Dirty Boss (Dirty Rich 2) - Page 25

She knows I'm fucking Nick.

I push myself off the couch, landing on the floor with a very unpleasant thud.

My mid-back tenses. It will be trouble later, but right now my main concern is putting my clothes back on before I completely throw away my judgment.

I pull my tights to my waist, fix my skirt, and reach for the door. No. I still need my glasses. I grab them off the couch.

Nick grabs my wrist, stopping me. "Your shirt is unbuttoned." He pulls me into his lap, his grip tightening. "I didn't tell you to leave."

"Red." I break free of his grasp and fumble over my buttons. "What the fuck happened to this relationship being a secret?"

He says nothing.

"Any other secrets you share with Jasmine?"


I grab onto the door, but I can't turn it yet. I'm too unsettled.

"Lizzy, it's not personal."

"No, how could it be personal? You don't even trust me enough to let me touch you."

"Let's talk tonight. I'll take you to dinner."

Right on cue, my stomach growls. "How come you get to make all the terms? Do you know how hard it is for me to keep things from my sister?"


"And you tell your fucking secretary?"

"She's not my secretary. We have a history."

"Do you think I'm stupid or just naive?"


With a deep breath, I open the door and walk back to my desk. I'm acutely aware of eyes on me.

I try to work, but I can't think. I lock myself in the handicapped stall of the women's bathroom so no one can disrupt me.

My phone is no solace. There's a new text from Nick. Instead of reading it, I turn the damn device off.

Once I've calmed down, I leave the office in favor of the coffee shop across the street. I don't return until well after the meeting is over.

Chapter Sixteen

The office clears at five, but I'm too behind schedule to go home. I focus on my work, only stopping to get water or use the restroom.

The lights turn off around eight. All but the one streaming out from Nick's office. The door opens and he steps into the main room.

It's not fair that he's so handsome. It makes it harder to resist him.

His eyes meet mine. "I ordered you shrimp scampi. I have sriracha in my office."

"You've been hoarding hot sauce?"

He nods.

"I should probably finish this."

"It's your decision." He steps into the elevator.

My work no longer holds my attention. I'm too tired and too drained to think straight. I might as well take solace in spicy noodles.

The elevator doors ding open. Nick steps into the main room holding a paper bag. He motions for me to follow him into his office.

I do.

He leaves the door open. "We are alone, so—"

"Planning to make good on your promise to fuck me tonight?"

He passes a takeout container and a fork to me. "Would you really want that?"

"I don't know." I consider it. "Yes. I would. I understand you when we're having sex. Other times..." Not as much.

The smells of garlic, tomatoes, and shrimp waft into my nostrils as I pull off the lid. It's just like the last time we tried to eat a meal in his office. There's still a wall between us. He still has all the cards.

He hands me a bottle of sriracha. "Jasmine was my brother's high school sweetheart. She helped me whenever I had a problem with him. She was always trustworthy."

"How did she end up working for you?"

"I offered her a job after they broke up. He was planning on staying in the Bay and working at another startup, and I was set on Odyssey being in New York."


"People are serious here. They don't spend their weeknights slamming shots. They don't come to work in hoodies and t-shirts."

"You don't like the laidback Silicon Valley thing?"

"Do you?"

"No. There's a word for it, you know, 'brogrammer,' like a bro programmer. Those guys crash Stanford parties on the weekends and pick up college girls by bragging about their six-figure salaries. They're all assholes." I stir hot sauce into my pasta. My mid-back tenses. No amount of wiggling or stretching helps. "Thanks for dinner." I stuff pasta in my mouth so I won't have to respond.

"Jasmine asked if we were sleeping together a few weeks ago. I could tell she knew the answer."

"You must be close to know her expressions that well."

"I'm not interested in her."

"But she's your friend. You trust her."

"I trust you."

There's regret in his eyes. He's barely touching his food.

I take another bite so I won't say something stupid.

Once again, all I want to do is wrap my arms around him, to wipe the pain from his expression.

I can't keep doing this. I can't care about him this much. Not if he's going to withhold things from me. Not if this really is casual.

