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The Flirtation (The Submissive 10)

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He watched her carefully. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, but she didn’t utter a sound. Her ass was a deep red, and he knew she’d recall this very moment with just about every move she made.

“Spread your legs more. Give me access to that greedy pussy.”

She faltered for a second, no doubt wondering what his plans were. He had just opened his mouth to tell her to do it now when she widened her stance.

“Good girl,” he said instead. “Last few strokes.”

He brought the belt down on her pussy three times—each one made her jump and squeal. As soon as the last one fell, he dropped the belt and carried her to the bed. He gathered her in his arms, holding her and gently rubbing her back. He knew she’d never been spanked before, and he’d feared she’d pull away from him, but she didn’t. In fact, he was happily surprised that she seemed to want to put her arms around him.

He snagged a nearby blanket and covered her with it, not wanting her to get cold. She snuggled deeper into his embrace, and he was glad he’d decided to get that out of the way. Now the entire weekend was before them, promising nothing but decadent pleasure.

He’d forgotten how comforting it was to simply hold a submissive. It’d been far too long since he had. Since their schedule was free for the rest of the day, he decided they’d take it easy for the next hour or so. Lynne might need to talk since it had been her first punishment session.

Or, he thought, tightening his arms around her, she might just need to be held. And he was perfectly okay with that, too.

Because he’d decided that they would rest for the foreseeable future, it took longer than it should have for him to notice Lynne’s hands were getting more provocative. He caught her wrist as it traced his jeans.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I want you, Sir.” Her eyes were dark with lust. “Take me. Please.”

Out of all the things he might have expected her to say and all the ways he thought she might react, her asking for sex had never entered his mind as a possibility. His dick, of course, was all for it.

“Now?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

He could imagine there were very few men who could turn a request like that down. How could he tell her no? Why would he?

Actually, he could think of a few reasons to refuse her, but at the moment none of them seemed important.

He lifted the blanket from her upper body and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “I need to care for your backside first.”

Maybe the act of tending to her would help keep his libido in check. As it was, it felt like he was losing the tentative grip he had on his control.

“Roll over onto your belly,” he said as he got out of bed. What he needed was in the bags he’d brought, but he’d left them in the living room. He made sure Lynne was covered and went to get it.

He’d also left his phone in the living room, and of course it happened to start ringing as soon as he was making his way back to the bedroom. Whoever it was could leave a message. Lynne was his top priority right now.

She was in the same position he’d left her in, but at his entrance, she lifted her head and looked over her shoulder at him. Damn, she was gorgeous.

“Ass hurt?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. He climbed onto the bed, lifted the blanket, and tended to her skin.

“Yes, Sir,” she said. “But I like it. Well, not like it, like it. I mean, I don’t want to do that again, but yeah. It reminds me of you, and because of that, I like it.”

She fisted the sheets, almost as if she needed something to hold on to. “You okay?” he asked. The cream he was putting on her shouldn’t be causing her pain, but something was bothering her.

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

He kissed her lower back, right above the swell of her backside, and he swore he could feel her body relax at his touch. He caressed her, teased the skin of her back with nibbles and kisses.

Pressing himself along her back, being careful not to put too much pressure on her ass, he dropped his head and whispered in her ear, “I want you to get up on all fours, so I can fuck you while I admire how red I made your ass.”

“Sir? I . . . um . . .”


“Remember when you said earlier not to be embarrassed or ashamed by what I want?”

“Yes.” He kept stroking her body, not wanting to let her arousal subside.

“I would like to do something, and, well, it’s okay for me to ask, right? I know as a Dom you don’t have to do it.”

He was struck again at how different she was now compared to when they were together the first time. That Lynne would have never asked for anything. He was so proud of her, he knew he’d give her anything she wanted.

“Tell me,” he said. “No more secrets between us. If you have a need or want, you bring it to me.”

She took a deep breath. “Do I have to be on all fours?”

That was what she wanted to talk about? Positions? Really?

Instead of explaining why he thought it’d be better for her to be on all fours, he decided to see just how open and forthcoming she was going to be. “How would you like to be?”

“On my back.” She wasn’t looking at him now. She had her head turned to the side away from him. That was probably why she was able to talk so freely. He needed to remember that. “I know it’ll be maybe a little painful, but I think I’d like it like that. You on top of me, taking me, while at the same time, I feel what you did to my ass not too long ago. The harder you fuck me, the more I’ll feel where you spanked me and it’ll—”

He cut her off by flipping her over and claiming her mouth with a kiss. Hot fucking damn, if hearing her talk like that wasn’t the hottest and sexiest thing he’d ever heard, he didn’t know what was. Listening to her had turned a part of him on that had been dormant for entirely too long. Hell, he wasn’t even sure it’d ever been turned on. And he was willing to bet she had no idea what her words did to ignite the sadist within him.

Beneath him, she was all softness and sexy curves, her body a treasure map of pleasure that was his for the taking. She wasn’t passive in her kiss, either. Oh no, not this new Lynne. She took as well as she gave, and as much as he was tasting her, she tasted him.

He ended the kiss with a bite on her lower lip that made her groan. “I think you’ve got quite a bit of a masochist in you.”

It was his ultimate dream, the one he never thought he could have, and here it was in his arms. Lynne. His Lynne. Looking at him as if he was her dream, too.

• • •

It was hard for Lynne to breathe the way Simon was looking at her. His eyes held an intensity she’d never seen before. It was a bit disarming, actually. Like he wanted to devour her and at the same time to shelter and protect her from anything.

“I think you might be right,” she said. “And, trust me, that doesn’t come as a bigger shock to anyone than it does me.”

“Why is that?”

She couldn’t believe, given the position they were in, that he wanted to talk. She almost thought about asking if he was serious, but being on her back had the exact effect she’d thought it would. Yet the pain from her backside only added to the overwhelming sense of arousal that made her grit her teeth so she wouldn’t hump against him, desperate for relief.

But still, she wasn’t going to goad him into punishing her again.

“Why is it a shock that I think I might be a masochist?” she asked,

repeating his question. “I guess because I always categorized them. Thought that they would look different, act different. I never saw them as someone who could work as a nanny or a schoolteacher.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized how foolish they sounded.

“Saying it, I can tell how silly that is. Like your profession dictates your sexual needs or something.” She wrinkled her nose. “Or your sexual needs dictate your profession. Either way it doesn’t work.”

“No, it doesn’t. And you are no less and no more of anything because of what you need sexually.”

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