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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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Tucker nodded, then changed the subject and started talking about Hannah’s nursery. Before I knew it, I had volunteered to help get the room set up and ready to go for the baby when Charlie and Tucker moved her into her own room. All the talk of fume-free paint and handmade cribs kept my mind off of the image of Kaelynn holding Hannah.

At least it did until we walked back into the hospital room, only to find Charlie passed out sleeping and Kaelynn rocking Hannah back and forth, softly humming to her.

My heart slammed against my chest, and I fought to take a breath for a few moments. Fuck me if that wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

When our eyes met while she was still humming, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to cancel my date.

NASH AND I stood at the elevator and waited in silence for the doors to open. The second we stepped inside, I broke the silence.

“Hannah is beautiful. Tucker and Charlie look so happy.”

“They do. It’s been a long time coming with those two.”

“Charlie is so sweet to me. I truly appreciate her taking me in as a friend.”

He let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, Charlie is one of the very rare people I know who truly is genuine. She does everything with her heart wide open. She’s good to people.”

Chewing on my lip, I glanced forward and took a deep breath as the elevator door opened. We walked side by side toward the exit. For a brief moment, I wanted to confess the secret I’d been keeping. Tell Nash the truth about my wealthy family. And I almost did, until he spoke first, breaking the small shred of nerve I had worked up.

“What floor are you parked on? I’ll walk you to your car.”

“That’s sweet of you. I’m on the third floor.”

With his dimples on full display, he replied, “As am I.”

We walked for a bit in silence before Nash talked. “Poor Charlie. I felt bad seeing her asleep sitting up in bed.”

I chuckled. “Charlie was pretty tired after you guys left. She told me she was going to rest her eyes, and before I knew it, she was sound asleep. Hannah was an angel and let her mommy sleep. I was afraid if I put her down she would cry, so I did the right thing and held the angel while she slept.”

Nash chuckled.

“She was probably just as happy to be lulled to sleep like that by you. Do you have any nieces or nephews?”

“No, not yet. My brother is dating a girl he’s pretty serious about. She’s been good for him and supports him so much. My parents love Jill also, so that’s a plus. I think he’s getting close to popping the big question.”

“Wow, that’s exciting.”

“Yeah, it is.” I stopped in front of my car. “Here I am. Got everything fixed on it, so hopefully no more issues with being stranded.”


Clearing his throat, Nash looked down the garage and then back at me, almost as if he was stalling for something. He let out a soft chuckle before speaking.

“Kaelynn, I know you were pretty upset with me the last time we were together.”

I held up my hands to stop him. “No, I wasn’t angry at you, Nash. It had more to do with me than it did you. I’m sorry about that. It was a pretty childish thing to do, and I’m embarrassed by the way I acted.”

He smiled and my knees felt weak.

“Then, I was wondering if you might want to go—”

My cell phone rang in my hand, causing me to jump and Nash to stop talking. For some unknown reason, I answered it. Maybe because internally I was freaking out. Nash had been about to ask me out.


Taking a step back, he raked his fingers through his dark hair, causing my insides to heat up. My fire was put out by the sound of another male’s voice.

“Hey, Kaelynn.”

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