Perfect Chaos (Unyielding 1) - Page 51

“Jesus.” The drum of his voice broke through my haze of desire and I sighed under his mouth. “That’s it. Give in to me.” He trailed kisses down my neck to between my breasts and squeezed my thigh. “Leave it there.” He moved his hand and cupped my breast, his thumb rolling over my nipple.

“Oh, God,” I moaned, every part of me shaking and aching and coursing with the tantalizing heat of Deck. He pinched my nipple—hard. I arched, eyes closing. It hurt like hell but then … then the heat of his mouth soothed the pain and I moaned. His teeth tugged then bit and I gasped.

“Let go.” He drew the sensitive nub into his mouth and suckled.

“Deck.” I didn’t know why I was saying his name out loud. Maybe because I needed to hear my own voice to know this was real. “Please. Fuck me.” The throbbing between my legs had me pushing upward into him, wanting more.

“Never thought I’d hear those words from your lips, Georgie.” Deck moved to my other breast and gave it the same treatment and I swear I was panting like a friggin’ dog by the time he was done.

“I’ve always loved you.” His head snapped up at my words and there was a tightening of his lips as his brow furrowed.

“Georgie.” His voice was hard and unrelenting, and I was uncertain what he meant by saying my name like that. But I soon didn’t care because his hand cupped between my legs and his finger slid into the wetness. “Fuck,” he groaned then slipped two fingers inside me, firm and deep.

The sudden intrusion was uncomfortable. I had a vibrator but I never put it inside me. This was two fingers, and I was uncertain how anything bigger, like his cock, was going to fit without tearing me apart.

He froze. It was every muscle tensing, sniper mode. Even his fingers inside me remained still. He let go of my wrists and grabbed my chin. “You a virgin, Georgie?”

“Well, if you mean have I ever had a cock inside me—no.”

His eyes narrowed, jaw pulsed and he looked intense. He tightened his grip on my chin. “Why?”

Because I had been a girl with a crush that got out of hand. I’d tried to have sex, but I always stopped before it got too far. It never felt right.

He pushed his finger in me a little further. “This,” he said. “You were going to give it to Lionel?”

I shrugged. That had been the idea that night, along with my assignment. I had some explaining to do about Lionel, but with his fingers inside me, I wasn’t saying shit.

“Georgie,” he warned.

I was losing the ache and it was being replaced with pissy. “Seriously, Deck. You’re bringing this up now with your fingers inside me and your cock hard against my thigh.”

“Were you?” He kept his voice calm although it was laced with anger. I knew Deck well enough to know this was really pissing him off. “I’m putting my cock in you no matter what, but I want to hear it from you.”

“God, do you have to take every ounce of pride away from me?”

“It’s not pride I’m taking, Georgie. It’s every fuckin’ thing. Told you that. We don’t go back from here. The bullshit you’ve been throwing around ends. The lies,” he paused and I flinched under him, “now I get to stop it.”

“Stop what?”

He ignored me. “Were you?”

His fingers curled slightly inside me and I clenched around him. His brows lowered and he scowled. “Fine. Yes. I thought about it, but I couldn’t go through with it. I wanted it to be you. It had to be you. I knew since the day I came home from school and you gave me that bowl of ice cream. You scared the crap out of me, but that moment … I saw something in you. It was so clear to me, the sweetness lingering in your eyes, the concern and yeah, the anger was there, but it was all for me.”

Deck let go of my chin, his mouth slamming down on mine and our lips came together in a welding of heat. His thumb circled my clit and I moaned as the ache turned to an intense throb and I tightened around him.

His weight grew heavier still and his hand roamed across my skin, touching every part of me as he kissed me. I bit his lip and he growled, the pressure of his thumb stopping. I arched into him, shifting to the side, trying to get him to rub me again.

He pulled back and I was suddenly cold as his body left me and slipped off the bed. He picked up his jeans, reached into a pocket and pulled out a square package. He ripped it open and I watched as he slid the condom on.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Unyielding Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024