A Proper Lord's Wife (Properly Spanked Legacy 2) - Page 39

“You disobeyed me. You were dishonest. This is very like your previous punishment when you did not warn me about the nature of your pets.”

It was true. She thought she could get away with things. Her parents had always been lenient with her.

“I’m so sorry. It’s a very bad habit of mine, isn’t it? I feel terrible.”

“Furthermore, you’ve endangered yourself again, just like last time, by ignoring my directions. I’m afraid you must receive a more severe punishment this time, and each successive time you make the same error. You understand why?”

“Yes, my lord.”

She was trying very hard not to cry, but she felt so helpless. So ashamed.

“I’m sorry,” she said again. “Please, I will do better. I’ll try very hard to be perfect from now on.”

“Of course you will, but you must also take your punishment. Come, kneel here.”

He helped her onto the small platform, which was not meant as a step stool at all. Once she knelt upon it, she was the perfect height to bend forward over the padded footboard. But oh, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bear to be spanked with the fresh switch. She turned about, pleading one last time. “Please, I’m still learning. I wish to be a good wife.”

“I know you do.” He turned her around, even though she resisted with all her power. He was so much stronger than her. He put a hand upon her back and pressed her forward until her chest rested upon the bed. She reached back with her hands, but they were promptly captured and set on the bed as well.

“Keep them there,” he said. “If you’ll take your switching without a fuss, it will be quickly over. If you fight it, it will take considerably longer.”

She bunched her fingers into fists. This was not the way she wished to spend time with her husband in the bedroom. He had made love to her attentively, skillfully, so many times in this very bed, teaching her the depths of pleasure she might achieve. It made this awful punishment seem that much worse.

He drew up her skirts and petticoats to bare her bottom, and the first sob caught in her throat. The padded footboard was comfortable on her hips, but she was not to feel comfortable for very long. She heard the switch whistling through the air before she felt the connection. Oww. Dear God. The slender piece of wood delivered a burn across her backside. She shrieked and tensed, kicking up her legs.

“No fidgeting,” he ordered. “Kneel properly and take your punishment. Remember, this is your own fault.”

Before she’d recovered from the first blow, the second landed and her hands flew back to shield herself. She couldn’t help it. She lifted her head to gaze back at him in entreaty, but he was in strict-discipline mode and was not moved. He only collected her hands and held them at the small of her back, just as when he’d spanked her the first time. With his force thus engaged, she could move nowhere, and had to endure a volley of sizzling hot blows to her bottom and the backs of her thighs with hardly a break in between them.

She wailed. She cried. It was all she could do now that he practically held her down. Her bottom grew so hot and throbby it felt like a raging fire. After twenty or so good licks, he finally left off. The only sound in the resulting silence was her uncontrolled sobbing. He did not release her hands.

“You will receive five more,” he said. “I want you to count them aloud, and between each one, I want you to remember the reasons you’re being punished, and what you will do differently from here on out. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my lord.”

The following stroke was hard and terrible, but she’d assumed these last five were to be the worst ones. She barely remembered to count. “One!”

She obediently thought about what she’d done and what she must do differently. She must listen to his directions. She must not follow her own whims.

“Oww! Two!”

Oh, she was so sorry she’d snuck around and disobeyed him.


It hurt so badly. She tried to pull her hands from his, if only to rub away some of the stinging. He would not let her go.


She hated this side of her husband. She hated that he could hurt her so, even in the name of discipline. It was not loving at all.

“Five! Ow, ow…”

She dissolved into hopeless tears as the last stroke landed, harder than any of the others. She felt chastised indeed at this point. Her bottom ached, throbbing with the sensation of being on fire. As soon as he released her hands, she reached back to cover her hot cheeks. At once, her hands were drawn away and deposited back on the bed with a tsk.

Tags: Annabel Joseph Properly Spanked Legacy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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