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The Flirtation (The Submissive 10)

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The monitor shifted his weight. “I escorted her to her room so she could get her things. She said she didn’t have a car and that she came by cab . . . I . . . ummm . . .”

He didn’t have to say it. Simon could tell what happened by the expression on his face. “You left her in the room to pack and you waited outside the door to call a cab.”

“Right. I figured I was guarding the door.” He shrugged. “That she couldn’t get past me.”

“How much time passed before you realized she went out the back window?”

The monitor’s face turned red. “Longer than I’d like to admit.”

“Do you know where she went?”

The other man jerked his thumb toward the security guard. “We were just looking over the security video.”

Simon wasn’t sure what he could do to help, so he gave them both his card and room number and told them to call him when they found out anything. He walked back to the main building. It was past time for him to meet Lynne back in the room. He ran a hand through his hair. And just what was he going to do about her?

His initial reasons for staying away, namely that she wasn’t submissive, didn’t hold water anymore. He wasn’t even certain he could use the fact that he was a sadist. Plus, after discovering that Lynne and Faye were one and the same, he no longer had to feel guilty about spending time with two different women.

Which left two obstacles. Nathaniel and the trust issue.

He thought he knew Nathaniel well enough to know that if his friend felt he had Lynne’s best interest in mind, he wouldn’t have a problem with Simon seeing her. Of course, he’d been wrong before. But surely Nathaniel would see reason.

If Simon truly had her best interest in mind, that is.

Did he?

There was still the trust issue to work through, but he was man enough to admit he’d never really gotten over her after they broke up. And now, if there was a chance she could give him what he needed and he could do the same for her, he would be a fool to walk away.

He took the stairs to the room instead of the elevator, giving himself more time to think. He had her for the weekend. She had agreed to be his sub. What was the risk in enjoying the situation for what it was and reassessing Sunday night?

He couldn’t think of one, but as he opened the door to the room, he had a feeling he was missing something.

He’d thought since he was later than anticipated returning to the room, Lynne might not be in place. He was surprised to discover he was wrong. He looked through the door of the bedroom he’d claimed as his and saw her waiting in perfect position.

Fuck, he wanted her so bad. He checked his watch. Dinner could wait, and if he decided as the night went on that he wanted to play outside at the party, he really didn’t want their first scene together to be public. He should take her now.

His dick agreed.

Though he typically didn’t ask his dick’s opinion when it came to making decisions, it was nice that all his body parts were in agreement.

He took his time walking into the room. Her spine straightened just a hair when she heard him enter, and he watched her breathing grow heavier. No matter how many times he played, he never grew tired of the way a submissive waited. Anxious. Needy. Yearning. Excited.

To have them so focused on him and his next move was a rush like no other.

For that submissive to be Lynne cranked up the rush by about one hundred percent.

He stood in front of her and took his belt off, making sure he did it slowly enough that she could hear the leather sliding through the loops of his pants. He didn’t miss the small shiver that shook her body.

“You know I’m a sadist?” He hadn’t told her when they were together the last time, and he didn’t want to go any further without being very clear about who he was.

“Yes, Sir.”

He let one end of the belt hang so just a part of it was in her line of sight. She sucked in a breath.


“Your mind is racing, isn’t it?” he asked. “There’s the part telling you to stand up and get the hell out of this room. That you’re crazy for even thinking about staying here. That no normal person would put themselves willingly into the hands of a sadist.”

He didn’t need her to answer. He knew he was right by the way she shifted slightly, as if wanting to give in to that advice.

“But the other part of you wants to stay right where you are because even though you know it doesn’t make sense, you want nothing more than to be right here, right now, with me. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, and her response held no fear, only need.

“That part of you is louder than the other part, but if I’m not mistaken, you’ve been doing all you can to silence it. You’ve tried telling it no and that it’s a bad idea. You probably gave it all the reasons you can think of, and I’m sure some of them are really good reasons. But it’s never enough, is it? Deep in your soul, you have a need for this, and giving in and accepting that need is the only thing that’s going to shut it up. Am I right?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her cheeks were flushed. He’d hit her thoughts exactly, and some part of her was embarrassed. He thought the embarrassment came from her admission of what she needed and not that he’d read her so easily.

“Rest assured, I’ll do my very best to give you what you need this weekend. So, for the next forty-eight hours, let’s leave the outside world outside. There will be only you and me and what we do together. How does that sound?”

“Really good, Sir.” He didn’t miss the smile in her voice.

“And, Lynne, look at me.” He waited until she lifted her head before continuing. “You are not to feel shame or guilt for any of it. Understand?”

That one was harder for her to agree to. He appreciated that she didn’t comply without thinking it through, but he didn’t like her hesitation over something so basic in her personality. She was a submissive and she needed to accept that.

“I mean it, Lynne. We’ll check out and go home right now if you can’t agree to that.”

She took a deep breath. “I’ll try, Sir.”

It would have to do, he decided. As the weekend went on, he would make it a point to check in with her frequently. If he ever caught her feeling embarrassed, he’d simply take her aside and they would talk through it.

“Earlier, I said that I was going to punish you for your deceit during the demo, but I’ve changed my mind. We’re going to go ahead and get that out of the way right now, so we can, hopefully, spend the rest of the day exploring more pleasurable pursuits. Any questions so far?”

“No, Sir.”

“Anything you want to talk about that I didn’t bring up?”

“No, Sir.”

He doubled the belt in his hand. “All right, let’s get this over with. I want you to stand up and lean over the back of the couch. I’m going to use the belt, and there is no need for you to count. Tell me your safe word.”


“Nice and simple. This is a punishment, so it will hurt. And while my expectation is that you will accept what I give you, if it gets to be too much, you will use your safe word without hesitation. If you understand, go get into position.”

She slowly rose to her feet and moved to stand behind the couch. He watched her, looking for any signs of distress and not finding any. She presented herself perfectly.

He wasn’t looking forward to this. Disciplining a sub was hard. Though he was a sadist, he didn’t enjoy inflicting pain for the sake of pain. It was much more enjoyable when both people got something out of it.

He moved behind her and gently caressed her backside. He wasn’t sure how many strokes he was going to give her. That was one of the downsides of never having played with her before; he wasn’t sure what she could take.

He warmed her up slowly with his hand, spending more time than he normally would because she was so unknown to him. But even then, the strokes weren’t painless. He could te

ll when they really started to hurt because of the way her muscles strained to remained still.

He ran two fingers between her legs and felt the evidence of her arousal. Feeling her excitement made him grow hard. Because this was a discipline session, he wouldn’t take her. But he would soon, he promised himself. He definitely would.

Satisfied that he had warmed her skin up enough, he started spanking her with the belt. He didn’t go easy on her. He wanted her to have a sore backside so that she would remember what happened when she lied.

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