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From the drawer he pulled out a condom and laid it on the bed table. “First, I want to taste you, London. Then, I’m going to make love to you.”

He captured my mouth. Before I was ready, his lips moved down the base of my throat and to my erect nipples, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. The sensations were so strong I thought I was going to combust. His tongue toyed with my nipple bringing moans of pure pleasure from me. He spent ample time between my breasts before trailing kisses down my stomach which tightened in response as he neared his goal.

Arousal, lust, desire were rampant through me. At the top of my apex he kissed me and I writhed against the bed. “So responsive, sweetheart.”

His tongue traced around my nub. “So beautiful.”

“Jaxson, please.”

Warmth flooded me as Jaxson licked me before dipping his tongue inside my core. There was an intense pressure building as his thumb made contact with my clit. The orgasm washed over me without warning. Tendrils of pleasure spiraled through my body as I became boneless in the moment of ecstasy.

Jaxson’s lips moved back up my body before he kissed me. I tasted myself on him. It was erotic and the need for more made itself known.

“Sweeter than honey, baby. I already have a condom on.” I felt him at my entrance.

“Please, Jaxson.” The tip nudged my entrance. Our eyes locked and I took a deep breath. “Jaxson, I want this. I want it with you.”

It felt like my first time as he achingly pushed in ever so slowly, stretching me, filling me—making us one. Sparks flew between us, tying me to him deeper than I was able to admit to myself. Fully in, he put his forehead to mine. “I could spend the rest of my life right here like this. Are you okay?”

“Yes. Feels so good. Don’t stop.”

Ever so slowly he moved in and out, drawing out the pleasure, kindling a need. I clawed at his back demanding more not able to wait. His teeth nipped my shoulder.

The pace picked up.

The friction warmed me.

It wasn’t near enough. “Faster, Jaxson.”

He pumped into me. I met him thrust for thrust.




I was nearing my orgasm. The strained muscles in Jaxson’s neck told me he was close as we both climbed to the pleasure awaiting us. A light sheen of sweat coated our bodies. He shifted and I exploded around him while arching my back the beaded tips of my breast brushing against his chest as he pumped into me before finding his release.

This was more intense than I’d ever experienced.

More emotion.

More feelings.

More everything.

He collapsed on me, keeping the weight off with his arms. “I’ll never be the same again after having you.”

“Me either. Jaxson, I’m falling fast.”

“I’ve already fallen, sweetheart.”

Rolling to the side, he disposed of the condom and brought me to him. I felt safe. I felt loved. Soon we dozed off, basking in our lovemaking. This was perfect. Beyond perfect.

I FELT ACROSS THE BED to snuggle closer to Jaxson, feeling a chill in the air. I was greeted with cold sheets. I was alone. “Jaxson.”

My heart hammered wondering what the next step was. I wanted more but how much more did Jaxson want?

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