Sold for the Greek's Heir - Page 18

With difficulty Jax dragged his lips from her writhing body and stared down at her. She was his wife now. Signed, sealed and delivered. In the strangest way, he registered, he liked that, liked that ring on her finger that marked her as his and loved the way she was looking up at him as though he had hung the moon.

‘You will be very tired tomorrow,’ Jax forecast without hesitation. ‘I’m planning to take everything you can offer and then some more.’

Without hesitation, Lucy leant up and claimed his sensual, taunting mouth for herself, revelling in the instant rush of hungry need he betrayed. He scored the edge of his teeth across her full lower lip, dallied over the sensitive skin below her ear and then returned to his self-imposed worship of her full breasts. He lashed the hard little tips into swollen, throbbing sensitivity and her hips rose beneath his long, lean physique until he settled a leg between hers, giving her the pressure she craved at the crux of her body.

The demanding ache at the heart of her spread, sending little tingles through every skin cell, building and building her tension. He teased her nipples with his teeth and the heat of a climax simply exploded through Lucy in a glorious rush that made her cry out and jerk under him.

‘That’s one…’ Jax husked with satisfaction.

‘You’re counting now?’ Lucy mumbled distractedly, dragged into brain-dead lethargy by the shimmering backwash of sheer pleasure.

‘I always was goal-orientated,’ Jax reminded her, working his passage slowly down her quivering length.

Tell him you know about the blackmail, a guilty little inner voice urged her. But that would unleash a very difficult conversation after an extremely long and trying day. In any case Jax was reasonably happy at this precise moment, she decided, and she didn’t want to spoil things. Later they would both be more relaxed and less tense. He tugged her thighs apart and buried his mouth there and suddenly her brain didn’t have any space left in which to be rational. Suddenly she became a twisting, gasping creature at the mercy of her own sensual responses.

Jax slid a finger through her silky folds. He stroked her, smiling as she moaned and shifted, striving to urge him on, but in bed Jax was always in control, most particularly because Lucy had no control.

‘Torture!’ she muttered between gritted teeth, a rosy flush and perspiration slicking her skin as she thrashed under his ministrations, gasping as he hit the exact spot where she was most sensitive.

‘I love the taste of you,’ Jax growled, the vibrations of his dark deep drawl pulsing through her tender flesh.

Involuntarily, her body erupted again, driven to the point of explosive climax by the intensity of her excitement. She screamed his name and jerked and then fell still, wonder creeping over her that anyone could possibly wreak such havoc with her system and give her that much pleasure.

‘Thee mou, I want you so much,’ Jax ground out as he slid over her, his hands strong on her hips to angle her back.

He entered her slowly, urging her tender flesh to open for him and stretch, and the sensation made her dizzy with yearning and wildly impatient for more. He eased back and then pushed in hard and deep and her body convulsed and tightened round him, intense sensation ravishing her. A string of tiny sounds was wrenched from her parted lips as he ground into her and picked up the pace, raw excitement flooding her as she tilted up to meet him, hot, damp and abandoned as the wild roller coaster of sensation raged on and on. He slammed into her with primal force and her body just splintered from the inside out, taking her apart in pieces so that she slumped back on the bed, barely aware of his muffled groan of completion but welcoming the warm, heavy weight of him.

Empty of all conscious thought, Lucy skated her hands over Jax’s smooth damp back and then wrapped her arms round him tightly. He was struggling to catch his breath close to her ear and she smiled and twisted her head to kiss him on the cheek.

Jax froze as though she had crossed some invisible boundary line. He refused to do that stuff with her again. Bone and sinew he rejected any show of affection that came from her and he yanked back from her and rolled away. He wasn’t buying into that again with her, no way! She had given him that same hugging and petting and apparent warmth in Spain and he knew it was meaningless. He had known that when he saw her in that alleyway having sex with another man. As that cringe-making memory returned, Jax wanted to smash a fist into the wall.

That was better left buried and he knew it, particularly now that they were married. When he thought about it, he felt seething anger and violent. Forgiveness wasn’t in his vocabulary and forgetting wasn’t in his nature. There wasn’t any reason for him to think about that sordid episode, he told himself grimly. All he had to do for his own protection was remember that she was treacherous and watch out when she was around other men.

