Fairytale Shifters - Page 23

Some of the tension leaves his body, and he cups my face. “It’s been so long since I cared about anything. I don’t think I could survive without you. In fact, I know I couldn't. I want to make you happy. I want you to be here because you want to, not because our mated bond makes you.”

“How do you know I don’t feel the same way? Hmm? You’re the biggest wolf I’ve ever seen in my life. Any shifter woman would be proud to be your mate.”

“You had me before the mating, or have you forgotten already? I was once so worried, I thought about stealing you on your eighteenth birthday and keeping you. I would lock us away somewhere our mates could never find us so we would never be apart, mating bond or not. Until…” His words trail off like they always seem to do when he thinks about his mother and sister.

“I missed you.” His eyes snap back to mine. “When you stopped coming and watching me, you took a piece of me with you. I finally just got it back.” I lay my hand over his heart and feel it beat wildly. “We were made for each other. I can feel it in my soul. I’m here because I want to be. I came for you in that cage not because of some mating heat, I came because you’re my other half.”

He pulls my face to his, our mouths locking in a soft kiss. When he pulls back, I can tell it took everything in him to do it.

“I need to feed you.” His tone is firm, like I might argue with him, but my stomach rumbles at the same time, agreeing with him. That makes him chuckle. Taking one last kiss, he pulls away from me and starts taking out what seems like everything he has in the refrigerator.

I look at all the items and wonder what he might possibly be making. He seems confused by what to do with all of it now that it’s out.

“Why don’t you go get me a shirt, and I’ll cook for us?”


“No?” I raise my eyebrows at him, and he just shrugs. “It’s no big deal. I can cook. I actually really like doing it.”

“I meant ‘no’ to the shirt. I like you bare. I can mount you anytime I want.”

I can’t say that I disagree, enjoying my view of his naked ass strolling all over the kitchen, but I’m not cooking naked.

“I could get burnt from splatter.” He drops a pan he pulled from a drawer and leaves the kitchen heading down the hall without a word. Two seconds later, he’s back with a shirt and slides it over my head.

“The only marks on your skin are to be made by me.” He leaves the kitchen again, only to return with a chair. He puts it in the middle of the kitchen, planting his ass in it.

“I’ll make sure no harm comes to you while you cook.” He sits there, watching my every move. Okay then.

I keep it simple, grabbing some eggs and steak and getting to work on making us something to eat. It’s then I can take in my new home.

“You built this?” I ask, cracking the eggs into the pan and adding in a few ingredients. It’s gorgeous, but it seems kind of empty.

“I built it for you.” And there it is. He built the house, and he was waiting for me to make it a home. He wants me to bring it to life, something he might think I’ll do myself, but we’ll do it together. He and our kids will fill it with life, paint the bare walls with our memories.

Throwing the steaks on next, I try to broach the subject carefully. I thought about waiting until after the next full moon when the mating heat isn’t riding us so hard, but someone will come before that.

“We have to face them,” I tell him as I stir the eggs. A loud growl that would send most wolves running fills the room, but I don’t even flinch. In fact, I turn and roll my eyes at him. He’s all bark and no bite. Scratch that, he does bite but only in the most pleasurable ways.

“The sooner we get this over with, the better. Why put off the inevitable? We face my brother and be done with it.” I turn back to the stove, turning the steaks.

“What if he wants to challenge me? I’d kill your brother.”

I turn and face him. I think he could win in an alpha challenge against my brother. But I don’t want him to be alpha. I want him to be mine. I’ve seen what kind of responsibilities my brother has had leading the pack. I’ll share Xavier with no one, other than our pups.

“You want to be alpha?”

“No.” His answer is instant. “But I won’t let anyone take what’s mine. Alpha or not, I won’t tolerate that from anyone.”

“Would you do anything for me?”

“Without question.”

I smile at his words, but then I see something flash across his face. A touch of anger. “Except give you up,” he adds, as a knock lands on the door.

Chapter 11


I stand up and go to walk toward the door, but Gwen catches my arm. I turn back and see her take a breath.

“It’s Winne. Go puts some pants on. I don’t want her seeing you naked.” She sounds irritated by that thought, and I can’t help but love her possessive nature when it comes to me.

“I want no other. You have no reason to be jealous,” I remind her, wanting her to know I'd never want another.

She gives me a hard look that makes me smile before I run back to the bedroom and pull on a pair of loose shorts. I make it back to the living room as Gwen goes to the door.

Running over, I step in front of her and grab the doorknob. I look at Gwen over my shoulder. “You stay right here. I’ll handle this.”

She rolls her eyes at me but doesn’t move. “You could have least put a shirt on, too.” She eyes my hairy chest and licks her lips.

I need to get this Winnie person out of here as fast as possible. I want to be alone with my mate. I jerk open the door and see a short dark-haired girl in baggy clothes looking down at the ground.

“What do you want?”

“Xavier!” Gwen’s voice is chastising as she pushes me out of the way and opens the door wider. “Come inside, Winne.”

I grab Gwen’s hand and pull her behind me. I want to be able to deal with any threat. She peeks around me as Winnie comes into the living room. She’s still staring at the ground and doesn’t look up at me.

“Winnie, what’s wrong? Why are you out here?”

The little shifter finally looks up and meets my eyes, only to look away again. “He’s coming.”

“Who?” I ask, looking at the front door.

“Stone,” Gwen says from behind me, her voice laced with anger.

“I overheard him talking to Dominic, and he’s on his way. I followed your scent and came to warn you.” Winnie looks up into Gwen’s eyes, and I see tenderness there. “You’re a good friend to me, and I think you deserve happiness with your mate. Not to be broken apart. I can’t believe he’s doing this to you.”

“Thank you. Anyone who is kind to my mate is welcome in our home,” I tell her.

Gwen runs back to the bedroom, leaving Winnie standing in the living room, and I follow behind her. She grabs a pair of my running shorts and slips them on, rolling the waist a dozen times to get them to stay up.

“What are you doing?” I watch her movements, wondering why she’s putting on clothes.

“I just want to be ready for whatever happens.”

I walk over and take her face in my hands and try to rub the worry lines away from her forehead. “Nothing is going to happen. You aren’t going anywhere. This is your home now, and you are my mate. Nothing and no one will change that.”

She reaches up and puts her hand over mine, and we press our foreheads together.

The sound of the front door opening has us both looking up. Grabbing Gwen’s hand, I move towards the living room.

“He’s here,” Winnie says, looking out the open doorway to the clearing in front of the house.

“Stay here,” I order, leaving Gwen inside with Winnie as I walk out onto the porch.

Stone walks from the tree line just as I reach the edge of the porch. He walks through the clearing and stands a few feet away as walk down the steps to meet him.

He’s looking at the house and the surro

unding area with a questioning look in his eyes. He doesn’t ask anything, and I can sense he’s one pissed-off alpha.

“What do you want, Stone?” I don’t have time for games. He needs to say what he wants and leave. I have a mate to bond with.

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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