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“Perfect.” Jaxson got me and wasn’t pressing to push me to wish.

The intensity grew. Fingers crept up my stomach. “London, I want you to come home with me. Only if you want.”

Desire flooded me.

I wanted this.

I wanted him.

Without hesitating, I responded, “Yes.”

In a swift movement, Jaxson had me in his arms as he walked to the truck. Something grew stronger between us like I had never imagined. A connection solidified.

The drive to his house felt like it took forever. Holding hands wasn’t enough. I needed more.

Finally, his house came into view. The truck stopped. Jaxson hauled me over to the driver’s seat from the passenger side and nibbled on my neck. Yes! Yes! Yes! I closed my eyes to absorb the sensation.

“From the moment, you screamed that night, I’ve wanted you, London.”

A moan escaped. “Me, too. Hurry, Jaxson.”

I was lost in the touch of his lips. “Are you sure you want this, London?”

“Yes. I’m sure. I don’t want to fight what I feel is right.”

We were all hands and touching as we made our way up the driveway and to the porch. The rest of the world drifted away as Jaxson’s touch consumed me. Devoured me.

Fumbling with the key, the front door finally opened. Hungrily, he kissed me as we zigzagged our way back to his bedroom. While I’d watched Ty, I’d looked in Jaxson’s bedroom wondering what it would be like to be in his arms. I was about to find out.

The house was masculine, lacking a woman’s touch but filled with Jaxson’s cologne. The open floor plan only added to the vastness.

In the bedroom, Jaxson flipped on the dimmer switch before setting me down. I missed the warmth of his body. A soft glow bathed us. This was it. This was the moment our relationship would change.

A finger trailed down my cheek eliciting a gasp. “If this is going too fast between us, London. Tell me.”

“I promise it’s not.”

Hands grabbed the hem of my dress and slowly pulled it over my body, the cool breeze elicited goose bumps across my skin. Thank goodness, I had the foresight of wearing some of the sexy lingerie Millie gave me. Tonight was a matching see through pale-pink panty set.

“You’re gorgeous. Absolutely stunning, sweetheart.”

“I wish I could say the same, but you’re fully clothed.”

Jaxson removed his shirt and I could barely focus as his taut chest and finely-tuned abdomen came into view. Tentatively, I touched the ridges and felt his skin quiver beneath my touch. “That’s better. So much better.”

Lips touched my neck as I felt pressure on my sex and he backed us toward the bed. His bed. The mattress met me and I leaned back, earning a groan from Jaxson as I put myself on display. “Jaxson . . .”

With his other hand, he unsnapped the front of my bra, freeing me. “Beautiful . . .” The words sounded as if he’d never seen anyone like this before. Warmth engulfed my nipple followed by sucking. I arched off the bed. “So responsive. I love how your body reacts to every touch.”

More pressure.

The amazing sensation built.

More pressure.

The orgasm neared as I lost myself to the pleasure. A moan escaped me. He switched nipples. It had been so long that my body detonated quickly and my eyes fluttered shut. I felt the fabric of my panties slide down my legs and the sound of Jaxson’s zipper. Then nothing. I opened my eyes as Jaxson removed his jeans in fluid movement, releasing himself.

My word. He was . . . blessed.

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