Payback - Page 47

“The kid’s name is Bradford Wex. He’s out of the hospital and into custody now. I’ve encouraged the DA to push for the maximum sentence.”

“Do you think he’ll get it?”

He leveled an honest look at me. “No. Unless we can find other victims, then, he’ll likely get probation. He’s already lawyered up and his parents are springing for a big hitter.”

I knew how the world worked but it hurt nonetheless. “I understand. What if he comes after me again?”

“He won’t.”

I didn’t need to question Jameson’s assurances. I felt it in my bones that Jameson would probably see to it that the kid understand how dangerous it would be if he tried.

Was I bloodthirsty for hoping the kid tried just so Jameson could beat the hell out of him again?

Maybe I needed some therapy to deal with the aftermath of what’d happened.

But if was going to go down the therapy road, I might never find my way home again.

That particular road went on forever.

“I have people looking into Wex’s background. If there are other victims, we’ll find them.”

I appreciated his willingness to go the extra mile but we were still in a strange limbo with each other.

I was willing to admit that I enjoyed his touch but where did that put me?

We were both chewing on the same private issue.

And neither of us had the balls to broach the subject.


I left Ivy’s and returned to the precinct where I found Hank and Frankie in the debriefing room.

Frankie shot daggers my way but kept his mouth shut.

“Here’s how you get to save your little ass,” Hank said cheerfully. “You’re going to find out when and where the drop is for the Cobalt Viper shipment coming from China.”

“What makes you think I can get that information? I wasn’t in the inner circle and you know it,” Frankie spat. “You’re setting me up, pig.”

“Watch your mouth. That’s no way to make friends with the people trying to keep your ass out of jail,” Hank warned but his smile widened. “Look, you just have to smooth the way for your sister to land the job at Chester’s and then she’ll cozy up to Rodrigo. If you can’t get the information we need, your sister will.”

I kept my expression flat but my guts were churning. I didn’t like this idea. No, that wasn’t a strong enough word. I hated this idea.

But I didn’t have much of a choice. Ivy could get close to Rodrigo and I couldn’t. I had to use whatever were resources available to me.

And right now that was Ivy.

“Ivy will be a liability,” Frankie said, shaking his head as if we were making a huge mistake. “She’s nothing like the people I hang with. She’s a good kid. You’re going to get her killed.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you dragged your sister into your shithole life,” I countered. “If you don’t want anything to happen to her, then you’d better find a way to make yourself real valuable to Rodrigo so Ivy doesn’t need to.”

“You’re a fucking bastard. Do you care about anything aside from yourself?”

“That’s a lot like the kettle calling the pot black.” I smirked. I wasn’t about to take shit from a loser like Frankie Callen. I doubt Frankie had given much thought to his sister when he was dealing drugs and running with the Cobalt Vipers. “Just shut the fuck up and make yourself useful for the first time in your life.”

“Ivy has an interview tonight at Chester’s. You need to encourage the manager to hire her,” I told him.

He looked at me like I was a dumb fuck. “Ivy isn’t cut out for this. I’ve kept her out of this lifestyle for a reason.”

“Aww, you’re breaking my heart,” Hank cut in. “All right, enough chatter. You’ve got your job. See to it that you get it done or you’ll be sharing a bunk with a new sweetheart.”

Frankie’s mouth tightened but he got the point.

Satisfied, Hank rose and pushed Frankie’s personal effects toward him. “Here’s what you came in with.” Frankie went to reach for his stuff but Hank slammed his hand down on his, leaning forward with a chilly look. “Don’t even think about double crossing us, Callen. It won’t be a happy ending for you.”

Frankie met Hank’s stare without flinching. “Nothing better happen to Ivy,” he countered and for a split second I didn’t doubt that Frankie loved his sister and that he was seriously regretting not getting his life together for her sake.

But hindsight was a bitch.

Hank let Frankie go and they watched as Frankie walked free.

“I hope we’re banking on the right Callen,” Hank said.

Yeah, me too.

“Only one way to find out,” I said, cutting a swift glance Hank’s way. “Time to rock and roll.”

“Yeah baby,” Hank said gleefully, the light of the hunt in his eyes. “Let’s light this fucker on fire.”

We filed the appropriate paperwork for an undercover surveillance vehicle and while the request was processing, I went to find Ivy some slutty clothes for her job interview.

I ain’t gonna lie, the thought of Ivy wearing something nasty for my benefit turned my crank in a big way but I hated the idea of Ivy wearing something like that for the general public, much less a dirtbag like Terano Rodrigo.

But she was our best option. Nothing worked faster than a beautiful woman to get a man to let down his guard.

I found myself at one of those cheap clothing outlets and went straight for the tightest, most revealing top I could find and paired it with a short black leather mini.

I tossed in a pair of stiletto boots and some bangle earrings and then quickly rang up the purchase.

The clerk, an over-processed blond with a bullring in her nose smiled coyly and said, “Girlfriend or wife?”


That caused her to raise one penciled brow. “I don’t think they will fit you,” she pointed out, her gaze lingering on my shoulders. “Too broad and thick.”

“Not for me either.”

“Intriguing,” she said, interested. “Are you going to leave me in suspense or are you going to tell me?”

I just smiled and gathered up my bag of purchased sluttiness and walked out the door.

The thing was, I didn’t know what the hell was happening between me and Ivy. All I knew was that I didn’t want to stop even though I knew it was a bad idea to keep going.

I wasn’t the type of guy who got involved. I didn’t do relationships.

I mean, c’mon, what woman in her right mind would want to mess with me on a long-term basis?

My job wasn’t conducive to a little woman waiting for me at home.

Particularly not someone like Ivy.

She deserved the white picket fence, the happy home in the ‘burbs.

I was the least qualified for the job.

But I wanted her.

I wanted her like a fat kid wanted cake.

She was soft and sweet, the kind of woman I’d never in a million years imagine being with.

And I was sending her into a seedy place to suss out information for a case I fucked up.

Hell, that was the crux of it, the meat of my recklessness.

It was my fault the case had fallen apart.

I had to fix it.

My career was on the line.


Was it bad that I was getting used to Jameson walking into my house? Or was it worse that I looked forward to him darkening my door?

Jameson tossed the bag onto the couch and gestured for me to open it.

I knew what was in that bag and I wasn't all that interested in seeing what he picked out for me.

But I supposed if I was going to play a part, I needed the right costume.

I lifted the top and grimaced. “This doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?”

“That's the point.”

“Are you expecting me to model this for you?”

His slow nod sent a shiver down my spine.

I gathered the bag and held it close to my chest. “I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?”

He didn't need to answer. We both knew the score. If only I could stop my heart from fluttering with mortifying eagerness.

Jameson was my kryptonite. It was difficult to refuse him. There was this need to please him that was hard to ignore.

I know how stupid that sounded. But the feelings I had for him were unexplainable.

I went to my bedroom to dress. I just slipped into the stilettos as Jameson joined me.

My bed was still mess from what we’d done last night. Having him in my space again, only accentuated the tension between us.

His hands spanned my waist and drew me to him. The hunger in his eyes sparked a hunger inside of me.

Wouldn't always be like this with us? Helpless against one another? Even though we both knew there was no future between us?

A sane person would say we were crazy.

What did it mean if I had begun to crave the insanity?

Tags: Alexx Andria Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024