Falling for Her Fake Fianc? - Page 18

Jason. The moment had arrived. Would he accept it? Or put up a fight? He was smiling that open, friendly way he always did with her. Genuine and caring. Confident and totally misguided.

She was engulfed in a friendly hug. ‘Jason, hi.’ Then she felt a hand at her back. Mac had stepped up. Here we go. This was what the whole deal with Mac was about. Pulling free, she said, ‘Jason, I’d like you to meet Mac Taylor.’ She couldn’t add, ‘my fiancé’. She just couldn’t.

‘Mac.’ Like everyone else in her family Jason put his hand out, shook politely. There was the same challenge in Jason’s eyes as her brothers had put out there. But not like a jealous man who’d been thwarted in love. Not making sense here, Jason.

‘Pleased to meet you.’ Mac sounded relaxed and unconcerned, but the hand on her back had tensed. ‘I hear you’re almost one of the family.’ Not as much as Mac would be if he actually were to marry Kelli.

Jason nodded, studying Mac thoroughly. ‘Dale and Trish have been good to me, probably saved me from going off the rails.’ His scrutiny moved to her, but he said nothing more.

Clink, clink. A spoon tapping against a glass quietened the room. ‘Listen up, everyone.’ Dad to the rescue without knowing he was needed.

Then Kelli realised he was looking around for her and Mac, and her stomach sank. ‘Here we go.’ Not the right diversion at this moment.

Mac leaned close. ‘You’re doing great.’

Never had she felt so supported by anyone whose surname was not Barnett. She snuggled a little bit nearer to her rock. ‘Are you ready for this?’

‘As ready as I’m ever going to be.’ His hand found hers, held her firmly.

When Kelli looked at him she fully expected to see a grim expression on his beautiful face. Surprise rattled her. Mac looked happy. Happy? Because they were announcing a fake engagement? Or because he was doing this to help her out of a bind? As she stretched up on her toes he suddenly looked startled. No, she wasn’t about to kiss him. ‘You’re wonderful.’

Delight returned. ‘Of course.’ He grinned.

‘Glasses of champagne are being passed around. When you’ve all got one I’d like to propose a toast.’ Dad was suddenly in front of her and Mac, Mum’s arm through his.

A tray appeared before her and Kelli picked up a glass, not surprised to find her hand was shaking. It still wasn’t too late to back out, to admit what she’d done and then go into hiding. Mac squeezed her hand, giving her the confidence to continue.

Looking around at the smiling faces she wanted to believe this was for real. Then she saw Jason. His mouth had flat-lined. No cajoling smile now. She should feel sorry for him, but that emotion wasn’t coming to the fore. Instead anger that he’d helped her to take this unusual step began expanding throughout her. Until Mac squeezed her hand again.

Thank goodness for Mac. She’d been about to ruin the evening, especially for her family. Plastering on a smile, she waited for the next instalment of this crazy ride.

Back to Dad. ‘This weekend is about Billy and Leanne, and Trish and I are thrilled we’re all here to share it with them.’ He raised his glass. ‘To Billy and Leanne.’

‘To Billy and Leanne.’ The champagne was delicious. Kelli dipped her head in acknowledgement to her father. He’d done the right thing. She wasn’t off the hook, but he’d put her brother first.

Then, ‘I’ve also got some more wonderful news to share.’ Dad and Mum moved closer to her and Mac. ‘For those of you who haven’t met him yet, this imposing man is Mac Taylor, and, as of this week, Kelli’s fiancé.’

It was Billy who raised his glass and said, ‘To Kelli and Mac.’

Billy, who didn’t mind his sister nudging in on his weekend, was grinning at her as he used to when he’d put something horrible and wet and cold in her bed.

Tears spurted out and down her cheeks. Her beloved family might give her a hard time but they were always there for her. As was the man holding her hand and tugging gently. When she looked up into Mac’s eyes, her heart broke. It was too much. If only this were for real. She was falling in love with him. Not a doubt lifted, not a question waved at her. But he wouldn’t love her back.

‘To Kelli and Mac.’ The toasts bounced off her, echoing throughout the room, and the tears flowed.

