Welcome to E. Mayberry - Page 11

He laughed.

“That gift you can have whenever you want it. But the other, that’s important. Let’s go to the party first.”

Chapter 4

The black dress hanging in the closet was there for a reason. It was my attire for the night. The arms were sheer lace and the bottom of the dress had a perfectly-planned slit up one leg to show me off. It was one of the sexiest dresses I’d ever seen, great for showing off my cleavage. It was clear that Bastian wanted everyone to see his prize.

Is that what I was? A prize?

We walked over to the neighborhood clubhouse and along the way passed other couples. Waves were exchanged but nothing more. The sun had set and I was surprised I didn’t see any young people, no children riding bikes along the safe sidewalks.

“Bastian,” I said. “Are there a lot of children here?”

He laughed, a little too loud, then realized it and piped down.

“It wasn’t a joke. What’s so funny?”

“No,” he said. “There are no children here. Children are not allowed.”

“Not allowed?”

Something about that statement seemed cold. I loved children. I always waved hello and gave money for candy to a few of the kids that usually hung out on the front stoop of my apartment complex. My nieces were two of my favorite people on earth.

“I’ll explain everything a little later when I give you the book.”

“The book?”

“Don’t worry about all that right now. I promise you’ll understand everything later and you’ll feel much more comfortable. If I try to tell you everything now it’ll be jumbled and will be too much to take in. You’ll get confused.”

Confused? I’m not a fucking idiot.

I didn’t like the secrecy. I didn’t like being treated like a little kid. It reminded me of when I was younger and I’d ask my dad from the back seat of the car, “Dad where are we going?” He’d always reply with, “You’ll find out when we get there.” That’s how I felt at this moment.

Suddenly he stopped, took both my hands in his, and leaned down to touch his forehead against mine.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

“I’m trying to but to be honest you’re kind of freaking me out.”

“Who took care of you at the hospital?”

“You did.”

“And who’s going to take care

of you now?”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Seriously?” he said. “After all that time I spent by your bedside you don’t trust me?”

“Ok, I trust you.”

“Good, then trust me. It’ll all make sense later. You’re not the first newbie in E. Mayberry.”

“What does the E stand for anyway?”

“Erotic Mayberry.”

Tags: Chris Genovese Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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