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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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I followed her. “It cuts through to the bedroom.”

Sitting in the middle of the bedroom was a queen-sized, four-poster, white iron bed. It was all made up with a simple light green comforter and a few decorative pillows. There was no TV and no dresser. Just the bed and a chair next to the window that had a throw blanket the same color as her comforter on it.

“That looks cozy,” I stated, pointing to the chair.

“It is the best place to read a book. I love looking out and seeing the park. It has a perfect view of the top of the Zilker tree as well.”

“Cute place,” I said as we made our way back into the living room. “There is a small bedroom on the other side of the living room. It’s my office and has a futon in there if I ever have . . . guests.” She shrugged, then laughed. “Not that I really know anyone here.”

I took in a deep breath. “Smells delicious. That is not hot dogs.”

Kaelynn took the six-pack of beer out of my hands. “No, it’s not. It is, however, my mother’s secret lasagna recipe.”

“How did you know lasagna was my favorite?”

Glancing over her shoulder, she winked. “A little birdy told me. Make yourself at home. I’m not sure what’s on TV. I don’t watch it very much, but I do have satellite if you want to watch anything.”

“Nah, I’m good. Are you going to be hanging it up on the wall?”

Kaelynn walked back in and handed me a beer. “Yeah, I opened up the box and read the first three steps and got lost.”

Laughing, I set the beer on a coaster and opened the box.

“Nash, you don’t have to do that.”

“I want to,” I replied. “I like putting things together.”

Kaelynn dropped onto the floor next to me. “Need any help?”

“Nope. I got it.”

Pulling her knees up and resting her chin on them, she watched me. I liked that we could be together in comfortable silence. That not every second had to be filled with conversation. Lily was the opposite of Kaelynn. She always wanted to talk, no matter what it was about. You couldn’t have a moment of peace . . . ever.

“Morgan said you have two degrees. One in business management and one in architecture.”


“Do you do very much with your architecture degree?”

“Not yet, but I’m hoping that changes soon. I’ve designed a few things.”

She tilted her head and regarded me. I wanted to reach out and wipe the white off her nose, but I decided she looked too damn cute with it.

“Like what?”

“Tucker and Charlie’s house, for one.”

She gasped. “You designed their house and built it? It’s stunning.”

“Yes, I did. It’s really what I’m hoping to offer more of, if I can just get my father on board. He thinks I need to be on the job sites every day micromanaging and . . .”

With a laugh, I shook my head and reached for the beer. “I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is talk about work.”

A timer went off and Kaelynn jumped up.

“Excuse me, I have to finish the lasagna up; I’ll be right back.”

My eyes followed her into the kitchen. The ache in my body for this woman was growing stronger the more I was around her.

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