Steele (Arizona Vengeance 9) - Page 23

I snort because it’s true. Lucy’s going to be on cloud nine. “All right. Thanks.”

She nods, then moves past me without another word. I start to follow, hesitate, and turn back to the drawer of her vanity. Quietly, I pull it open as far out as it will go, spotting a picture of Ella and me stuffed in the back.

I recognize it. It’s from a trip we took to the Maldives and fuck if we didn’t look happy and deeply in love.

Was that what she was looking at when I walked in?

That could be good or bad, but either way, no way to know the answer. I shut the drawer, then catch up to her as she’s moving through the living room. David sees her, sliding off the stool. When she holds out her hands, he takes them and leans in to kiss her on the cheek.


I sit on the armrest of the couch, watching. David glances over Ella’s shoulder at me as he pulls back, smiling victoriously.

I just smirk back. Because he’d have a cow if he knew the type of kiss I gave my wife a week ago—my hand gripping her ass and her body pressed against my erection. I’ll keep that info to myself, though.

Ella grabs a small purse off a thin table near the staircase before addressing me. “Make sure Lucy locks up when y’all leave, and remind her I’ll pick her up at ten tomorrow morning.”

I give her a jaunty salute. “Aye-aye, Captain.”

In return, I get another cute-as-hell eye roll.

David puts his hand to Ella’s back, shooting me a look that says, “She’s mine tonight,” and I want to punch his teeth down the back of his throat. I just smile blandly, because, in those few minutes of talking to him and watching how they interact, I can tell he’s getting nothing more than a friendly kiss when he brings her home.

Ella might want to keep pushing at that relationship, but it’s not going to go anywhere, and I know this because I know she’s still in love with me. I’m sure of it.

Popping off the couch armrest, I walk to the base of the staircase, then shout, “Come on, Lucy Goosey… shake a leg.”

In exasperation, she draws out her return yell. “D-a-a-a-a-d…”

I grin, feeling good about things.


The drive over to Lucy’s friend’s house takes about twenty minutes, and I let Lucy chatter on about whatever interests her. I don’t want to risk any “lame dad” moves, particularly when I feel we’re making a fresh start.

We pull up to the curb. Lucy grabs for the door handle, her other hand gripping her backpack.

“Wait a minute, kiddo,” I say, nabbing her upper arm until she faces me.

She’s excited to see her friends, aggravated I’m holding her back. Her expression says it all.

“I want to talk about your request for a puppy,” I say.

Immediately, the exasperation disappears. In its place, her blue eyes begin to shimmer with excitement. She leans in toward me, smiling from ear to ear.

She’s totally into me right now—and all because I said the word “puppy”. I find it hilarious.

“Your mom and I talked, and we both had the same concerns over whether you’re ready for the responsibility for caring—”

“I am,” Lucy blurts out. “Really… I swear it.”

I hold up a hand for silence, giving her a gentle smile. “I know you say that, but as parents, it’s our right to question it.”

Her excited expression crumbles.

“However,” I drawl.

Hope springs eternal in her eyes.

“We think we’ve come up with a good solution,” I say, then explain the puppy foster program. Ella did the initial research. She found two agencies nearby, and I vetted both. We found one that has a litter of puppies that will be ready in about a week and a half.

“So I’m getting one of those puppies?” she asks, practically bouncing in her seat.

“Yes.” I wait for it… There it is—her excited scream. Even with me bracing myself for her next move, she still manages to topple me back as she collides with me, throwing her arms around my shoulders for a hard hug. When she pulls back, I put on my best stern-dad face. “It’s going to be hard work. Puppies need a lot of attention and care. If you do well, though, your mom and I won’t be opposed to finding a dog to add as a permanent member of our family.”

I expected another excited shriek, but what I get is quite the opposite. Lucy’s gaze drops, her face slackening. “Except… we’re not a family.”

I wince because it’s a potent reminder our split has had serious effects on Lucy, which she’s still working through. Despite Ella and I putting on a friendly, united front for Lucy’s benefit, she’s still sad we’re not together.

“Of course we’re still a family,” I assure her, pulling her back in for a comforting hug. “I’m still your dad, your mom is still your mom, and you’re still the light of our lives.”

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Arizona Vengeance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024