A Proper Lord's Wife (Properly Spanked Legacy 2) - Page 29

“Imagine that.”

She straightened and smoothed her skirts. It had been nice of him to express interest in her animals, but she mustn’t “go on too long,” as her mother used to say. “Thank you for listening to me.” She drew a deep breath. “And for forgiving me for…for yesterday. I was afraid you’d be all frowns next time we encountered one another.”

“All frowns? I try not to hold grudges once the price is paid.” His dark brows rose as his amber gaze held hers. “You kept the pets in the kitchen, you say? You believe it works better for them?”

Hope warmed her, tentative excitement. “I do believe so. It’s a sanitary arrangement if they’re kept in their cages.”

“Would you prefer to do that here?”

“Oh yes, my lord! I mean, Edward. It would be warmer for them in the kitchens, and easier for me to see to their care. But you said you didn’t wish to have pets in the house.”

He waved a hand. “I meant dogs and cats roaming the hallways. If your pets are confined to these cages, I don’t see the harm.” He leaned down, studying the latches. “As long as these enclosures are secure.”

“They are very secure. Your man did a wonderful job with them.” Still, she checked each latch one more time. “I have kept you too long,” she said when she finished. “You’ll be growing cold now for sure.”

“You’re so eager to be rid of me.” He gave a light laugh to tell her he was teasing. “What are your plans for today, Jane?”

“I suppose I’ll look around my new home. It’s such an expansive place.”

“There’s a great deal to see. You’re welcome to explore the gardens, but if you wish to ride out to the creeks, ponds, and woods, you must take someone with you. No wandering about on your own.”

“Are the woods dangerous here?” she asked.

“Not especially, but for you, they’ll be unfamiliar. It’s best to be safe, and Somerton has plenty of staff at your assistance. Ask Mrs. Loring and an escort will be arranged.”

He was being so kind. She felt grateful, scared, and untethered all at once. “How about you?” she asked. “What will you do today?”

“I have to consult on certain things with my staff now that the house has opened up again. I’ll see you at dinner, Jane. We eat promptly at eight in the country. I hope you won’t be late.”

She unconsciously reached behind her. Late? Never. She’d give her new husband no excuse to punish her again. She imagined his notion of “marital discipline” would apply even to small, petty crimes.

“Then after dinner…” His voice trailed off a moment, as he looked around to be sure they were alone. “After dinner, I think we ought to retire together. It’s time we shared the customary intimacies of a married couple, don’t you think?”

The customary intimacies? Jane nodded, trying to seem confident. “I think we’d definitely better. I’m not at all nervous about that. I understand a great deal about…biology.”

She sputtered out the last word, wishing she’d never begun the sentence. How crass he must think her. Oh, well.

“I’ll see you at dinner, Edward.” She barely stopped herself from dropping a curtsy to him, as if he were some king she might have offended. He flustered her, that was certain, and it was hard not to look over her shoulder as she left.

Customary intimacies…

She’d be thinking about that for a while.


Townsend stared after his wife as she exited the stables. What an odd, prim little woman. She knew about biology, did she? He doubted she knew enough to survive more than a minute or two with him in bed. He wondered if she’d lose her nerve tonight and be coy, and ask him to let her alone, or if she would be brash as she sometimes was, comparing his erect cock to some exotic snake or garden vegetable.

Whatever she threw at him, he’d handle it. They’d been married nearly three days now, and the greatest intimacy they’d had so far was the spanking she’d received over his lap. Tonight, he’d show her a different sort of control and make sure she enjoyed it. He would not be hot-blooded or intense with her. Not yet. When she understood more about biology, perhaps.

He grinned as he headed to the house, thinking of the way she’d said biology, with all the bravado of an utter, innocent virgin. Did she realize she blushed three shades of red as soon as he broached the topic of marital intimacy?

He went to his rooms before dinner to clean up and put on his evening clothes. His valet took extra care shaving away the day’s stubble and making an ornate knot in his starched neckcloth. It looked fancy and formal, perfect for their first real dinner at home together, but within a short while, he’d be struggling to unknot it so he could bed his wife.

Tags: Annabel Joseph Properly Spanked Legacy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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