Highlander Oath of the Beast (Highland Promise Trilogy 3) - Page 57

It rankled Wolf that she put such trust in her men but had not an ounce for him even after he had made sure to protect her from this attack.

Raven raised her hand when he went to respond. “I don’t want false promises or empty words. Trust—true trust—I learned comes from deep within. A place where someone would never think to betray.”

“You had such a trust with the man you loved?” Wolf asked, knowing her response would annoy him.

“I did, though we both earned it just as I earned my men’s trust and theirs mine. I have hidden nothing about myself from you. You see and hear for yourself who I am. You either accept my word as truth or you leave us to forever doubt each other.”

Wolf turned away from her, his mind in turmoil. Surrender was not something he ever considered. He had fought every battle, every engagement large or small, to the end and had emerged mostly victorious. He had retreated a couple of times to regroup and when he’d reengaged, victory proved easy.

This engagement was different. There’d be no retreat. Once he entered battle, her word would prove true or false, which meant either certain victory or defeat for him. Unless he didn’t think of it as a battle to win or lose. He’d actually come to favor his wife. She challenged him in words and action, and he couldn’t deny he was attracted to her. She invaded his thoughts endlessly and dreams as well. He loved having her in his arms at night, wrapped snug around him. And she aroused him far too easily, a sign he had tried to ignore that he was eager to make love to her.


That word had surfaced far too often in his head of late when it came to his wife. Could he truly feel more for her than he would admit? Was he failing to trust what his heart was trying to tell him? How would he ever know if he didn’t give it a chance? How would she ever trust him if he didn’t believe her word?

Wolf whipped off his cloak, tossed it aside, went to his wife, and scooped her up in his arms. “It’s time we settle this. It’s time we seal our vows and I make you my wife.”

Chapter 16

Raven wasn’t sure what to do when her husband set her on her feet in their bedchamber. She had wanted this—his trust. But the hundreds of butterflies fluttering in her stomach had her thinking twice about it. She may have learned about coupling from listening to her men but it was from a man’s perspective. She had no idea how it was for a woman. That she was about to find out both thrilled and frightened her.

There was one thing she wanted to know before anything happened between them. “So you chose to see if I tell the truth.”

Wolf’s hands halted, having already partially disrobed, and his eyes found hers. “I know you told me the truth, that’s why I do this.”

He shocked her speechless but not for long. “Suddenly you believe me?”

“I believe you, I trust you, and I care for you.” His response was unexpected and unintended, but it felt right.

Only a few words of what he’d said stuck in her mind and she had to be sure she had heard him correctly. “You care for me?”

“I do,” he said, feeling comfortable with admitting it. “You can be troublesome at times, stubborn as well, and definitely foolish, but you have courage, strength, and you are loyal to those you care for, and you will stop at nothing to keep them safe. I know you will protect our bairns as fiercely as a wolf protects her cubs, and I hope someday you will come to care for me as well.”

Words failed her. She never expected to hear such kind and caring words from him. She thought they would forever be at odds, never even become friends, never truly care for each other. It touched her heart to think that they could actually have if not a loving marriage then at least a caring one.

She had a chance here not only to make the most of her situation as the old man used to advise her to do, but to make a better life for herself. One where she would have a husband who cared for her and one day maybe, just maybe dare she think, they could find love with each other.

Raven spoke what she felt. “I thought I would hate you forever, but I don’t. You are different than I thought you’d be. Of course, I was right about you being overbearing and that you dictate to me far too much, but you’re not the barbarian I expected.” She turned a teasing smile on him. “You’re a good leader, fair with your people, and a warrior of exceptional skill. I believed I would have to tolerate you in more ways than one. I was pleasantly surprised to see that your features are more than tolerable as are your manners. While I don’t need you to keep me safe, I have no doubt, when necessary, you will keep me safe. And surprisingly and completely unexpected, I’ve come to care—somewhat—for you.”

Tags: Donna Fletcher Highland Promise Trilogy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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