Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4) - Page 231

Then I can get home and collapse so that maybe I'll be alert when Mal gets in at some ungodly hour of the morning.

The chilly air isn't going to delay that.

I suck a deep breath through my nose and hug myself a little tighter. Okay. That's it.

I nod to the lighting guy and point to the flat rock behind Logan. "Let's put the light in front of him. We can get this fast."

"You sure?" He shoots back an incredulous look. "Doesn't look stable."

"We'll tie it down. But do it fast, so we don't have to rework everything for night," I say.

He nods sure thing. He's annoyed, but he still follows my commands.

It's not like when I was Danielle's assistant.

Everyone on this set, even notorious playboy flirt Logan Kingston, respects me.

Actually, Logan might respect me the most of anyone. He's been lobbying to get me to return to shoot this video for ages. He always teases that it's a) because I'm hot and b) because it vexes Mal, but we both know that isn't true.

Well, he might find me hot, but he's a loyal guy. He'd never try to get between me and Mal.

Not that he could.

For a second, the pang in my chest pushes away the goose bumps spreading over my arms. I miss Mal. It's been two weeks now. It sounds so doable, two weeks apart, then a few days together, then another two weeks apart, but by day five, I'm miserable.

By day thirteen, I'm a wreck.

Even when I stay busy with work—and I almost always do. I've become quite the in-demand director. No doubt, a lot of it is nepotism.

I don't care.

I ace every shoot I'm on.

So what if I got the job because I'm the girlfriend of a respected rock star?

I still earn the job.

Damn, now I'm thinking about Mal.

This is it.

The end of the tour.

We get another few months together.

And I'm going to savor every fucking minute of them.

As soon as I finish this damn video.

Logan waves from his spot on the edge of the cliff. He blows me a kiss. "Offer stands, you know."

"I do know."

"Just sleep, Lacey. What kind of man do you take me for?" He feigns offense.

"Does that line work?"

"You think I need lines?" He motions to his face as if to say not when I'm this beautiful.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dangerous Noise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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