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Theirs to Master (Miami Masters 6)

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“Sir.” Troy punctuated his stern rebuke with the increased pressure of one gloved finger over her nipples.

Paige groaned, the pain just sharp enough to crumble the edges of her resistance. “Sir.”

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Trevor whispered in her ear, soothing the sting with a soft brush of fur over her nipple. “Your nipples say you like the dual sensations between the vampire glove and my rabbit furred one.” Another finger-glide over each nipple sent a zing of pleasure between her spread legs. His amused voice echoed in her ear, adding a shiver of pleasure she was beginning to crave more than her next breath. “Now, be quiet and let us play.”

She hated it when they dictated to her like that, but loved it when they touched her where she ached for them the most. The darkness enhanced the sensations running amok as they pinpricked and soothed their way over her nipples, down her quivering abdomen and around to her buttocks. A harder press scraped over the fleshy mounds of her butt, leaving behind a tingling pain that ignited a firestorm of heat deep inside her quivering pussy. Her pulse spiked at the delay of a softer caress, the pause giving the discomfort just enough time to seep into her muscles. Paige bit her lip, refusing to voice a complaint or plea, wanting to prove she could handle whatever they did. She hadn’t counted on the swift rise of arousal clouding her senses even more than Trevor’s belated caress over her warm, throbbing buttocks now tingling from an amassing of minor stings.

“Shit on a cracker,” she muttered as they ventured a diabolical journey down the back of one leg and up the front of the other, leaving behind a warm, prickly trail covering her skin. Perspiration broke out in the wake of blossoming pleasure-pain exploding over her skin. Troy rested his spiked-gloved hand on her upper right thigh while Trevor paused on her left, and then they pressed their lips to her ears, tugging on her earlobes with sharp teeth before drawing goosebumps by tonguing the sensitive whorls inside the shells. Their dual torment left her vibrating in the restraints, aching for more… more, more.

She arched her head back, the teasing stroke of ungloved fingers playing a soft tune over her labia shattering the last of her resistance. Thrusting her hips forward, she whispered a tormented plea. “Please… please touch me.”

“We are.” Troy’s calm, smug voice came from behind her and she ground her teeth together to keep from snarling at him. “But if you want more, then by all means…”

Paige screamed with the burst of tempered, needle-sharp pricks blazing over the tender flesh of her folds. Instead of the calming stroke of fur soothing the torment, fingers spread her labia and delved deep enough to tease her sweet spot. She cursed long and low as they withdrew and then almost choked on a startled gasp when one spiked finger brushed very lightly against her sensitive clit. As welcome as the sun after the rain, several orgasms rolled through her, unraveling so fast, one after another, they robbed her of breath and left her body steeped in pleasure, her mind numb with it. The greediness of her need shocked her. Then two mouths latched onto her nipples and bare fingers slid through her slick folds to pummel her depths with body-jarring plunges aimed at keeping the onslaught of climaxes going, and all she could do was hang on and ride out the consuming pleasure.

* * *

Trevor knew the moment the fog of ecstasy lifted and the need to wrestle back control took over. As soon as they released her hands and ankles, Paige flung off the blindfold and, with a calculating, determined gleam in her eyes, dropped to her knees in front him.

Looking up, she smiled despite the way her hands shook when she moved to free his cock. “Your turn,” she said before taunting him by running her tongue over her upper lip.

“Hey, what about me?” Troy asked with feigned insult.

Trevor bit back a laugh when she flipped her head around and quipped, “You already had your turn.” The slow swipe of her tongue over his cockhead erased his amusement, the instant lick of pleasure from her touch forcing a deep, indrawn breath.

Troy reached down and tugged on a nipple, a rare, indulgent look on his face as he said, “Haven’t you learned you’re not the boss yet?”

God, it pleased him to see his brother lighten up for a change, Trevor thought as he clasped Paige’s bright red head. “I’d say for about the next ten minutes she is.”