‘Hey, come here.’ Mac wrapped her in his arms and held her gently.

Laughter broke out and the usual cheeky comments from her brothers added to the good cheer. Kelli shivered. Everyone thought her tears were about her joy. Only Mac knew they weren’t and he was sticking to her like glue until her meltdown dried up. She really had given him a lot to deal with. ‘Sorry,’ she whispered.

‘I’m not, okay? It was never going to be easy. Let’s take our drinks and go sit at an outside table.’

‘We won’t be left alone.’

‘You don’t want to be. That’d look odd.’

‘Where did you learn all this stuff?’ She gazed at Mac. ‘It can’t have been in any medical training manual.’ And he didn’t have siblings.

He laughed. Really laughed, as though there was nothing wrong here. ‘You want sensible? I’ve got loads of it. Too much.’ He removed her glass from her fingers. ‘Let’s get refills and head out into the twilight.’

That would be romantic if only they hadn’t just put out a big fat lie to everyone. Kelli sucked in her stomach, straightened her back and went with Mac, acknowledging the good wishes as they moved through her family. They were barely seated when her brothers and their wives joined them. Disappointment warred with common sense. Being alone with Mac would add to her confusion and longing; having the guys here meant putting up with relentless teasing.

Teasing was likely the safer option. She couldn’t get into any trouble that way.

* * *

Mac stood up from the table where he’d been seated with Kelli and her brother, Andy, and his wife for dinner. ‘Seems we’re the last ones left,’ he said unnecessarily. There was no further putting off heading to that suite with Kelli. The barman was wiping down the counter and tipping semi-defrosted ice into the sink with a loud clatter.

‘Thought you two would’ve been the first to head to your room.’ Andy winked as he too stood.

Kelli slowly unwound her body and came up beside Mac, holding herself rigid.

Mac nudged her softly. Be careful or Andy would notice something wasn’t kosher. She nodded and slipped her arm through his. ‘Goodnight, you two. See you bright and early for breakfast, Rach. It’s going to be full on with hair, nails, and make-up to be done.’

‘Let’s hope that rain doesn’t eventuate. Leanne must be having kittens worrying about that.’ Rach was looking through the windows at what was now a gloomy scene.

The ceremony would take place in the gardens, and from what Mac had seen of Trish Barnett the weather had better clear up or she’d create havoc. The woman was a mini-storm all of her own. Something he needed to remember in the coming days. She was not going to let him break up with Kelli easily, if at all. Though she did have a contingency plan—Jason.

The man had sat through drinks and then dinner looking a little stunned, as though he was slowly absorbing the truth about his relationship with Kelli. He didn’t appear too upset, more surprised. Probably felt stupid for continuing to try and win Kelli over when it had never been on the cards. Mac couldn’t find it in himself to feel too sorry. If Kelli had any feelings for Jason at all then it’d be different, but he’d watched her over the night and she treated the guy no differently from anyone else.

Mac swallowed an inappropriate smile. His earlier guess about Jason being like family had strengthened, which made him feel better. About his role in this. About his own feelings for Kelli. For every hour he spent with her there was an increasing sense that he might be getting another chance at happiness. Of course, in the hours he wasn’t

with her the reasons why he was an idiot were easier to hear. Not that he seemed to be taking a blind bit of notice.

From the moment they’d lifted off the ground in the city he’d felt like a different man: free from the past and those locks he’d put on his heart and now stepping into the unknown. Even excited about being amongst this family and their special weekend, certainly eager to be with Kelli for days, not just hours.

‘Goodnight,’ Kelli muttered and headed in the direction of their suite, striding out with determination. As if she had something to face and get out of the way.

Mac followed, quickly catching up. ‘I mightn’t be sleeping on the deck if those showers arrive.’

‘You reckon?’ The face she tipped up to him was strained and her smile tired.

‘I could try the floor.’

‘We’ve got this far—we can manage the rest.’ Her mouth stretched into a yawn. ‘What have you guys got planned for tomorrow while the females get glammed up?’

‘A round of golf.’

‘Can you play?’

Tags: Sue MacKay Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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