After my next bite, I push my food aside. Wipe my face. My eyes meet Nick's. "You don't have to explain. Your company is your first priority. You want casual. And this isn't feeling very casual anymore." My eyes go to the table. "It's better if we end things before we get too invested."

"Is that really what you want?"

No. But I'm not seeing another choice. I open my mouth to speak, but I can't bring myself to add to the hurt look in his eyes.

If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong.

Please, Nick. Please tell me I'm wrong.

He doesn't.

"You said that you didn't want to hurt me." I play with my hands. "If that's really true—"

A knock on the door interrupts me.

Dammit, this is getting to be an annoying trend.

The person, whoever he is, doesn't wait for a response.

A man in a navy suit steps inside. He looks a lot like Nick. Just as tall and broad. Just as handsome. Same dark hair, but his eyes are blue.

He looks from me to Nick with an amused expression. "Where is Jasmine?"

"I sent her home," Nick says.

"Shepard Marlowe." He extends his hand to me.

I only barely manage to shake it. "Lizzy Wilder." My gaze goes to Nick. Shepard Marlowe. No way his last name is a coincidence.

And he called Jasmine by her first name.

Shepard makes eye contact with Nick. Frowns. "You're still pretending like I don't exist?"

"You were on a leave of absence until last month." Nick grits his teeth. "Miss Wilder, this is my brother, Shepard."

"CFO of Odyssey." Shepard takes a step backwards.

"So you're the person trying to sell the company?" I ask.

"Yes." He taps his toe impatiently. "I hate to be rude, but could you give us a minute?" He looks at Nick. "I doubt you want your girlfriend to hear this."

"I'm not his girlfriend," I say.

"Whatever you'd like to call it." Shepard folds his arms, waiting. "Did you get tired of Jasmine or did you inherent Dad's philandering streak?"

Nick's brow furrows. "Lizzy, give us a minute."

I don't like the frustration on his face. I want to stay, to do whatever I can to protect him.

"Now," Nick says.

"Of course, Mr. Marlowe." I leave the door open a few inches on my way into the main room.

I stay close enough to eavesdrop. The tension in my back spreads up and down my sp

ine. I need to lie down with a heating pad and a heavy dose of ibuprofen. Even that might not be enough.

I should go now. Before it gets really bad.

But I can't go until I hear this.

"Jesus, I thought Jasmine was young for you. How old is that girl?" Shepard asks.

"I never touched Jasmine."

"Sell whatever story you want. I don't have any interest in listening to you lie about fucking the only woman I've ever loved." Shepard clears his throat. "I'm flying back to the Bay tomorrow. I need a number or I can't negotiate." There's a pause, like he's waiting for a response. "How much is Odyssey worth right now?"

"A tenth what it will be worth in three years."

"How much is it worth today?"

"If you want out, I'll buy your share."

"I don't want your money."

There's a pause. I can't see them, but I can feel the tension all the way over here.

Nick breaks the silence. "If you want to hurt me—"

"My life doesn't revolve around you." Shepard's voice gets irritated. "Give me a number so you can get back to your plaything."

"Don't talk about her like that."

"I'm sure the two of you are in love and you're going to live happily ever after. It's not like you're her boss and she's what–your intern? I thought you were better than that asshole Mom married." Shepard scoffs. "You should thank me for selling this company before she sues you for everything it's worth."

"Don't talk about Lizzy like that."

"Nick, I'm not interested in hearing about your sex life."

"I never slept with Jasmine."

"Don't lie to my face. She always confided in you. Always trusted you. Do you expect me to believe you wouldn't take advantage of that the way you're taking advantage of this poor kid?"


"Tell me how much the IP is worth so I can leave."

Nick sighs. "Thirty million to most companies. A hundred million to the right company."

"I'll get two hundred."

There's silence for a moment.

Shepard breaks it. "You're going to get wrinkles frowning so much."

The door opens, and Shepard steps out. He and Nick are both staring at me. I'm sure that with my eyes wide and my mouth hanging open, I'm giving away that I heard everything.

Shepard looks at me. "Be careful. Nick doesn't love anyone but Haley."

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dirty Rich Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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