Paige’s hot mouth engulfed his aching flesh, forcing him to tighten his jaw and hands on her head as she threatened his composure. Kneeling before him, naked, her skin dotted with the pink marks they’d left behind, she posed an erotic picture as stimulating as watching her earlier when she had sucked off his brother. Hot combusted into scorching heat with the scrape of her nails down his shaft, his long, low moan resonating around them. He didn’t know if it was her suckling lips and stroking tongue or the woman herself that could claim responsibility for his quick response, but he saved his analysis for later. Right now, the moist recess of her mouth threatened to hijack his brain cells as heat engulfed his cockhead and traveled a searing path down his shaft to pool in his groin.

Trevor switched his gaze from Paige’s bright, bobbing head to his brother, who was packing up their toy bag. “Christ, you could’ve warned me,” he ground out.

“It’s more fun to watch you struggle,” Troy returned with a smirk.

“And you didn’t?” he shot back. Troy grunted without answering and then one soft hand cupped Trevor’s sac, forcing another deep, indrawn breath. She flicked him a sultry, dove-gray glance before closing her eyes and rolling his balls in her palm, shredding his control with the switch from soft tongue strokes lapping around his dick to tiny nibbles over the blood-pumping veins. “Fuck!”

Troy raised a sarcastic brow and reached down to swat Paige’s ass. “Hurry up, girl. Zach just returned to the helm to take us in.”

Trevor would take him to task for rushing her, but the strong suctions around his cockhead worked too well at pulling his climax from his balls. He swayed with the sudden glide of the yacht, his body jerking as he spewed into her greedy, never ending mouth. Mind-blowing ecstasy consumed him for endless seconds, and it was only when Paige released him and cool air wafted over his damp cock that he could pull his head out of the clouds of euphoria.

Chapter 11

“We need to talk.” Troy glanced from Paige’s slumped head resting on Trevor’s shoulder to his brother’s face.

The sun had set by the time they’d sailed into the marina and hit the road back home. He’d waited for Paige’s obvious exhaustion to take over before talking with Trevor. To say the girl had thrown him for a loop today would be the understatement of the year. He hadn’t believed Trevor whenever his sibling would hint their favorite bartender held more submissive promise than what showed on the surface. Troy had always enjoyed her friendly flirting, her silly phrases and, yes, even those sparks of temper every redhead seemed to possess. And after seeing the lengths she’d been willing to subject herself to to avenge her sister, his admiration of her rose several notches despite his irritation over her meddling and fear for her safety. But not once in all the months she’d been working at The Precinct, had he believed she possessed a submissive streak.

Sometimes, it really irked him when Trevor was right.

“You don’t think she’ll quit setting herself up?” Trevor whispered over Paige’s head.

“She’ll have to now that Damien knows about her subterfuge. He won’t let her into Sanctuary. I’m not as concerned about that as I am about where we go from here. You and I, with her,” he clarified when Trevor’s brows dipped in confusion.

A slow grin creased Trevor’s cheeks, revealing straight, white teeth their parents had sunk a small fortune into. Lucky for Troy he’d been spared braces, something he used to enjoy tossing in his older brother’s face.

“It took a little longer than with me, but she got to you too, didn’t she?”

Troy shook his head. “Let’s just say now I’m willing to explore how far we can take her.” He wouldn’t admit to anything else until he knew for certain thi

s was more than a desire for a different flavor of ice cream after choosing the same tastes for so long.

“That’s good enough for me. For now. Ray will like her.”

Troy slammed the brakes on going down that road. “Sex, bro, that’s all I’ll agree to. No reason to introduce her to family.”

“Have it your way, for now.”

It had taken Troy years to call Ray family. The beat cop had picked up their rebellious asses off the streets, sent them to that summer camp for juvenile delinquents and then petitioned the courts for legal guardianship, catching them unawares with his determination to set them back on the straight and narrow. He and Trevor were the luckiest of all the boys they’d bonded with the summer they were fifteen. Their home lives had been picture-perfect, growing up with both loving parents in a nice, upper middle-class neighborhood. The two of them attended a small private high school where they’d excelled in grades and sports, Troy landing on the varsity soccer team while Trevor shot hoops with the senior basketball players.

