Reign of Night (Thorne Hill 7) - Page 11

“Wouldn’t be the first time. Though it might be only the third or fourth time, which is peanuts compared to you.”

“Hah, unfortunately that’s true.” Each step creaks under our feet. This stairwell has no windows and was pretty well protected from the elements, unlike the rest of the house. Since it was structurally sound, we left it pretty much untouched and I’m so glad we did. It’s like walking back in time anytime I use this staircase.

“And I’m fine,” Kristy assures me. “I’m going to have a hard time sleeping tonight, and maybe tomorrow, but I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.”

“I’m so sorry. That shouldn’t have happened to you. Bael was after me, not you. I hate how much you guys get caught in the crossfire because of me.”

Kristy stops on the landing and turns around. “Do not be a martyr, Callie. We all know this isn’t your fault, and if I didn’t want to occasionally deal with demons, I would have stopped being your friend a long time ago.”

“Dammit,” I mutter as I’m unable to stop my eyes from filling with tears. “Stupid hormones.”

“I like this side of you,” Kristy laughs. She’s one of the few people I’ve openly cried in front of. Crying doesn’t solve anything, and for so long I thought my lack of expression of sadness made me tough. Really, though, it was the exact opposite. Not dealing with my feelings was the coward’s way out, I know that now.

Scarlet loudly runs up the stairs after us, nearly knocking me over. She’s not at all graceful like my familiars, and being the size of a small pony, it’s a wonder she hasn’t wrecked the house yet.

“Lucas said the same thing.” I pause before going into my bedroom, looking into the room across the hall. “This will be her room,” I tell Kristy.

“Are you going to start decorating the nursery now that you know you’re having a girl?” Her blue eyes are wide with excitement. “I’ll help!”

“Thanks, and I…I don’t know. I think I should wait so I don’t jinx anything.” I go into my room and telekinetically flip on the lights. “I know a lot of women wait until they hit the second trimester to even announce their pregnancy. I’m only half human, and this baby is, uh, three-fourths human? I think? She’s all human from Lucas—I assume—and then half human from me, and half-half angel? Fuck, it’s confusing. She’s more human than I am, and what if my body rejects her because babies really are parasites?”

“Michael didn’t seem concerned, and he knows things.”

“True. Thanks, Kristy,” I say, not reminding her Michael is just as clueless about his granddaughter as I am. I sit on the bench at the foot of our bed and eat as Kristy looks through my closet. It’s late, and I’m physically exhausted. I know once I lay down, my mind will start racing, making it difficult to fall asleep. And when I finally do fall asleep, I’ll wake up with a pounding heart and anxiety plaguing my body.

“What do you think of this one?” Kristy asks, coming out of the closet with a dark purple dress Lucas bought me months ago. “Too fancy?”

“For a movie in Newport? Probably, but it will look killer on you, and if you like it, wear it.”

She holds it up to herself and looks down and then shakes her head. “I’ll get self-conscious to have this on and then go to Red Robin for dinner. I’ll look like a try-hard.” She goes back into the closet, and I finish my mashed potatoes.

“Okay, I’ve narrowed it down to this.” She has a simple black dress with a scoop neckline and an off-the-shoulder black sweater.

“The dress, definitely the dress. And with a pushup bra, your boobs will look great.”

“I don’t need a pushup bra,” she mutters and looks at her breasts with a frown. “I’m tempted again to get a reduction.”

“I’ve been jealous of your boobs since we were thirteen.”

“And that’s exactly why I want a reduction. I’ve had these monsters since I was a child, Callie. A child.”

“Oh please, I’d trade you in a heartbeat.”

“I would happily trade,” Kristy laughs. “It’s not like you’re flat. You have nice perky boobs.”

“They have served me well.” I put my plate on the bench and unzip my jacket. “Lucas swears they’ve gotten bigger already.” I pull my shirt tight against myself and turn. “I don’t see it.” I cup my breasts with my hands. “Or feel it.”

“I walked in at the right time,” Lucas says, appearing in the doorway, holding my glass of cranberry juice that I left downstairs. “I can do that for you.”

“Hah,” I say and shake my head. “I was checking to see if they got bigger again.”

“Oh, I’ll definitely do that for you later.” Lucas crosses the room and gives me my drink. “Are you done?” He picks up my nearly empty plate.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024