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Glancing around, I saw no one else. We were alone. The last thing I wanted was to irritate whoever was behind the notes since Charles seemed to be the trigger. So far, after heeding their warning, nothing more happened. I wanted it to stay that way until there was concrete evidence pointing out who the culprit was.

He took a step forward while unbuttoning his suit jacket. I took a step back. There was an illuminated exit sign behind me if I needed to leave. I wasn’t trapped, but my phone was at the table within my clutch.

Dammit. Why hadn’t I brought it?

I forced myself to remain outwardly calm while my insides shook with apprehension.

“London, I’ve been trying to reach you. I figured you would be here tonight.”

“Who’s with you?”

A wrinkle crossed his brow and his shoulders slumped. Resigned, he answered, “Rachel and her family.” He took another step forward and I backed up twice as many. “I know how this looks, London.”

He was a piece of work keeping Rachel on the line while trying to find me on the side. However, it was what happened to me while I was in prison. Maybe Charles needed two women in his life. One for presentation purposes and one for fun. The thought sickened me. I remained silent.

“You look beautiful. You always were the most gorgeous woman in the room when we went to events together. I loved having you on my arm.” He paused before I had a chance to set him straight on my availability. “London, can we talk? Are you still seeing that fucker?”

The sarcastic demeaning voice fueled my irritation. Raising my hand, I showed my wedding ring. “I’m married to Jaxson. We were married two weeks ago.”

Charles rushed me in a flurry. A sharp pain radiated through my back as he pushed me against the wall. “Let go, Charles. You’re hurting me.”

A pained expression tore across his face. “How could you not give u

s a chance? How could you not give me a chance to escape the hell I’ve found myself in? How could you give up on us? Our love? We were the real thing, London.”

“Get your fucking hands off my wife, you son of a bitch.” The menacing no-nonsense voice was steel through the air. This was the second time I had ever heard Jaxson this mad. The time before had been on the phone with Charles.

Charles’ blue eyes continued to penetrate mine. “She was mine. Is mine. I had her first.”

Before I was able to push Charles away, he was yanked from me. Anger flowed through me. Jaxson stood furiously protective in front of me. “Come near her again and I’ll have a restraining order and whatever the fuck is needed to keep you away. I’ll have no issues taking it public and ruining your chance at office. Stay. Away.”

Stepping slightly to the side, but staying behind him, Charles clenched his jaw. Losing my temper would only increase the tension. I changed tactics. “Charles, I fell in love with Jaxson. I am his. We have a past like everyone does. It will always be the past.”

Incredulously, Charles looked at me. “London, you can’t mean that. I meant every word I said the last day at the prison. Every. Word.”

I ignored the last part of the sentence. “I love Jaxson, Charles. With my whole heart or I wouldn’t have married him. You know that about me. I don’t do anything unless I’m being true to myself. That hasn’t changed, even with prison.”

Backing away, Jaxson put his hand on my lower waist and guided me out of the hallway. Charles said nothing to our retreating backs. This was too surreal. Nervously, I glanced around to see if anyone else was there watching us.

The corridor remained eerily empty. I hoped this incident wasn’t another trigger.

Concerned, Jaxson asked, “Are you okay? I got worried when you didn’t come back after a few minutes.”

“A lot of people stopped me to talk. It took me longer than expected.” I leaned against Jaxson. “I want to go to our room after I say bye to Dad. I’m exhausted.”

Searching out my father, we gave our goodnights. “Great speech, Daddy. I’m tired from all the travel. I’m going to go rest. Don’t forget Millie and her Aunt Diane are coming for breakfast in the morning.”

For a second I thought about mentioning Charles, but that would only add worry when it had been handled.

Dad gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I won’t. That flu really took it out of you. Rest up.”

“It did. I’m almost back to new.”

“Night, punkin’.”

“Night, Dad.”

After giving me a quick kiss, he and Jaxson exchanged goodbye’s.

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