Adore Me (Austin Singles 3) - Page 17

His brow lifted. “His little sister. The little sister he is protective of. The sister he would not be happy knowing you’ve been pining over all these years.”

“I haven’t been pining over her.”

“No, you’ve been putting on a good show an

d making everyone think you sleep around. Even I was fooled until you admitted your feelings about Morgan to me a few months ago.”

“I needed to talk to someone.”

He smiled. “Dude, I’m glad you talked to me. If you would just talk to Nash, I know he would understand.”

“And break the unspoken rule?”

He sighed. “Nash broke the rule with my sister.”

Nash had fallen for Tucker’s younger sister Lily and had been secretly dating her for a few years before she had admitted to having an affair. It shook Nash hard, and it took him a while to get over her. Kaelynn coming into his life had helped things along in that department, no doubt.

“Anyway, so we’re sitting there, and she all of sudden busts out and says she wants one night of no-strings sex. A lot of sex, because she hasn’t had sex in a long time. Then the next morning I can go on my way and we can be friends again.”

Tucker stared at me. An incredulous look on his face. Finally, he spoke. “Morgan? Morgan said that to you? Was she still drunk?”

I tossed my hands up in the air. “Dude! I asked her the same thing! Then I thought she was screwing around, so I flirted with her a little. When I realized she was serious and my flirting was going too far, I told her it could never happen. There was no way it would happen.”

“I’m glad you think a one-night stand is the wrong thing to do.”

“Yeah, well, she took it like I wasn’t attracted to her, and she said some bullshit about me not going for a woman like her. She was already about to cry, and then I might have mentioned that she’d been pining over Mike the night before. That didn’t go over well.”

“I imagined it didn’t. What did she mean about you not going for a woman like her?”

I shrugged. “Hell if I know. I tried to explain it wasn’t about me not being attracted to her, but she wouldn’t let me. She told me to forget she’d even brought it up. Next thing I knew she said she was going to the restroom, and she walked out the front door and got in an Uber.”


“Yeah. Shit. Now I don’t know what in the hell to do. Do I call her? Do I go over to her place to try to explain why us hooking up would be terrible? Tucker, what do I do?”

He sat there, contemplating his answer. “You have two options. One, do like she said and forget she ever said anything.”

“And the attraction?”

“Ignore it. Hope it goes away.”

I dropped back in the chair. “That’s never going to happen. Especially now that I know she’s attracted to me too.”

Tucker smirked and leaned forward. “Dude, it’s fucking time you admitted the truth—not only to yourself, but to Morgan and Nash too.”

“And what if I end up losing them both?”

“She’s got to be worth the risk, Blake. I mean, a guy doesn’t leave town because he simply has the hots for his buddy’s sister.”

I looked away, knowing exactly what was coming.

“Blake, it’s time you faced the truth: you want Morgan.”

I shot him a dirty look. “No kidding, asshole. What is option two?”

He shrugged and replied, “Tell Nash you’re attracted to Morgan.”

Closing my eyes, I dropped back down into the chair and whispered, “I am so fucked.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024