After their parents’ sudden deaths in a car accident, they’d landed in foster care and a different school. Consumed with grief and anger, they had lashed out at anybody who tried to help, run away numerous times, and ended up getting caught when buying drugs for the first time. Alcohol hadn’t worked to ease the pain of their loss and they’d never gotten the chance to sample the drugs. It wasn’t until they’d met five other boys whose tragic home lives were worse than what Troy and Trevor had lost, followed by Ray picking them up at the bus depot and announcing they’d be coming home with him that their hard shells cracked for the first time.

Pulling into Paige’s drive, he cut the engine and looked over at his brother again. The look on Trevor’s face as he gazed down upon Paige portrayed more than caring concern for a sub they’d put through the paces. A touch of longing softened his brother’s craggy features, and Troy found himself hard pressed not to feel the same yearning when he looked at the sleeping redhead now. What had happened, or changed, to make him feel for her something he’d never experienced with another woman? Sex, bro, that’s all I’ll agree to. He hated to admit it, but that statement came across as an obvious protest against someone who just may have snuck under his skin a while back without him knowing it.

“C’mon, sleepyhead. You’re home.” Troy shook her shoulder and enjoyed watching the grogginess clouding her eyes change to slow awareness when the overhead light flicked on as he opened the door.

“Already?” Paige blinked in confusion before her mind cleared and she sat upright with a rueful smile. “Wow. That’s never happened before. I’m used to staying up late, not conking out before nine.”

“Multiple orgasms will do that to you,” Trevor teased, taking her hand and helping her out.

They walked her up to the door, Troy insisting on unlocking it and taking a visual sweep of the interior before asking, “Are you okay, or do you want us to stick around?” She’d slept through the residual aftershocks of their intense scene, but he wanted to be sure none lingered to upset her after they left.

Paige rolled her eyes and held out her hand for the key. “I’m fine. It’ll take more than several orgasms to rattle me. As I said, I can handle whatever you toss at me.”

She averted her face with that last remark, a small furrow appearing between her slim brows. Troy glanced at Trevor and he shrugged. Odds were she was tired and out of sorts from all the sensation play. For a newbie, Troy had to admit her responses had surprised him. In that regard, Trevor had been right, the girl possessed hidden depths he now wouldn’t mind diving into. Of course, he’d never admit that to his brother.

“Then we’ll say goodnight.” Trevor cupped her face and kissed her long and hard before Troy did the same. They left her with swollen lips, a bemused expression and a look of regret in her eyes neither understood.

* * *

Paige locked the door behind Troy and Trevor and leaned against it with a tired sigh. The afternoon had gone better, and worse, than she’d expected, and she didn’t know how to deal with it. Never in her wildest fantasies had she imagined herself submitting to two men the way she’d caved on that decadent, floating vessel. It had helped instead of hindered her to have Sandie and her husband on board also, with Sandie enduring similar torment to what the brothers had heaped upon Paige. Misery loved company and all that. Only, it hadn’t turned out to be miserable, just the opposite, as her still swollen, pulsing vagina, tingling nipples and sore rectum attested to.

By applying their skills together, they’d revealed a part of her she’d never known existed. She didn’t know whether to hope the remnants of debauchery lasted a while for her to savor or disappeared fast so she could put the day behind her and move past the regrets.

Pushing away from the door, she padded into the kitchen to raid her stash of chocolate as she tried to ignore the too quiet house and the pang Penny’s absence wrought. She could use a heart-to-heart with her sister about now, but didn’t want to disturb her if she was resting. Dipping her hand into the jar on the counter, she pulled out two mini nougat bars, unwrapped one and bit into it with relish. The flavor burst over her tongue much the same as Trevor’s cum, and she recalled her groan of appreciation at the taste of him. She’d relished every drop almost as much as she savored getting in the last word when they’d released her from the cuffs.

But somehow, now that the glow was wearing off, that small victory was no longer enough. Between Trevor’s light-hearted cajoling and Troy’s hard-edged demands, she’d been lost the second they had touched her, and that was a first for her. By the time she finished the candy, tiredness pulled at her and she decided to wait until morning to deal with that.