When Jax jerked away from her and headed for what she assumed was the bathroom, Lucy felt as if he had slapped her in the face. He had recoiled from her as if she were contagious, as if he couldn’t bear her touch. After such intimacy, that hit hard and hurt, spelling out the message that once he had had sex, he was up and away, any pretence of courtesy or caring set aside and rejected.

She felt hollow and very, very foolish. This was the aggressive male her father had blackmailed into marrying her and this was the payoff, she assumed sickly. Evidently he had taken the only thing he actually wanted from her and now she was like an abandoned toy, a distraction good enough only to be tossed back in the cupboard until the next time he wanted to take her out and play with her.

‘You don’t like it when I touch you after sex,’ she accused baldly.

Jax shot her a winging glance from narrowed green eyes that glittered. ‘Because it’s fake.’

Lucy sat up. ‘It wasn’t fake,’ she told him but he had already vanished into the bathroom and within seconds she heard the sound of a shower running.

Well, Jax needn’t think that was the end of the conversation just because he wanted it that way, Lucy thought angrily. She scrambled out of bed and grabbed up her handbag to extract the letter that Kreon had given her. Whether she liked it or not, it was time to be open and honest. She opened the bedroom door and found their luggage piled outside. She lifted a case and dragged it in, opening it up to remove a light cotton robe. Nothing slinky about her nightwear, she reflected ruefully. Iola had insisted on buying her some stuff and the prospect of Jax gazing in disbelief at her chain-store PJ’s had persuaded her. She wrapped herself in the robe, watching out of the corner of her eye as Jax strode naked into what sounded like an en-suite dressing room because she could hear drawers being rammed open and shut and cupboard doors being slammed. My goodness, he was in a bad mood…so much for her assumption that intimacy would bring relaxation and a release of tension!

Jax reappeared, clad in a pair of faded jeans and a black tee shirt that clung to his muscular torso. He headed straight for the trolley and opened it before lifting a plate and piling food on it. ‘Would you like anything?’ he asked with studious politeness and she wanted to slap him for his tone.

‘Not right now, thanks,’ she murmured tightly. ‘I have something for you… Kreon gave it to me today.’

Jax swung round, fully acknowledging her for the first time, his lean, darkly handsome face guarded until he saw and immediately recognised what was in her hand and he stalked forward to snatch it from her with a profound look of revulsion.

‘Were you in it with him?’ Jax shot at her accusingly, for most ironically that possibility hadn’t occurred to him and right there and then he called himself an idiot for not having suspected her active involvement in Kreon’s blackmail threat.


chest swelled on a stark indrawn breath of shock as she drew herself up to her full unimpressive height. ‘Are you certifiably insane?’ she demanded in fiery rebuttal of that suspicion. ‘Yesterday, after the wedding, Kreon told me what he had done to you because he felt guilty. He knew he’d done wrong—’

‘Diavolos…’ Jax derided. ‘Kreon felt guilty? You will never know what a comfort that is to me!’

‘He did wrong but he’s not a bad man and the mistake you made was in not immediately coming to me about my father’s threat and the existence of that letter,’ Lucy condemned with conviction. ‘I believe I could’ve stopped it because he would have been too ashamed to continue with it once I knew about what he was doing.’

‘And pigs fly and there’s two blue moons in the sky,’ Jax scorned, shaking his tousled dark head in wonderment, green eyes as cutting as sword blades. ‘I’ll ask you one more time…were you aware of his intentions?’

‘No, I blasted well wasn’t!’ Lucy shouted back at him, her blue eyes flooded with angry, defensive discomfiture. ‘How can you even ask me that? I wasn’t expecting you to ask me to marry you, wasn’t even thinking along those lines!’

Jax cocked his proud dark head back, black curling lashes semi-screening his stunning eyes. ‘It’s done now.’

‘Yes,’ she acknowledged uncomfortably. ‘But I had nothing to do with the blackmail or any idea of what was going on behind the scenes—’

‘But it all worked in your favour, all the same,’ Jax spelt out with contempt. ‘You got to marry into the Antonakos family.’

‘Well, from where I’m standing now, on my wedding night, marrying into the Antonakos family is not the triumph it’s purported to be!’ Lucy shot back at him furiously, an angry flush mantling her cheeks. ‘In fact it feels like hell, most particularly when I seem to have a husband who can happily have sex with me and then virtually push me away afterwards!’

Tags: Lynne Graham Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024