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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. “Well, for one, I would never be able to trust her. I finally realized I don’t love her anymore, if I was really ever in love with her. It took me awhile to realize that.”

“And when did you actually decide it was time to move on?”

The beer paused at my lips.

Blake nodded then laughed. “Let me guess, after you met Kaelynn.”

“I think it was when Lily wanted me back. I knew I didn’t want her back. Kaelynn might have reinforced that.”

Tipping the bottle, I drank nearly the whole thing in one drink. Walking up to me, Blake placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Another one bites the dust. I’m going to be the last man standing in the group.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait until you meet the person who makes you fall flat on your ass.”

Blake laughed even harder. “Not going to happen. I like my freedom—and having my pick of women—too much.”

My doorbell rang and I headed to the door.

“I need to get going. Let me know how it goes tonight and if you get laid.”

Rolling my eyes yet again, I opened the door to see Morgan standing there. A wide smile on her face.

“Hey! I heard you had a dinner date tonight!” She squealed as she rushed past me and into my place.

She amped up her excitement with a scream and jumped into my arms after I shut the door.

With a chuckle, I set her down and kissed her on the cheek. “I t

ake it that makes you happy?”

“Happy? Oh my gosh. My best friend hooking up with my brother. Hell yes that makes me happy. Lord knows she needs some attention.” Morgan patted me on the chest as she walked into the house. “If you know what I mean.”

Blake laughed from behind me as I groaned.

“Hey, I’m Morgan, Nash’s sister.”

Blake held out his hand and gave Morgan a polite smile. “Blake Grant, we’ve met before. A long time ago when Nash and I were in college.”

Morgan stared at Blake until it finally came to her. “Oh . . . Blake who is the architect?”

“That’s me.”

“Well, it’s great seeing you again.”

“Yeah, you too. Sorry, but I’ve got to run. Hot date of my own tonight.”

Morgan smiled then gave him a stern look. “Make sure you put a helmet on that soldier, boy. Don’t want any little soldiers running around.”

Blake’s smile faded before he snapped his head to look at me. I shrugged.

“Right. Okay, well, good seeing you again, Morgan.”

She wiggled her fingers and called out, “Have fun!”

I shut the door and walked past her, back to the kitchen. “What brings you here?”

“Okay, well, I wanted to stop by and tell you a few things about Kaelynn.”

Freezing in my tracks, I slowly turned to face her. Had Kaelynn sent my sister over here to tell me what she had been hiding?

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