A Billionaire for Christmas - Page 232

“Love lessons for Alonzo, sir.”

I throw up my hands. “That’s not how you play!”

“I know, sir. You’re the expert. That’s why Alonzo needs you.”

“How do you even know he needs me?”

“I spy on him, sir.”

“Wait, what?”

“I spy on all of you, sir. My organization is… equipped for such things.”

“What organization?”

“Jesse!” Emma calls from the middle cabin. “We’re landing!”

“Coming!” I stand up and start pulling on my pants, then direct my attention back to Miles. “Like… the Worldwide Butlers’ Club?”

“Precisely, sir.”

“That was a joke, Miles. Who do you work for?”


“Jesus Christ, Emma. I’m coming!” I point at Miles. “We’re not done here.”

“We are, sir. I’ll forward you all my info via email. Merry Christmas.” Then he walks to the door, opens it up, and slides it closed behind him.

I let out a long breath. Alonzo?

Nope. I’m gonna go buy Miles a nice watch and call it good.

I find my shirt and shoes, finish getting dressed, and then join Emma at the breakfast table just as we begin our descent.

“Quick,” she says, pointing to the table. “Eat. Because once we land, we have things to do.”

“What things?” I ask, grabbing a piece of toast and shoving it in my mouth. “What does the Dumas family do on Christmas Day? Oh, do we get to have a make-up dinner because we missed last night? God, I hope so. I’m starving.”

“Mmmm… no,” Emma says, shrugging her shoulders up to her ears as she grins big.

“Sailing? Diving? Water-skiing? What else do you guys do? Oh, I know—fishing. Are we going fishing?”

“Nope.” She’s still grinning like a mad woman.

“Then why are we in a hurry?” I look down at the breakfast. I could eat this whole table, that’s how hungry I am.

“You’ll see.” And just as she says that, the jet lands and we brake hard. “But I’m gonna need you to put these on.”

I glance at the headphones Emma is offering me. “What?”

“Just put them on. And this too.” She opens one closed fist to reveal a blindfold.

“Mrs. Boston,” I say.

“Mr. Boston?”

“What the hell are you up to?”

“You’ll see. Just put them on. Trust me, you don’t want to ruin this surprise.”

“It’s a Christmas present?”

“Yes, it’s a Christmas present.” She shakes the headphones at me.

“Is it a Lamborghini?”

“No.” She chuckles. “We already have one of those.”

“Hmm. Is it… a sex toy?”

“Jesse Boston!”

“What? That’s what people use headphones and blindfolds for, right?”

She gets up out of her seat, even though we’re still taxiing, and walks around the table, slips the blindfold over my eyes, and slaps the headphones over my ears. Then she pulls one away from my ear, leans into me, and whispers, “Do not even think about peeking, mister.”

“Bossy,” I say.

She lets the headphone slap back against my head and music starts to play. Classical music with the volume turned way, way up. So I literally cannot hear a damn thing.

Once the jet has stopped, she leads me out. It’s a little chilly this morning in Key West, and I suddenly hope we’re not going diving. I hate being in the water when it’s cold.

Emma leads me by the arm. I try to pay attention. Try to figure out where we’re at. I’m pretty familiar with the Key West airport. We fly in to the jet club a lot. But I can’t, for the life of me, figure out exactly where we are in the club without eyes and ears.

She’s probably taking me to the marina. I bet there’s a yacht involved. Maybe she didn’t buy me one, but she knows how much I love sailing.

Or maybe we’re going back to her parents’ house for a huge reception. I can see Emma wanting total control over the wedding reception since her bossy mom and Kraken Karen actually did get their way in all things Baby Boston wedding.

Or maybe… she’s taking me to a five-star hotel and when she takes this blindfold off, she’ll be standing there in kinky lingerie, ready for another wedding night?

I like all these ideas as she puts a hand on my head, indicating I should duck and get into the waiting car. I’m actually pretty excited about this little surprise she’s cooked up.

Then the car is moving. But… the drive is kinda long. And there’s a lot of traffic because it feels like every minute or so we stop to wait at a light.

Where the hell are we?

Finally we stop and I’m helped out of the car. Emma’s hand finds mine and we’re walking again. Definitely outside. And it’s not Key West. I know this for sure now. It’s cold.

But pretty soon we’re inside again. Then we’re on an elevator.

I think I’ve been a good sport so far, but now I’m dying! Like… dying to know what the hell is happening. Because it’s Christmas and if we’re not in Key West—holy shit. My new mother-in-law is gonna kill me if we don’t show up for Christmas.

Tags: Carly Phillips, Willow Winters, J.A. Huss Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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