Paige’s entire body continued to twitch with sensitive awareness as she walked down the hall to the bathroom, still feeling the remnants of itchy pinpricks from that wicked glove. Troy had been careful not to press too hard, just enough to scrape her skin with small pricks that were only uncomfortable until Trevor soothed them into pulsating throbs with his softer glove. Her arousal from the contradictory sensations had gone ballistic in a way she’d never dreamed could happen.

After filling the tub, she stripped and stepped in with a tired sigh. She winced as the hot water lapped over her bare labia, reminding her of the pinpricks on that tender skin. She glanced down, surprised to see no marks marring her flesh, only lingering pinkness around the protrusion of her still puffy clit. “Oh, no, no more tonight, you betraying little slut,” she groaned aloud. Paige remembered how the two of them had reduced her to this pathetic state without even fucking her, and a wave of despondency washed over her. She regretted that the most. Since she’d fulfilled the terms of the auction contract, and the chances of her returning to Sanctuary before anyone caught Penny’s attacker were nil, odds went against getting the chance to fulfill that fantasy with either brother.

In fact, Paige doubted she would see or hear much from either Carlson now. God, she wished her sister was home. She could use a sympathetic shoulder to cry on right about now.

* * *

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Penny’s heart skittered to an abrupt stop at hearing Master Damien’s deep, commanding voice before resuming with a rapid, panicky beat. Shoulders slumped, she turned to face him standing in the doorway. She’d been so close. A warmth had filled her chest when he’d announced earlier he would be gone for a few hours visiting his mother who resided in a retirement home. Who wouldn’t grow enamored of a man who took such good care of his elderly parent?

“I’ve taken enough of your time,” she choked out around the lump caught in her throat. His thundercloud expression didn’t bode well for that excuse. Her plan to have her things packed and be out of his house by the time he returned wasn’t going too well. When he slowly crossed his arms over his wide chest and continued to stare her down with his icy blue gaze, she fidgeted from foot to foot and cast her eyes down before adding, “You have to admit, I’m much better. I don?

??t need looking after.” Damn it, why was he the only man her backbone turned to water over?

He kept silent for another thirty seconds before knocking the breath out of her with his next words. “As your Master, it’s up to me to decide what you need. Or, has it been so long since you’ve lived with a Dom, you’ve forgotten that?”

Penny’s gaze flew up, and she stared at him aghast before a kernel of anger tightened her stomach. The infuriating man had featured in her nighttime fantasies for years, yet had never once showed the slightest personal interest in her until the attack. She didn’t need a pity Master, or a guilt-ridden one.

“My Master? Isn’t that carrying your guilty conscience a bit far? As I’ve told you several times, I don’t blame you or anyone else for the assault on me.” Uh, oh. She took a hasty step back when he narrowed his eyes and his large hands slid to his waist, his long fingers caressing the black, braided leather of his belt. How many times had she eyed that accessory with a longing to feel the lash of a painful spanking searing her skin again?

Master Damien wasn’t a Dom many dared to cross, not even away from the club. Every sub he welcomed into Sanctuary learned quickly not to sass him or disobey a rule, not unless she wanted to end up over his lap or strapped down on a spanking bench. He’d sent countless women running from the room in tears, but Penny had craved that strict dominance for as long as she could remember. She had to remember his actions hadn’t given credence to his claim of being her Master.

He cocked his head with his direct stare. “Is that what you think? That I brought you here because I feel guilty?”

That silken tone sent shivers up and down her body, but Penny refused to look away from him. “I… you put me in your guest room!” she blurted, her face heating from what that confused, tortured announcement revealed. Every night she’d lain awake aching for his rough possession, for something other than demands to eat or rest, for him to show he wanted her, even if just for a short time, like all his other subs. Every solicitous touch this past week had delivered a jolt of hot sexual need down to her empty, aching pussy, a need he’d appeared oblivious to. She was so desperate for the man, she found herself willing to take crumbs to satisfy the hunger she’d carried for him for years.

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