His Best Mistake (Shillings Agency 6) - Page 49

Tim laughed. “Get him on the streets with us. Show him what a real job is.”

“He’s done what we do. Or, similar to it, anyway.” She hesitated, then added, “He was in the military. He got out because his wife died, and he’s the only one left to raise his daughter.”

He stopped walking, staring at her. “Wait. He’s a vet?”

Tim was the only person who had ever helped her take care of her dad when he needed it, so he probably understood her hesitance to date a military man more than anyone else.

“It’s different,” she said quickly. “He’s different.”

Tim shook his head. “Daisy…”


??s not my father. Nothing is going to go wrong, and he isn’t a drunk like him. He’s not going to lead me down that hole again,” she said defensively. “Okay?”

Tim looked doubtful, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah. Okay.”

Chapter Sixteen

The fireplace was crackling, Daisy was tucked under a warm afghan on his couch, and she had her feet resting on his lap. It was well after eleven o’clock, and Ginny had gone to bed three hours ago. He and Daisy had been sitting in the living room talking about everything and nothing at all ever since. Having her here like this, all domestic and at ease, was fucking fantastic. Even his workday had gone faster than usual, because once he came home, his two favorite girls would be with him. Having those two pieces of his life collide so perfectly, so seamlessly, was priceless. He was ready to shout out to the world that they were together.

That she was his.

The question was…

Did she feel the same way?

“Was it nice, being back out there?” he asked softly.

“God, yes. I missed it.” She smiled, her eyes still shut. “I didn’t realize just how much until today. You know?”

He nodded. “I do. I get the same feeling when I get a client that requires actual protection. That hint of danger is a breath of fresh air. It’s a rush. A thrill. A high.”

“Yes.” She smiled. “You get it.”

Oh, he definitely did.

All too well.

And truth be told, he missed it as much as she probably had.

Only difference was, he wouldn’t be going back to that rush. And he was okay with that. But still, sometimes he really fucking missed it. He picked up his beer, took a sip, set it down, and closed his fingers over her foot again. “Did you tell anyone about us yet?” he asked, massaging the spot right above her heel.

She moaned when he dug in a little harder. “Hmm?”

“Did you—?”

“Oh. Yeah. Tim.” She sighed and stretched luxuriously. “You?”

“Not yet. I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”

“That was part of the deal, right?” she asked, yawning. “No more hiding. No more secrets. That’s what you wanted, right?”

“Right.” He skipped his fingers up her calf, inching toward her knee. “My mom wants to have Ginny over for dinner tomorrow. She has some friends coming over who like playing with her. She says it makes them feel young again. Want to go out with the gang, and tell them all the truth then?”

She groaned. “I’m never going to hear the end of it from Lauren.”

“Me, either.” He snaked farther up her leg underneath the blanket, teasing her upper thigh, and heard her breath catch in her throat. “But it’s worth it.” He teased her core, running his finger around her with enough pressure to make her groan for an entirely different reason. “Right?”

Tags: Diane Alberts Shillings Agency Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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