Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 22

“Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?”

I focused on combing my fingers through some of Lindy’s hair. She was a good dog as she sighed contentedly.

I responded, my voice sounding distant, “I’m good. I slept in this morning, and I need to work on some things, but I was about to call, so you didn’t worry.”

My mind wasn’t in the right place to talk to my mom now. When I thought about memories like that, it was hard not to ask her why she hadn’t fought for me to keep that puppy. I never even had a chance to name him. I knew the answer though. She had been fighting her own battle each and every night against my dad. Knowing that still didn’t take away the sharp memories I had that sometimes cut me like a jagged piece of glass. I always wanted to ask her why she hadn’t taken me and left. My questions sometimes made me feel guilty because I loved my mom.

She broke through my thoughts. “Did you hear me, Ainsley?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. What did you say?”

She had the patience of a saint as she responded, “Don’t forget about Donna’s party. You promised you would come. I let her know that you’d be bringing someone. It’s proper for someone your age to have a date at these upscale celebrations.”

“I’ll figure something out, Mom. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”

“Love you, too, sweetie, so much.”

I hung up the phone and put my head back on the couch. The deep cleansing breaths I took helped rid my head from all the cobwebs trying to set up shop this morning. I felt a body sit beside me, and I cracked open my eyes.

Adam was sitting there in boxers, looking me over. “Is everything okay?”

I loved his tatted, muscular body. He was beautiful.

I looked down at Lindy, who then stood up and walked over to lie between our legs. I resumed petting her.

“I will be. I was talking to my mom, and sometimes, it’s tough for me to think about the past.” I cleared my throat. “Did you sleep well?”

Adam’s brows drew together, and his hand came down to meet mine. “I’m not pushing for answers, Ainsley, but you can talk to me if you need to.”

“Thanks. I will. I don’t plan on inundating you with drama. You don’t have to worry about that.”

I remembered Adam talking about all the outside stuff a relationship could bring, and I didn’t want to scare him off.

He picked up our entwined hands and looked at them for a few minutes. “My ex, Selena, broke up with me the night I was going to propose to her. She had been cheating on me for months. After that, I decided I was never going to go down the road of marriage and supposed happily ever afters. Since that night, I haven’t put myself back out there until you. You changed my way of thinking, Ainsley. I want this and all that comes with it.” He paused.

After a few moments of silence, I looked up.

He continued, “Ainsley, you don’t have to tell me. When you’re ready, know that I put the drama out there first. I’m here if you need to talk. I want to be here for you.”

Both our heads were lying back on the couch. I liked that Adam hadn’t asked me to give him something I wasn’t ready for. I guessed that made sharing a two-way street for both of us without judging.

“My ex, Jarrod, promised me forever. He wanted me to reconnect with my father in order to fast-track his career. When I refused to play my part, he went out and slept with my friend. Her dad is some bigwig at a company. Last I heard, they broke up, but he had a job, and he’s been rising through the ranks.”

“Ainsley, I won’t ever push you toward someone you don’t want to be near. I’m going to protect and support you.”

I kissed him. “Thank you.”

Lindy whimpered.

Adam turned to his dog and patted her head. “Are you hungry, girl? Let’s go get you fed.”

Lindy jumped up and started racing toward the kitchen area.

Adam got up off the floor. “Let’s eat, too. Do you like omelets?”

“Yes, that sounds great. I haven’t had an omelet in forever.”

Omelets with all the extras were expensive. I usually had plain eggs, but that was it.

Standing, Adam threw me up and over his shoulder. We made our way to his kitchen as I squealed in delight. I smacked his ass, and the next thing I knew, I had a finger sliding inside me, rubbing and working me. The tingling feeling invaded my body, and all I could focus on were the tantalizing sensations.

He walked over to a doorway where there was an exercise pull-up bar with rings extending a few inches down.

“Do you want to try something?” he asked.

His sex-ridden voice and his touch had me in an incoherent state.

I slapped his ass again, and he pushed two fingers inside me, causing me to moan.

Before the torture became unmanageable, I responded, “Yes, I’ll try anything at this point. You’re not playing fair.”

