Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4) - Page 94

"It was Scotch," Joel says.

Ethan laughs. "Of course it was Scotch. I'm already… I've got plans already and I don't need you fucking them up." He turns to me. "Sorry. He's like a puppy."

"I do have a greedy tongue," Joel says.

"See?" Ethan raises a brow.

"You two are equally obnoxious," Kit deadpans.

"Read: I feel guilty I don't go down on my woman enough." Joel laughs as Ethan and Mal cringe. Kit is engaged to their sister.

I met these guys an hour ago, but I already feel like I know them.

And I can tell they aren't going to get themselves on track.

Mal or I have to do it.

I clear my throat. "We could shoot a version where you're naked, but we won't be able to get it on many sites. American puritanical values are very anti-cock."

The guys laugh.

"It will be easier to put you in flesh-tone swimsuits and cover you with seaweed." They're all into the idea. It's time to deal with the practicalities, so there are no obstacles between us and agreeing. "This concept is going to be the biggest pain in the ass. It's August. We won't get a quiet day at the beach until November unless we go way into Malibu."

"We can arrange that," Mal says.

"We'll need permits if we want nice equipment. If we want to do it guerrilla style—"

"What's that?" Ethan asks.

"Guerrilla warfare. Or did you miss that when you dropped out?" Joel teases.

Ethan's eyes narrow. He pretends to laugh it off, but his brow stays furrowed. "I know guerrilla warfare."

"It's the same idea,"

I jump in. "We'll show up early, keep all our shots low setup, leave if there's trouble. It will work fine for the monster stuff and the crowd stuff. But there's no way we're shooting a big concert scene without a bunch of permits and equipment."

Mal's eyes meet mine. He raises a brow you trust me?

I nod. I do trust him. It's scary how much I trust him, considering…

"You guys want to vote?" Mal asks.

"She made that third one sound way better." Joel's green eyes fix on mine. "You talking it up because your boy toy likes that one the best?"

"I don't care what Mal wants." I clear my throat. "I care what's best for the final music video." It's true. As much as I want Mal's body again, I'm loyal to filmmaking first. If anything, I'm her bitch.

Joel smiles. He and Kit share a knowing look. It rivals Ethan and Mal's brotherly stare. They must be old friends.

"I like three," Ethan says.

"Me too," Kit nods.

"Fuck, I'm agreeing with you assholes?" Joel shakes his head. "Three is just better."

I laugh. "It's the most fun." I rack my brain for solutions to our it will take months to get a concert scene put together problem. "What if Dangerous Noise was playing at a wedding? That would be a fun contrast between the gross sea monsters—"

"Who you calling gross, Waltz?" Joel teases.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Dangerous Noise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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