Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4) - Page 185

"It's supposed to hurt."

She swallows hard. "What if I can't handle it?"

"Stop me with a yellow or a red." I take the toy back. "I won't think less of you. But I am going to push you. I'm going to push you to the brink of what you can take."

"Okay." She looks up at me. "I mean, good."

"You're nervous."

She nods. "I do want it."

"I know, baby."

The pet name makes her groan. And that groan makes my balls tighten. I glance at the room, trying to find the perfect place for this.


I motion to the window. "Put your hands on the glass."

She moves towards the window and stops three feet from it then she leans forward and places her palms against the glass.

Her back arches.

Her breath catches in her throat.

She's already shaking with anticipation.

I take my time placing my body behind hers. I let her ass brush against my crotch. Even with the layers of fabric in the way, I can feel her heat.

I step back enough to rub her over her thong.

She's wet.

She's ready for this.

I tap her calf with the tip of the riding crop then I drag it up her leg. She shudders as I draw a line over her ass and down her other leg.

She lets out a whine of a sigh as I pull it away from her skin.

This isn't my palm on her skin. It's harder to wield. It's easier to injure. I have to be careful.

There. It's in position.

With one quick flick of my wrist, I bring the toy down on her ass.

Lacey groans as the leather tip smacks against her flesh. The sound is half pain, half pleasure.

"You want to hurt, baby," I say.


I spank her again. This time it's hard enough the smack of leather on flesh echoes around the room.

She tries to tug at the glass but only slips. Her groan is more pain than pleasure, but she's lifting her ass into the air in invitation.

I tap the toy against the back of her thigh, only enough to sting. "You think you deserve the pain?"


Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dangerous Noise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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