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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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“Mike, oh, hey. How are you?”

Much to Nash’s credit, he tried not to react when I said another man’s name, but I saw the way his mouth twitched.

“Just checking in with you to make sure we’re still on for dinner tomorrow night. I can’t wait.”

I chewed nervously on my lip. “We are still on for dinner tomorrow, yes.”

Nash’s gaze jerked up to meet mine, and I wished I could hit a rewind button and go back in time two minutes. I wouldn’t have answered the stupid phone.

Nash shook his head, then lifted his hand and mouthed see ya around.

I needed to stop him, and the only way I could that was to cut off Mike. “Listen, would I be able to call you back?”

“Um, yeah, sure? Everything okay?”

“Yes, no, yes! I’ll call ya back.”

Hitting end, I reached for Nash’s arm. “Wait. Why are you leaving? We were talking.”

His expression looked torn. He wore a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“It doesn’t matter now. Hope you have a great evening, Kaelynn.”

I wasn’t about to let him leave like that. Not when I knew he was about to ask me out again.

“Nash, please, wait. You were asking me to go somewhere. Where?”

His fingers laced though that hair again, and my fingers twitched to do the same.

“I was going to ask you out for dinner tomorrow night, but it’s clear you already have a date, so no big deal. I’ve got to run, so I’ll see you around sometime.”

Standing there staring at him in disbelief, I watched as Nash shrugged when I didn’t reply. He turned and started walking off. Before I could stop myself, the words were out of my mouth.

“I thought you had a date tomorrow.”

He turned around, walking backward. A confused expression on his face. Then he called out, “I cancelled it earlier, but like I said, no worries. See ya around, Kaelynn.”

There was no doubt in my mind my mouth had dropped to the ground. What had happened? One minute he was going to ask me out, the next he turned ice cold and walked away.

“You stupid fool. You idiot!” I chastised myself. “Mike . . . dinner. Crap.”

Slipping into my car, I hit the steering wheel. “Shit on a brick. Did Nash cancel his dinner date after seeing me today?”

I laughed, then shook my head. That was wishful thinking on my part. Why in the world would I think that just by seeing me it would cause Nash to cancel a date. “Think pretty highly of yourself there, Kaelynn, huh?”

Sitting in my car for another few minutes, I finally started it and headed to my new condo. I made a note to myself to call Mike back and cancel dinner


“Kaelynn, seriously, why not have a housewarming party?”

I smiled and stared out over Zilker Park. The weather in Texas in early December was much different than the weather in Utah.

“Morgan, I hardly know anyone here.”

“You know me! I have friends. Besides, you’re friends with Charlie and Tucker now. And Terri and Jim. And with Nash.”

I closed my eyes and let the cool breeze hit me in the face. Looking back out over the landscape, I let out a soft sigh. “I think I’m going to go for a run.”

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