My voice was needy as he kept working me into a wanton state.

He set me down in front of him and took his shirt off of me. He pinched my nipples as he said, “Ainsley, we’ll do a real sex swing at the club sometime, but for now, we’ll do this. When I pick you up, grab those rings up there. I’m going to shove my cock so far inside you while you hold on. Okay?”

My brain would not let me focus as he continued pulling my nipples to tight little points. I nodded because I was honestly up for whatever. He lifted me up, and I grabbed the rings, squeezing them. He supported me underneath my thighs, which helped me hold on to the rings better. He lined himself up and teased my clit as he looked into my eyes.

“Adam, stop screwing around and fuck me already.” My voice was frustrated.

Adam’s grin spread wider. Bringing his erection back to my entrance, he said, “I like when you talk dirty. I’m going to let that dirty mouth suck me off soon.”

I let out an aggravated sound, and he sank so deep inside me that I screamed out. He was a madman as he swung me on and off him, hitting that magical spot that I craved. We maintained an intense eye contact as he continued to strike in and out. My arms were getting tired, which only added to the sensation building within my inner core.

Adam brought me to the point of no return, that place of pure bliss. My orgasm seared into my being as it hit. My grip loosened, but I held on as Adam came within me. Each time he’d poured himself into me felt like something between us deepened. Adam finished with a satisfied grin on his face. I wrapped my legs around his waist, completely spent, as I released the rings while he held me.

He nuzzled me. “Now, that was some fan-fucking-tastic sex.”

“I would say it was sexilicious.” My voice sounded completely satisfied.

He chuckled. “I would have to agree. That was sexilicious. Let’s get you fed. By the way, we’re eating breakfast naked. I might need a second round with you on the bar stool.”

I kissed his neck as he set me down on a chair. He got some food out for Lindy, filling the automatic dog food dispenser, and then began getting out ingredients for the omelets. I noticed a large doggy door that led outside. That was probably how Adam could keep such strange hours and not be home every night.

“What can I do to help?”

Adam glanced up and gave me a sexy grin. “Just relax. I’m cooking you breakfast this morning.”

He moved around the kitchen like a seasoned pro. He diced and chopped onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and green peppers before cracking the eggs for the omelets. I watched in awe as he made me freshly squeezed orange juice. He was a man of many talents, and my mouth watered. The smell of food began to fill the kitchen.

I remembered my mom’s earlier request to bring a date to the function for her friend, Donna, whom I couldn’t stand. Adam going as my date would be easier than debating with my mom on what was considered proper or not in the present day.

“Hey, Adam. Can I ask you something? And feel free to say no.”

He glanced at my hand before he poured the egg mixture in the pan, and a crackling no

ise commenced. “Of course. Ask me anything. I’ll always shoot straight with you, Ainsley. I promise.”

I flexed my hands on the countertop as I prepared my question. My insides were nervous from the fear of rejection, but I would accept whatever he said and be okay with it. “So, my mom has requested that I go to a function for one of her friends next weekend. She has it in her mind that it’s proper for me to bring a date. If you’re willing to go, it would be easier than me expending the energy to talk her out of why it’s not necessary for me to have someone there. I mean, I want you there, but I don’t want you to feel pressured to go.”

A corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yes, I’ll go. If she’s worried about proper etiquette on bringing a date, what’s your mom going to think of me all tatted up?” There was a note of concern in his voice as his brows drew together.

I shrugged my shoulders. “If you make me happy, that’s all my mom cares about. It’s one of the areas she doesn’t meddle in at all. She trusts my judgment.”

He nodded to himself as he pulled the omelets out of the pan. “Breakfast is ready. Do you want to go anywhere today?”

He set the plate down in front of me. We started eating, and the omelet was delicious. Flavors burst in mouth.

I took another bite while I thought about it. “This is delicious. Honestly, after the last few days, I could use a down day, but I’m flexible.”

“I think that sounds like a good idea. But no Last Unicorn.”

I giggled. “You’re expected to sing the Prince Lir parts next time Emilyn comes over to watch it.”

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024