Fractured - Page 9

“Happy birthday, songbird,” JD says as he enters the room. He looks so good dressed in a pair of dark slacks and a white shirt, and his short, black, spiky hair is sticking up in all directions. He’s grown into a man, with a dark dusting of stubble on his jaw, and his deep-brown eyes shining with affection. He’s twenty-one now, and he looks it.

“I didn’t know you were coming so early,” I tell him. He pulls me into his arms, wrapping me in his cinnamon-and-apple scent. His cologne has always been my favorite smell. I found solace in his arms, comfort in his embrace, and in his words, I found happiness.

I didn’t know it then. It took me years to figure out that I fell in love with James Dylan Montagu when I was only eight years old. And I plan on telling him today.

“I wanted to see you before I head to a meeting with my father. He wants to see me for something. Not sure what.” My stomach drops, and my gut churns with anxiety. There’s something off about his words. I don’t like the fact that he’s going to see his father, because the last time he did, JD was told he would follow in his father’s footsteps and join the navy.

“Why? I thought you were going to meet with Jackson and interview for a job with Cole Security?”

“Dad wants me at his office first,” JD tells me. “But I’ll see you tonight, don’t worry,” he assures me, but even as he says the words, the tension in my shoulders tightens, and my throat has a lump so big I can’t swallow past it. Fear grips me at the thought of losing JD. Not that he would leave me, but the thought of not seeing him again has me worried. More worried than I ever thought I’d be.

“Okay.” Even though I try to sound confident, I can hear the falter in my voice. The crack of emotion that drenches the word.

JD cups my cheeks, swiping the pads of his thumbs along my face. His touch is gentle, but it sparks to life every nerve in my body. “Don’t be afraid, songbird, I’ll come and listen to you sing.” He sounds so sure, so confident. That’s JD. He has never had any doubt about our friendship, whereas I have questioned why he stuck by me all these years. It made no sense that someone so perfectly beautiful could want a girl like me.

“Okay, I said okay,” I finally respond, hoping to sound excited rather than wary about what’s coming. I have always had a sixth sense. I could tell when something bad was going to happen, and this time, it’s no different.

“Good.” He says with confidence. “Do you want to walk with me in the park before I go?” The corner of his mouth quirks into a small grin, and my stomach flip-flops. Perhaps he’ll finally kiss me. When JD releases me, he steps back, and I’m suddenly cold, missing the heat he emanates like a cologne.


“I’m right here, sweet girl.” My mother comes down the hallway. I can hear her heels clicking on the wooden floor. She’s dressed for work, looking beautiful as she smiles over at us.

“I’m going to walk in the park with JD. He’s going to meet with his father at the offices.”

“That’s fine,” she says, then glances at my best friend, my first love, and hopefully, my only love. “Will we see you tonight?”

“Of course, Ms. Starling. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” JD says, offering a tip of his head. “I can’t wait to hear both of you sing.”

“Did you tell him before you told me, Momma?” I question her, my gaze swooping between the two of them.

“I needed someone to tell the exciting news to,” Momma teases, winking at me before she heads into the kitchen.

JD glances at me, a sly smile on his lips, and I realize when I asked him last week what he wanted to do for my birthday and he couldn’t give me a straight answer, that’s what he was hiding. “I had to keep it a secret.”

I grab my phone and keys before calling out, “Bye, Momma, see you later.”

“See you later, kids,” she calls to us.

“Can’t wait, Mrs. S,” JD shouts, and I grab my coat, shrugging it on with the help of JD. “It was so difficult keeping it from you, songbird,” he teases in my ear, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Ugh, both of you,” I grunt in frustration that they were conspiring against me. Even though it was a good surprise, he knows I hate them.

“You know you love me,” JD says suddenly, causing my heart to lurch in my chest. The door shuts behind us, leaving us inches apart in the hallway. We’ve been alone before, but this feels different. It feels like more.

Tags: Dani Rene Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024