Tempting Perfection - Page 66

“Deal. I’m going to go inside for some hot apple cider. You want some?”

Hot apple cider? What is this? Fall? Maybe a craving. “Sure. Hot apple cider.”

I probably should have planned something for Sawyer today. But this holiday was the worst day of the year. Not for the obvious reason most guys hated it, though. It was the day Dad walked out on Mom and me. Not something I wanted associated with Sawyer in any way.

What do I do? Any time I opened my mouth, I froze. As we climbed the steps, I bought myself some time. “I’m going to take a shower.”

George hurried up the steps to his water bowl. Sawyer yawned. “Sounds good. I’m tired from dealing with Edge. My word, he’s worse than a girl.”

“What do you want to do tonight?” I asked. Man, I am such a pussy. It was like I had done everything I could to be gone today. Suck it the fuck up.

We walked onto the bus, and I stopped, confused. Skeletons, bats, witches, and other weird shit decorated the bus. “What’s going on?”

Sawyer gave me a brilliant smile that lit up her hazel eyes. “Well, I know you hate the V-word day. So, I figured we would pretend it was Halloween.”

“I should have done something.” I felt guilty as fuck.

Sawyer walked up to me. “You show me every day how much you care. What I mean to you isn’t based on a day.”

“But you arranged all that for Edge.” I should have done something. Fuck.

Handing me some sort of drink that had fog coming out of it, Sawyer said, “That’s wooing. And he really fucked up. He needs to do something big to get her attention.”

I took a drink and grimaced, and of course, Sawyer laughed. I noticed the plates of Halloween food. There were plastic hands filled with popcorn and candy corn, Frankenstein cupcakes, and eerie music playing over the speakers.

“So, are we trick or treating?”

“Better! I made all sorts of goodies. We have scary movies to watch. And…I have a naughty nurse costume.”

Pulling Sawyer to me, I captured her lips. “You know you mean more to me than anyone ever has.” Then it occurred to be what she’d said. “Wait. Naughty nurse costume? Where?”

“Go shower, and then I’ll show you.”

I started for her, but she held out her hand. “Shower first. You’re sweaty.”

Like lightning, I showered quickly, barely taking time to dry off before I threw on my sweatpants. My hard-on was a damn tent in my pants. Whatever. There was no reason to try to make it go down, so I didn’t bother. The moment I saw Sawyer, I would tent right up again anyway. I practically ran back to the living area, where Sawyer leaned against the counter.

“So, about your naughty nurse costume?”

Sawyer stepped back, smirking at my crotch, and reached for the tie on her sweater dress. When she pulled the dress open, I nearly came in my pants. “Fuck me.”

The dress dropped to the floor, and Sawyer stood there in a very naughty nurse outfit. Her tits nearly spilled out of the top. And her ass wasn’t even covered.

With a sway in her hips, Sawyer took a few steps toward me. “Mr. Hendrix, I heard you need a checkup.”

“Yes, I’m feeling very sick. It’ll need to be thorough. Are you up to the task?”

She grabbed my cock through my sweatpants. “I think so.”

I hissed through my teeth as she dropped to her knees. My dick sprang free, and she licked the tip. “Fuck yes, baby.”

She stood and took a step back. “I think I know what’s wrong.”


“You need to come. Hard. Inside me.”

Chapter Thirty

Tags: Kristin Mayer Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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