A Proper Lord's Wife (Properly Spanked Legacy 2) - Page 34

There was nothing rough about the way he touched her, but it created such an outsized storm of pleasure inside her body that she could hardly control her limbs. She felt exposed but protected; endangered but eager. His thighs brushed the backs of her thighs and then he was pushing his shaft into her, just a little. It was the oddest feeling, to be entered by him that way.

“All right?” he asked. His voice sounded tight.

“Yes. This is… This is marvelous.”

He pressed deeper, and the odd feeling of penetration became a stretch. He supported himself with one hand and her waist with the other, and though she wished he could touch her in that one particular spot without ever stopping, it felt good to be held by him too. He pressed in so much deeper than she thought possible, and she breathed and trembled and tried not to move because there seemed some peril in it.

“Is it supposed to feel this way?” she asked.

“What way?”

“It’s very tight.”

She twitched her hips experimentally and stopped when she heard his gasp. He gasped again when she squeezed upon his length, and she went perfectly still.

“Am I doing everything wrong?” she asked. “Maybe we should stop.”

“No, just…” He’d gone out of breath. “Give me a moment without moving. It feels…feels very good to me right now. Too good.”

“Oh. It feels very good to me too,” she said, to reassure him. “I mean, not bad in any sense. Just very tight.”

“That feeling will pass presently.”

With those words, he slid his hand down to her sex and grasped her there, in a way that made her blood rush. When she sighed from the sensation, he touched that tingling button between her legs again and it felt, somehow, even better now that they were joined as one. While her body drew up tight with pleasure, he began to move, stroking into her from behind and then retreating.

She knew this as the mechanics of mating, but it was more than that in practice, so much more. As she moaned, he made a deeper, guttural sound and pressed into her harder. His force increased but his hands grew more tender, cradling her and stroking her shoulders and neck. She liked it. Oh, she loved it.

He settled into a delicious rhythm, and with each thrust forward, the blissful sensations grew. Half the time she braced her hands upon the bed, and half the time she reached back to touch him, to ground herself in this momentous act. They were joined together, husband and wife, and it was amazing. No wonder June smiled so giddily whenever she was around her new husband.

Jane moved her hips to meet Edward’s thrusts, and he growled approvingly. It felt so good, so lovely as he fell into a rhythm. When she arched her back to feel more of his hard member within her, he grasped her shoulders and made an even harsher growling sound.

Something about that sound’s wildness heated the place between her legs until the tingling in her middle grew nearly unbearable. When he teased her nipples, she squeezed on him hard and adored how that felt.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness,” she whispered.

She felt Edward’s cheek beside hers and turned her head. He kissed her, moving his fingers through her hair, and she felt something let go deep inside. As she surrendered her lips—and her body—to him, her middle contracted and then exploded in ecstatic waves. It was such a shock she almost bit him. He was so tightly fit within her that she could feel every inch of him as her body squeezed and quaked.

She wanted to make sense of this exquisite climax even as it peaked and faded too quickly. She wanted to know how, and why, and what for? She wanted to know how to make it happen again, even though she felt too tired and sated to reach for it at this particular moment.

He thrust inside her three or four more times, his arms wrapped about her shoulders to grasp her against him. She could feel his muscles working against her back, and then he, too, seemed to experience an acute paroxysm of pleasure. He gripped her, thrusting hard until his groan turned to a growl and then to a drawn-out sigh. Humans and animals might mate differently, but he sounded like an animal all the same. Perhaps… Oh, perhaps she had sounded like one too, groaning and sighing. She couldn’t remember now and rested her head down on the bedclothes in exhausted relief.

It did not matter if she’d made unrefined noises. All of this was natural and good. She felt boneless as he guided her down to rest on her stomach, then he lay beside her, his legs warm and strong against hers. How contented she felt when he put an arm around her, holding her close.

Tags: Annabel Joseph Properly Spanked Legacy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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