Room for Two (Breakfast in Bed 2) - Page 21

Rhett was waiting for them in the back of a cab. They’d known they’d be drinking so they had opted for an alternate means of transportation. As his brothers picked on each other, Ash thought of the woman he’d come to care for so deeply. What Dylan didn’t know was that Ash was terrified that history could be repeating itself. Had he fallen in love once again only to find out that the person who had his heart didn’t want it? Ash was very much afraid that Dana would shatter him into a million pieces if that was the case. Because regardless of his intentions, he’d gone and given her the ultimate power to wound him. He could only hope that she’d use it for good and not to destroy him.

“Where’d everyone go? I used all of my ones already; how ’bout you?” Dana squinted at Zoe to try to see her more clearly.

“Me too,” Zoe pouted. “I gave the last of mine to that guy who was dressed like a cowboy.”

“Mmm, that was money well spent,” Dana agreed. “Did you see the outline of his big gun? No way was that all stuffing.”

“Heck no,” Zoe agreed. “I saw it moving and everything. He was almost as big as my boo.”

“Ahhh, that’s so sweet,” Dana cooed. “I’d call Ash a pet name if he wasn’t such an asshole.”

Zoe blinked as if attempting to bring her into focus. “I thought you two were getting along now. What’s he done to mess it up? He better not have called you fat ’cause I’ll kick his butt, or I’ll make Dylan do it. My man would totally take care of it if I asked.”

Dana leaned forward and whispered loudly, “I heard him telling Rhett that I was nothing but Miss Right Now and he’d never been serious about me. Not that I wanted that, but come on. How freaking insulting. It was like he was doing me a favor by being with me. He said something about me not even being his type.”

“What?” Zoe shouted. “How dare he! You’re way too good for him. You’re beautiful and you have a brain. He’s not used to women who can count past ten or have more than three words in their vocabulary. I bet you intimidate the hell out of him.”

“You’re damn right I do.” Dana fist-pumped the air. “He’s my bitch in this relationship. When I come home, he should be kissing my feet and begging to know how he can make me happy enough to stay. After all, a big dick will only get you so far. So what if he totally knows how to work it? Oh, and his oral skills are unparalleled. He can stay down there for days. I’ve never been with a guy who had that much self-control. I swear, he enjoys getting me off more than he likes it being done to him.”

“Dylan’s the same way,” Zoe sighed. “Those Jacksons were raised right. There have even been times that he didn’t get his either. He told me that it was all about me. Can you imagine? At first, it made me feel kind of guilty, but I got over it. Multiple orgasms scramble my brain.”

“Ash is the best I’ve ever been with by far,” Dana murmured. “And to think I was falling in love with the big jerk. But since I heard how he really felt about me, I’ve been working extra hard to keep things casual. There’s no way I’ll give him the satisfaction of me following him around like the rest of his bimbos always have. If he’s expecting that to happen, he’s in for a major disappointment. The funny thing is that I didn’t figure he’d even notice the change in my behavior, but he has. He’s even asked me several times if something was wrong. I acted like I hadn’t a clue what he was talking about, which I could tell only made him feel more paranoid.”

“Serves him right.” Zoe sniffed. “Just when I thought there might be hope for him, he goes and disappoints both of us.”

“No kidding.” Dana frowned. “The only positive thing that has come out of this is he seems to be trying even harder in bed. I come so many times when we’re together that I can barely stand it. I swear, he’s trying to lick me into liking him again.”

Zoe giggled. “I bet that’s tough to take. Maybe his tongue will fall off before it’s over with. Oh wait, that would be a damn shame. Just lay back and let him do all the work. He owes you that much.”

“Has Dylan mentioned anything about Ash? Like maybe him wondering why I’m acting different?”

Zoe shook her head. “You know I’d have mentioned it if he had. As far as I know, Dylan thinks you and Ash are doing great together.”

“Do men not discuss this stuff like we do?” Dana wondered out loud. “Oh, and by the way, you better not tell Dylan anything that I’ve told you. I refuse to give Ash the opportunity to lie to me. I know what I heard. He might not have told Dylan anything, but he sure didn’t have a problem dishing to Rhett that day.”

“You never got brave enough to ask him about Fiona, did you?” Zoe asked as she swayed unsteadily in her chair.

Propping her face in her hands, Dana said, “Why bother? He’s not going to confess his darkest secrets to his bed buddy. It would have been difficult to have asked him before, but after hearing where I stand with him, I certainly couldn’t do it.”

“I don’t care what he says,” Zoe said firmly, “he has it bad for you. I’d even go so far as to say he’s in love. Even Dylan thinks so. You know how men are. They get the worst case of denial when things get too intense for them to handle. I think that’s what happened to Ash. Otherwise, he’d have bolted by now and he hasn’t.”

“He’s a complicated man,” Dana said wistfully. “I’m not sure anyone ever truly understands him, even his own brothers.”

Before Zoe could respond, the driver that Dylan had arranged for them showed up at their table. “If you ladies are ready, I have the car waiting out front.”

Dana got to her feet and linked arms with Zoe as they weaved their way through the crowd. “I don’t suppose you have any extra dollar bills on you?” Dana asked Marcus, the driver.

His lips twitched before he said, “I’m sorry, Miss Dana, but the boss might fire me if he found out.”

“That figures.” Zoe hiccupped. Marcus ushered them into the back of the limo before getting behind the wheel.

Dylan was waiting outside for his wife when they pulled into the driveway of their home. “Baby!” Zoe squealed as he laughed softly and all but carried her in the door.

“Mr. Jackson says that I’m to drop you at the hotel,” Marcus stated, although Dana could hear the question in his voice. It was on the tip of her tongue to instruct him to take her to her apartment instead, but she didn’t really want to be alone tonight. She might be pissed at him, but shouldn’t she enjoy their time together while she was able? Because sooner or later he’d end things and she’d be left to pick up the pieces. She only hoped when that happened that Ash had no clue that she’d gone and fallen in love with him just like all the women who had come before her.


Someone was groaning and Dana had no idea if it was her or the warm body behind her. Wait . . . what? She turned her head so quickly that immediately afterward she was afraid she’d toss he

r cookies right there in bed. But luckily a few deep breaths helped calm her stomach from the alarming rolling it was doing. She’d also managed to make out Ash’s features in the dim light of the room. Thank God she hadn’t lost her mind and gone home with some stranger last night. She didn’t even remember coming to Ash’s apartment, but apparently she had. The pained sound filled the air once again and Dana saw Ash rub the side of his head. “Are you all right?” she asked, then immediately winced. Why was her voice so loud?

“Shhh,” Ash attempted to quiet her. “Make the voices stop, baby. There are like a dozen of them banging shovels inside my skull.”

“Poor thing,” she whispered. “I’ll do it for you if you’ll do it for me.”

“Deal,” he muttered as he rolled over on his back. “I think I had too much to drink. Rhett kept buying shots and calling us pussies if we didn’t toss them back. I hope he’s dying a slow, painful death somewhere this morning.”

“I stuffed my salary for the week down some guy’s underwear before doing body shots off some chick at the next table.”

“That’s my girl.” Ash grinned weakly. “Although I’d rather you keep your hands off another dude’s junk. Maybe next time you could toss the bills at his feet instead.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Dana asked seriously. “Plus, it was a bachelorette thingie, so it’s a rite of passage. I’m sure you’ve been to a few strip joints in your time. Half of the girls there probably have your name tattooed on their ass.”

Tags: Sydney Landon Breakfast in Bed Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024