Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1) - Page 25

“You told me to get dressed while my clothes dried. What else was I supposed to put on, Tucker?”

He pinched his brows together and was about to say something when I asked, “Who’s Gina?”

When his mouth shut, he looked taken aback by my out-of-the-blue question.

Ugh! Damn it, this week keeps getting worse.

Pushing past him, I made my way down the steps.

“Charlie, wait. How are you going to get home?”

Gina came walking out of the other room, interrupting my not-so-nice response to Tucker. “Leaving so soon?”

If I hadn’t known any better, I would say there was a bit of a bitch tone to her voice. Understandable, considering the circumstances.

“Yes. I have an appointment I need to get to.”

“Oh, bummer. Well, I’m glad Tucker was able to take care of an old college friend who got a bit too drunk last night.”

Great. Let’s just add to my humiliation, why don’t we? I didn’t even bother to answer her as I kept my eyes forward.

“Gina! What in the hell?” Tucker said as I pulled the front door open and stepped outside. A cold front must have blown through because it was a breezy, cool September morning. I inhaled the much-needed air.

Hitting the only number I knew to call, I prayed Tucker wouldn’t follow me outside. I needed to put as much distance between the two of us—and his girlfriend—as possible.

“Hey. I need a ride.”

“Where are you?”

I could hardly get the words out of my mouth. “Your brother’s.” She didn’t even question it. “I’m around the corner. I’ll be right there.”

My voice cracked. “Thanks.”

My shoulder burned from the contact when he touched me.

“Charlie, why don’t you come back in? We really need to talk about what happened in there.”

Counting to five, I put on my game face. The one I’d been wearing for the last seven years. The one that would make me a successful businesswoman for the rest of my pathetic life. Turning, I flashed him a wide grin. “Which part, Tucker? The one where we almost fucked on your kitchen island? Or the part where Gina walked in?”

His brows furrowed.

“You know what? Never mind. I’m sorry if I ruined your evening last night and clearly your morning. It’s a good thing she came when she did before we did something we would regret.”

His face was pained. “You like that word, don’t you? Or maybe you just associate it with me.”

My heart dropped. “What?”

With a shrug, he glanced over my shoulder. “Looks like Lily’s here. I hope your knees feel better.”

He turned and walked back into his house, leaving me feeling as empty as I felt that day seven years ago.

Tearing my stare away from his retreating figure, I walked to Lily’s Jeep. Opening the car door, I slipped in and shut it.

One look at Lily and I let my tears fall. Again. Fuck me, this crying shit was for the birds.

She reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Oh, Charlie.”

With a subtle shake of my head, I dropped it against the headrest. My head pounded, my knees hurt like hell, I missed my parents, and the only man who could save me from the mess I was in professionally had a girlfriend. And as much as I told myself I couldn’t stand to be near Tucker, I knew it was far from the truth. Deep down I was more upset that he’d kissed me knowing that he had a girlfriend. Tucker never seemed to be the type of guy who would cheat. Never.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024