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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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“Did Kaelynn send you over her?”

Morgan jerked her head back. “What? Oh gosh no. She would kick my ass if she knew I was here.”

I didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated. “Fine. What did you want to tell me?”

“Kaelynn is very sweet. I think a little on the innocent side. I haven’t really seen her dating anyone serious. The whole time I’ve known her she hasn’t mentioned sleeping with anyone.”

My eyes widened. “She’s a virgin?”

Morgan looked at me like I had just said the strangest thing. Her brows pulled in tight and she replied, “No. Where in the hell did that come from?”

“I don’t know.” I said, pointing to her. “You’re the one who said she was innocent.”

“Yeah, as in she doesn’t sleep around with guys. I think she comes from a conservative family. I haven’t met them, so I’m not sure what they’re like.” She paused for a moment then looked up in thought. “You know, she never talks about her family. I mean, she does her brother and sister. She’s talked about them a lot. But her mom and dad, not so much.”

“Huh, with you too?”

“She hasn’t talked about them to you either?”

I shook my head. “Not a whole lot.”

Morgan shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal to her. “That doesn’t mean anything. She’s just a private person.”

Nodding, I agreed. “Anything else you needed? I have to be taking off soon.”

She smiled. “I’m glad you’re getting out there again, Nash. I hope you are finally realizing that Lily wasn’t the one.”

I grunted.

“She wasn’t. You deserve someone who loves you the way you love them. Someone who is honest and caring.”

Grabbing my keys and wallet, I faced my sister. “And what if Kaelynn isn’t so honest.”

Her mouth opened slightly, as if she was too stunned to say anything. Then she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Kaelynn? She’s probably one of the most honest people I’ve ever met. Her heart is pure gold, and there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for anyone. Nash, you can’t let what one woman did to you pave the way for all other women. Lily cheated on you. She lied to your face and slept with another man and got pregnant. Do we all have secrets? Yes. I’m sure Kaelynn does as well, but she isn’t Lily.”

I swallowed hard but forced myself to smile. Walking up to Morgan, I kissed her on the cheek. “I know. I do. Thanks, Morgan. I really do need to get going.”

“Let’s walk out together. Wait, do you have condoms?”

My entire body sagged. “I’m not even going there with you.”

“Why not? It’s a real question that all responsible adults need to think about in this day and age,” Morgan said, walking out the door and toward the elevator.

“I have no intention of sleeping with her tonight; it’s our second date.”

Morgan wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t underestimate a woman who hasn’t had sex in a while. Trust me. I know.”

Plugging my ears, I started singing while Morgan laughed and pushed the button for the lobby.

Thirty minutes later I stood outside of Kaelynn’s apartment. Knocking on the door, I drew in a deep breath.


When Kaelynn opened the door, I let my eyes roam over her. She had on a white sweater, jeans, and no socks or shoes. Sweeping my eyes back up her body, I smiled. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Long curls hung down randomly, and she had what looked like flour on the tip of her nose. She was the most adorable thing I’d ever laid eyes on.

Then she smiled even bigger when our eyes met. “You look handsome,” she said while motioning for me to come into her place. Her condo wasn’t anything huge. It had a decent-sized kitchen with a bar that held four stools. The living room was big enough for a sectional. A square coffee table sat in the middle of the living room. A large TV sat on top of a console, but I saw the box for the equipment to hang it on the wall.

“So, this is my place. If you go in through here, you’ll find the bathroom.”

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