant and every bone in her body went liquid at the feeling of his tongue sliding into her mouth. One of his hands skated up her spine, bringing her body flush against his as he explored her mouth. Because that’s exactly what he was doing, testing her, teasing out different responses.

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