Zack (Cold Fury Hockey 3) - Page 34

And yup...he likes that, because he slams upward into me and curses, "Fuck...just like that."

So I keep doing it...just like that.

All of a sudden, two things happen almost simultaneously. Zack's balls shrink and tighten and I find that fascinating, at the very same time both of his hands clasp hard to the sides of my head and he tries to pull me off.

I'm so caught up in what I'm doing, I growl at him and latch on, refusing to give up my prize.

"I'm going to come, Kate," Zack groans, and I want to squeal in delight and sing, "Yay, Zack," and, "Yay, me."

"Kate," he groans--maybe it's a warning, I don't know--and tries to pull on my head again. I refuse to budge and suck him in deeper.

Then his hips go absolutely motionless and he gives out a long "F-u-u-u-ck" before he starts coming in my mouth.

I don't let up.

I continue to move up and down him, taking what he gives me, refusing to give a drop of it back. And I love it. I love making him come and driving him crazy and feeling him spiral out of control just from my touch. I love it all and I want to do that again and again to him. I want to make him understand this can be great between us. I can feel it...the connection. I hope he can too.

"Kate," Zack says, and his voice penetrates. His hands again pull at my head and I let him lead me, pulling me off his half-hard dick.

My bleary eyes focus in on him and he's staring down at me in wonder.

"How'd I do, Kemosabe?" I ask him huskily, licking at my lips and trying to catch my breath.

Zack surges up from the chair, pushes me onto my back on the floor, getting on top of me. His hands go under my nightie and he starts pulling on my underwear in a frenzy.

"So fucking good I have to return the favor to you right this very moment," he practically snarls at me as my panties are torn free.

My legs are pushed apart and Zack dives down, and oh, my eyes roll back in my head, I think...this is something I don't ever want to give up.

Chapter 21


I sit at the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee and my laptop in front of me. Ben is in the living room watching something on Disney Junior. I try to limit his time on TV, but there are some damn good programs out there that not only keep your kid entertained, but teach them shit too. So I try to balance the time I let him spend with the type of programming he watches.

My eyes follow Kate as she walks around the kitchen, cleaning up after our breakfast. I try to concentrate on my emails, but fuck if my eyes don't keep involuntarily popping up and stalking her. She's wearing a pair of well-fitted jeans and a simple navy blue T-shirt that actually fits her, accentuating the curve of her breasts and her flat stomach. When she reaches into the cupboard to put some dishes in there, the shirt rides up and I get a peek of soft skin on her back.

It's fucking mesmerizing.

I'm not sure what changed last night, but now I can't seem to let go of my attraction to her during the daylight hours. I was able to compartmentalize it fine before, but now I can't stop thinking about her. About what she did to me last night, and what I did to her. My cock starts swelling just thinking about it.

I think this is due solely to the fact that Kate assured me she was okay. That I was okay. That what we were doing was okay. She reiterated to me that she knew this wasn't going any further than where we were right now.

And that gives me confidence. It pushes my worries aside and lets me concentrate solely on the attraction and lust between us. It feels fucking good and I give in to it.

But now I seem to be obsessing about it.

Christ...this is not fucking good.

Kate turns to face me. She's put her hair in a ponytail today but left her bangs down. She looks young and fresh. My eyes meet hers and she gives me a bright smile. "Want some more coffee?"

"I'm good," I say, and look back down at my computer while she continues to clean up.

I manage to keep my gaze averted for an entire thirty seconds.

Right until Kate walks around the counter and past me, presumably to head up the stairs. My hand shoots out and I snag her by the wrist, bringing her to an abrupt halt.

She looks at me in surprise and dips her head to the side, gazing at me curiously. "What's up?"

"I can't stop thinking about last night," I tell her truthfully, and want to kick myself at the same time. "You were amazing."

Her eyes go warm, but not at all hopeful that I'm meaning something more. I appreciate that.

Leaning in to me, she whispers, "You were amazing too."

With just a slight turn of my head, I'm able to bring my lips to the side of her jaw, and I graze them lightly there. She shudders hard and that makes my cock start to ache.

"Tonight," I promise her. "Going to fuck you good."

Kate sucks in a faltering breath and pulls back to look at me. Her eyes are hot, but filled with respect. " are really, really good at dirty talk."

I throw my head back and laugh, giving a squeeze to her wrist before letting her go. "It's a promise, baby."

