Adore Me (Austin Singles 3) - Page 8

He knows it’s me!

My mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. I rolled my eyes and cursed myself.

Of course he knows it is you, Morgan. He has your number!

We had exchanged numbers when I drove with him to Nash and Kaelynn’s new property on the night my brother surprised my best friend by asking her to marry him. Kaelynn had surprised Nash as well by announcing she was pregnant.

“Um, yeah. Sorry, Blake. I’m running on slow this morning. Did I . . . ah . . . interrupt anything?”

He laughed. “I bet you are running slow. You were trashed last night. And no, I was out for a run.”

I sagged in relief and tried not to think of Blake hot and sweaty. My tongue ran over my lips as I let the imagine flit across my mind.

Lord, what is wrong with me this morning?

“Please tell me you didn’t call Nash.”

“I didn’t call him. How are you feeling?”

Smiling, I replied, “I think your nasty concoction is helping. How did you know I had V8?”

“I saw it in your refrigerator. You’re the one who turned me on to that nasty shit, if you don’t remember. I came up with the concoction one morning when I was hungover and I accidentally mixed the two together and drank it. I think I was still drunk, to be honest with you.”

I laughed, and man, did it feel good.

“Thank you, Blake. For making sure I got home safely.”

“Of course. Nash and Butch would kick my ass if I hadn’t made sure you were just that. Safe.”

“You know Butch?”

“I do. So I need to give you back your house key. How about we talk over breakfast? Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll swing by and pick you up.”

My stomach growled in agreement. “Food sounds fantastic right about now.”

“Perfect, I’ll see you soon, princess.”

My breath hitched in my chest for the briefest of moments before I managed to say, “Okay. See you.”

The call ended, and I sat there unable to move. I’d never had a guy call me by any sort of endearment. Mike hadn’t even done that, and we had dated since high school and even been engaged.

Why had Blake calling me princess stolen my breath away like that?

I did not understand why and really didn’t have much time to debate it with myself. I headed to the bedroom and tried to make myself not look like I had the worse hangover of my life.

The doorbell rang, and I jumped. I took one quick look at myself in the mirror and blew out a breath, causing my cheeks to puff up.

“Well, at least I don’t look like death.”

I had pulled my blond hair up into a ponytail and put on jeans and a light blue T-shirt. A bit of mascara, and I was ready. I never had been much of a makeup kind of girl.

“Okay, Morgan. This isn’t a date. It’s Blake. You’ve known him forever, so stop acting like this. It’s a crush. He’s a good-looking guy, and it’s natural to be attracted to him.”

Taking a deep breath, I quickly rushed to the door and opened it.

“Hey!” I said, trying not to let my eyes drag over his body. He had obviously come straight over from working out, and I had to force myself to keep a casual smile on my face as I quickly took in the sweatpants and the tight black T-shirt.

Okay, so the T-shirt showed off his upper muscles nicely, and I was definitely staring.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024