Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4) - Page 36

"But if you believed her?"

"Her or you?"


"If I thought you knew what you were getting into. Yeah." God knows I want to fuck her. "Hypothetically, I'd fuck you again and again."

Lacey doesn't fight me about paying.

She slides out of the booth and slings her bag around her shoulder. "We should probably hustle." She motions to the nearly empty restaurant between us and the exit. "Or is that another celebrity perk?"

"Only way to find out is to stay." I slide my wallet into my back pocket. With the way the host and server have been treating us all night, I'm sure I could get away with raising hell here.

She shakes her head. "It's late and some of us have work tomorrow."

"Early call time?"

She pulls out her cell and taps the screen a few times. Her nose scrunches with distaste. "Too early." She takes a step towards the entrance.

I follow.

Her hips sway as she walks. Fuck, the way those shorts are hugging her ass is incredibly tempting.

I let her lead me out of the restaurant and to our parking spot down the street.

It's a beautiful night. The sky is clear. The air is warm. That cool breeze is blowing over our skin, sending her dark hair in every direction.

She pulls her arms over her chest as she stops in front of the passenger side door. Her eyes pass over the view in front of her—we're parked on some street overlooking the beach. She looks up at the stars shining in the sky. Then at the dark, calm ocean.

She says nothing.

I stand next to her. Close enough I can feel the heat of her body. I let the back of my hand brush against her arm as I open the door for her.

She looks up at me, her eyes incredulous. "Am I supposed to buy you as a gentleman?"

Maybe. I'm not sure what I want her thinking of me. Not yet. I take a step towards the driver's side door. "After you."

"Thank you." She slides into the seat and pulls the seatbelt tight.

I closer her door, move around the hood, slide into the driver's seat.

Lacey's eyes go to me. Then to the steering wheel. To her shoes.

She presses her palms into the tops of her thighs. "This is a Nissan."

"Yeah." I secure my seat belt and turn the car on.

"It's such a normal car."


Her eyes meet mine. "It's not what I would have expected you to drive."

I check traffic then pull onto the street. I know people expect me to show up in a fancy luxury sedan or a flashy sports car. But, so far, Lacey has known better than to buy into all that shit.

She leans back in her seat and plays with her seatbelt. "I, um… I would expect you to drive something with a bigger backseat."

"A bigger backseat?"

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dangerous Noise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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