She grins at me and turns away. I grin at her backside and I I feel fucking fantastic and that was some damn good dirty flirting. It Kate is fun.

Kate is exactly what I need. Hilarious, caring, sexy as all get-out, and completely accepting of my no-strings policy.

The doorbell rings and Kate veers away from the staircase. "I'll get it."

I go back to reading my email, grimacing over the one from Alex reminding me that I need to get fitted for my tuxedo next week. I hate fucking weddings in general, but I'm really dreading this one. Not that I don't wish Alex and Sutton a long and prosperous marriage, but fuck...not going to be fun attending it and imagining what would have been different in my life had I given the same to Gina.

Kate walks into the kitchen from the opposite side near the dining room with her lips flattened in distaste. Right behind her is Michelle, who is shooting daggers into Kate's back.

Kate told me what happened with Michelle and the key incident last week. She wanted to warn me, as she was sure at some point Michelle was going to bring it up to me. I thought it was hilarious, and had Ben not been standing there, I probably would have bent Kate backward to kiss the fuck out of her in gratitude for handling that.

I shore up my spine and am thankful that my hard-on for Kate waned the minute Michelle walked into the kitchen. This is especially beneficial because Michelle walks around and takes the seat next to me at the counter.

I notice Kate doesn't leave, instead making herself busy by wiping down the counters she just cleaned not five minutes ago.

"Zack," Michelle starts in, and I can tell by the tone of her voice she's champing at the bit to get Kate in trouble. "Kate refused to make me another house key last week. It was downright rude and condescending, and you need to know that your employee treated me horribly."

Christ, I don't need this shit. I rub the bridge of my nose, trying to forestall the tension headache I can feel building. Before I can even open my mouth to respond, Kate says, "Michelle...I'm really sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to be rude to you and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

I blink at Kate in surprise. She's purposely trying to defuse Michelle so I don't have to deal with it. She's taking my back.

Michelle huffs, but she knows it does no good to complain when someone sincerely apologizes. "Well, fine...I accept."

I breathe out a sigh of relief, but then wince when Michelle says, "Just give me your key now and I'll run really quick to make a copy."

Kate shoots me a panicked look, which I think I return to her. Then resolution fills her eyes and I know she's getting ready to take my back again and try to put Michelle off. I stop her, though...deciding I need to nut up and handle this once and for all.

"Michelle...there's no need to get another key made. I'm putting the house up for sale and moving."

Michelle's head snaps my way and I see Kate give

me a thumbs-up behind her back. But then I'm forced to look at Michelle when she practically screeches at me, "You're selling Gina's house?"

This is not "annoying Michelle" trying to flirt with me. This is "Gina's friend Michelle" who is now seeing the last tangible connection to her dead friend start to slip away. This I understand.

I grimace in response, drop my head in shame for a moment, and then take a deep breath. I look back up at her and say, "Yes. It's something I need to do."

Michelle's eyes turn almost black in fury, but her voice is shaming when she hisses at me, "It's not even been five months. You couldn't mourn for her just a little longer? Couldn't keep her memory alive here for Ben just a little longer? You selfish bastard."

Every word cuts into me deep as she manages to express every single chastisement I've laid on my own doorstep before I made this decision. The guilt becomes oppressive and my chest tightens in pain.

"Get out," Kate says quietly from across the kitchen. She says it so very quietly, and yet the anger in her tone causes me to jerk in surprise.

Michelle just swivels her head toward Kate slowly. "What did you just say?"

"I said get out of this house," Kate replies.

Michelle's mouth drops open, just for a brief moment, before her eyes narrow at Kate and she says, "Just what gives you the right--"

Kate cuts her off as she starts stalking across the kitchen toward Michelle. Her voice is low, though, so it doesn't carry into the living room, where Ben can overhear. "Who in the fuck do you think you are to lay judgment on Zack? What gives you the right to dictate the way he mourns? You know nothing about him or the pain he's still in. You don't see the way he keeps Gina's memory alive every day with Ben, talking about her so their little boy never forgets. You don't know a fucking thing about Zack and you certainly have absolutely no right to voice your opinion in this matter. You're the one who should be ashamed for even trying to make him feel bad when he's already still grieving, so I will repeat once get out of this house right now or I will throw you out myself."

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Cold Fury Hockey Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024