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Sitting at the breakfast table of the hotel, Dad along with Millie and her Aunt Diane, ate with us. I loved Millie’s aunt. Claimed her as my own. She was a kind-spirited woman. Since I was released, Aunt Diane had been up north visiting her children since Millie was able to help with her mom, who was continuing to recover. We hoped for a cancer-free report at the next appointment.

I took the last bite of French toast and pushed the porcelain plate away. “I’m stuffed. That was delicious.”

Time to leave approached as our plane left in three hours. Diane pressed the mauve-colored cloth to

her mouth. “Me too. I’m glad I got to see you, London. I missed seeing my girls together. And your husband is quite the catch.”

Jaxson captured Aunt Diane’s attention from the moment he walked into the room. She was a feisty lady. A chuckle escape Jaxson as he winked at me.

“She has impeccable taste.” Jaxson winked at me while Aunt Diane laughed.

We all joined in as Aunt Diane fanned herself. Not answering and only giving me a devilish smile, Jaxson had me giggling. Millie stood. “Let me help you guys with your stuff before you have to leave.”

Millie mentioned a new ice cream flavor she tried last night on the phone. I hardly slept wondering what had been found. Dad offered to keep Aunt Diane company while we brought down our stuff. I’d let him know after I heard from Millie what was going on.

Leaving the restaurant, I acted as natural as possible. From the corner of my eye, I saw Charles with his parents, Rachel and her parents. Caroline waved and excused herself. I focused my attention on Caroline and not the malice stares from Rachel. Charles Senior gave me a wave and I smiled. I still hadn’t seen him since I got out. He remained in his chair, talking more animatedly with Rachel’s parents. If he left the table, the awkwardness would only amplify. I was grateful for Charles Senior’s help in distracting the Graves.

Before I brought my attention back to Caroline, I saw the pure hatred in Rachel’s eyes and I knew somehow she was involved. Jaxson’s arm protectively went around me.

“London, how are you doing? I couldn’t believe that was you. What are you doing in Mobile?”

Last night, I hadn’t seen Caroline or Charles Senior. When had they arrived? Had Charles told her nothing? Her features only exuded delight and surprise in seeing me. She was pristinely dressed in a light burnt-orange suit, not a blonde hair out of place. “Dad presented an award. We flew in to see it and are about to head to the airport.” Caroline’s eyes moved to Jaxson briefly. I introduced them. “This is my husband, Jaxson McCole.”

The warm answering grin eased my nerves. “Husband? Oh London, I’m so happy for you. Jaxson, it’s nice to meet you. I had no idea London was married or I would have sent something. We’ve been on the campaign trail. I’m afraid I always get behind on what’s happening at home with all the events. I’m Caroline Paddington.”

It was true. I had spent a few weekends on the campaign trail. Every minute of every day was allotted to something that hopefully would either ensure or bring in votes. Everyone wanted their time, their moment. It was exhausting. Not the life for me.

“It’s nice to meet you, Caroline. London has spoken warmly of you.” Jaxson extended his hand.

“My husband and I have a special place for London. She’s like a daughter to us.”

Rachel appeared beside Caroline dressed in black slacks and a long sleeve blue silk top—campaign trail ready. I remembered Charles critiquing my wardrobe before events. I hated it. Why had I stayed in his life for so long?

The voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Rachel was a mean-spirited person. “Caroline, I hate to interrupt, but the wedding coordinator has arrived to discuss the last of the details.”

With her hand extended, Caroline made introductions to Jaxson. Rachel appraised him for a second, and I felt Jaxson’s hand around my hip.

Rachel extended her hand. “Nice to meet you also. I wish we could have married quickly like the two of you, but planning the wedding of the century takes time.”

No one said anything until Caroline broke the silence.

“I need to go. We have some last-minute details to wrap before everything is finalized for the October wedding. Charles Senior and I flew in early this morning before we leave for our next stop.” Caroline gave me a quick hug. “I’m glad you found happiness. You deserve it, London. Let’s make a date to do lunch if you’re back in town anytime soon. I’ll get the details from your dad in case we’re in your area also.”

“Perfect. Thank you.”

Caroline walked away. Rachel looked back with a hatred glare on her face followed by a sinister grin. “Well, I wonder how Rachel really feels about you,” Millie said sarcastically as she watched Rachel swing her hips with sass.

Rolling my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Charles before I turned away. A haunted look crossed his features.

Maybe we were victims of the same circumstance? We neither knew nor willingly participated in the game we were unknowingly drafted to play.

As the elevators door closed, Millie muttered, “I hate that woman. She was envious Caroline talked to you. You’re married. She’s trouble. Bitch.”

“I know.”

We rode the rest of the way up in silence to our room. As the door shut, I stood in front of Jaxson. “What did you find, Millie?” I asked.

She took a deep breath. “I found it three days ago. The only reason I didn’t say anything until last night is because I hadn’t wanted you to worry since you were coming to Mobile. I’m sorry.”

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