Home for the Holidays - Page 26

She wouldn’t have the first clue about how I was raised. She hadn’t played a significant part in it. It was all nannies and boarding school for me. In fact, she actually had the most hands-on experience raising my younger brother because he talked her out of boarding school.

“I’m engaged, Mother. He needs to know there’s boundaries and that he can’t pop in and out of my place whenever he wants.” That’s the fucking truth. The plan going forward is that no one is going to have a key to my place. Not with Angel walking around naked. I suppose her mother could have one. I’m also thinking Angel will want to give her best friend a key to wherever she lives. I wouldn’t have a problem with either of those. I’m finding that these boundaries I’m creating are for my family.

“How do you hop from one fiancée to another so quickly?” It’s not really a question she’s asking, so she keeps going. “If I’d known this is how easy you move on I would’ve been setting you up a long time ago with someone more suitable.”

I step out of my office and see Angel is still in the bedroom. I left her to get ready after our shower. I should make her breakfast.

“She's different.” Kelly and I were never going to get married. With Angel I’m thinking we actually should. I’m going to have to find a way to talk her into it. She’s looking for what her parents have, and I’m not capable of that. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around their relationship. I can give her anything else in the world but not that. The thought of her leaving me brings that weird ache to my chest again.

“How?” I could list a million things, but it would be pointless. She wouldn’t actually listen. She doesn’t even care really.

“There are going to be a few ladies you should meet at the holiday party.” Fuck. The holiday party. How the hell did I forget about that? “What time will you be getting here tonight?”

“When it starts.” I’ll have to check my calendar. I can’t believe it slipped my mind. This might not be the worst thing. The first time Angel meets my family, my mother will have to be on good behavior with so many people around.

“I really think I should have met her before this. People will ask me things about her, and I won’t have answers,” she huffs.

“I’m sure the background check you ran on her should give you enough to tell people who can’t mind their own fucking business.”

“Not enough,” she scoffs. The line goes quiet as I scan the fridge looking for something to make my Angel for breakfast. “Anything else you have to say?”

“No.” I can’t help the joy I feel at my mother’s bad mood. I turn when I hear something. My eyes land on Angel. She’s in a pair of black pants that look as though they are painted on and a sweater. Her feet are covered in fuzzy socks. She looks ready for a fire and a day in front of it reading and relaxing.

“Fine. I’ll see you tonight.” She ends the call without a goodbye. I take the Bluetooth out of my ear, tossing it on the counter.

“Everything okay?” Angel comes to stand in front of me. I grab her, lifting her up onto the counter.

“I was going to make you breakfast.”

“You know how to cook?”

I grimace, knowing I don’t have a clue when it comes to cooking. I don’t even have the damn basics down. I could learn, I suppose. It never takes me long to pick up on something. She lets out a giggle that goes straight to my cock.

“I can cook.”

“We can order in.” I hand her my phone and rattle off the code. “Whatever you want.” She starts tapping away at my phone.

“I forgot there is a holiday party I’m supposed to go to tonight.”

“On a Tuesday?”

“Everyone is off tomorrow.” It is Christmas Eve tomorrow night.

“When do we go to your parents’? Mom and I like to cook some on Christmas Eve, and I want to make sure I spend time there.”

“My family celebrates on Christmas Day. At night.”

She nods her head. “That works. We do our stuff on Christmas Eve and then Christmas morning. We’re pretty much done before Christmas night.” She looks up at me. “Not that you have to come for mine. If you have—”

“I’m coming.” I cut her off. I wouldn't miss it. I don’t want to miss it. In fact, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it. “Your mom would kill me.” This makes her smile even bigger at me. I actually think the woman would show up at my house. She’s as sweet as can be, but I’m not going to challenge her.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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