Lucas (Cold Fury Hockey 8) - Page 28

"You're what?" her mom hisses.

"Pregnant," Stephanie says. "Got knocked up in a one-night stand."

I cough even more, completely stunned how different this conversation is from the one with my parents, and I'm seeing that rebellious daughter Stephanie said she'd become to get a reaction from her parents.

"Jesus Christ," her mom mutters disdainfully, and I can even imagine the expression on her face as if she just smelled dog shit.

Stephanie doesn't respond but just patiently waits, and I know that this conversation is probably par for the course.

Finally, her mom speaks again, and her voice is low as if she's afraid of being overheard. "I'm not ready to be a grandmother. I'm too young."

I've quit coughing by this point, but I'm once again stunned by such self-interest.

Stephanie replies to her mother blandly. "Don't worry, Maris. You don't have to tell anyone."

"Well, okay," she says hesitantly, and I can't help myself.

"Fucking hell," I mutter loud enough that Stephanie blinks at me before looking to the phone.

Her mother's voice is sharp. "Is someone on the phone with us?"

"My baby daddy," Stephanie says, and now I know she's just driving the knife in deep, having given up all hope that her parents might actually be happy or supportive.

"This should be a private matter," her mother snaps at her.

"Okay," Stephanie says easily as she looks at me with an unwavering gaze. She doesn't touch a damn thing on the phone but tells her mom, "I've taken us off speakerphone. It's just you and me."

Stephanie raises a finger to her lips and indicates for me be quiet for the rest of the call. I'll try, but I know it won't be easy.

"What do you expect out of Michael and me?" Maris Frazier asks, and that breaks the last straw of hope that I had that perhaps Stephanie was exaggerating about her parents and their inability to care about their child.

"Nothing, Maris," Stephanie says, and her voice is quite pleasant. "You and Michael have nothing to worry about. I just wanted to let you know, as this brings about some pretty big changes in my life and I might be pretty busy. Contact could be sporadic."

The relief in her mom's voice is evident and disgusting. "Well, okay then...that's good. And thank you for letting us know. That was kind of you so we didn't worry."

"Sure thing," Stephanie says easily, and I just listen, bewildered and angry over this exchange.

"I've got to go," her mom says quickly, and I can tell it's a lie. "I've got an appointment I'm late for."

"Okay. Talk soon," Stephanie replies breezily, and I know that's a lie too. There's no way in hell Stephanie will want much contact with her parents about the pregnancy.

"Bye-bye," her mom says, and the phone disconnects.

Running a hand through her hair, Stephanie lets out a deep breath of relief. Staring down at the phone, she says, "And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the freak show that I call my mother."

"I can't even, Stephy," I mutter as I take the phone out of her hands and pull her into my arms. As I rest my chin on top of her head, she circles her arms around my waist and we just sit in silence for a moment. Finally, I say, "I heard all the things you told me about them, but I just couldn't comprehend it. How she could be"






"One hundred percent," I agree, and we both laugh.

Because honestly...what else can we do about it?

Chapter 16


Pulling open the door to The Grind, a coffee shop not far from my apartment, my eyes sweep the interior for Jules. I get distracted, though, by the eclectic decor, a hodgepodge of different styles that somehow works together. I see her sitting at a small table in the corner near the front window, sipping a coffee. She locks eyes with me and I hold up a finger to her as I walk to the counter to order a tea.

After I get my cup and saucer, I head toward Jules's table, blowing on the hot tea as I walk. She greets me with a bright smile and nods at the empty chair. "Glad you could come."

I sit down with a huff after placing my tea on the table. "Glad Lucas gave me two minutes of breathing room so I could come."

She grins at me and teases, "You really don't seem all that put out by it."

And no. No, I don't.

More and more I'm craving my time with Lucas, which scares the shit out of me.

We spent pretty much the entire weekend together, which included the night we called our parents, all the next day and night at my apartment minus a few hours where he had practice and I did my laundry, and most of Sunday. This included plenty of sex, good food, several movies, lots of laughs, me barfing in the mornings while he rubbed my back, and more awesome sex. It was only my promise to Lucas that he could stay tonight at my apartment again that he grudgingly let me come meet Jules for coffee at her request.

"So what's up?" I ask her curiously, and I note with genuine interest in myself that I actually feel quite comfortable sitting here with her. Making baby steps, I think.

I can see a flash of disappointment on her face that perhaps I'd engage with some girly gossip about how things are going with Lucas, but then she puts on a happy smile. "I think we should take your idea to put kids and the elderly together for a test spin."

My eyebrows shoot up. "How?"

"I was talking to Annabelle's preschool teacher about your idea and she loved it. One thing led to another, and she said they could easily turn that into a field trip. Then I called the activities director at Sweetbrier and she also loved the idea and was willing to host Annabelle's class for a visit."

My breath hitches but I force it out with an, "Oh, wow."

Jules nods excitedly. "So can I tell them you're in? I'll put you in touch with both of them."

"Whoa," I say with my hands up and a nervous laugh. "This is moving fast and I don't know if I can handle it right now."

Jules tilts her head. "I'll be glad to help."

"I don't know," I say dubiously, my mind racing as to whether I can take this on given the fact my life is a little topsy-turvy right now.

"Oh, I won't take credit for it," Jules hastens to reassure me. "I'll be in the background."

I roll my eyes at her. "No, that's not it, and if I did it, I'd totally want your help if you're willing. It's just..."

It's just what?

The words won't come out and I have no clue why I'm hesitating.

"What are you afraid of?" Jules asks me softly, and my eyes shoot to hers.

"I'm not afraid," I say tersely, because I'm not afraid of fucking anything except perhaps intimacy and love. Then I completely cringe at my own tone because it sounds so bitchy. I soften my voice and smile at her sheepishly. "Sorry...I like to pride myself on my bravery, so any suggestion I'm afraid causes my hackles to go up. Which is odd, because I've been nothing but afraid since Luc knocked me up."

Jules chuckles. "He's pushing you out of your comfort zone, huh?"

"Way out," I admit, and then risk a sip of tea. When I set the cup back down, I also admit, "But I'm dealing, and it's not all so bad."

"Why are you hesitant about this idea of a field trip for Annabelle's class?"

I blow back my bangs with a deep exhale. Circling my finger around my teacup, I admit to her, "It's just...things are so crazy right now. I'm on the verge of losing my job, potentially moving to another city if I can't find another job. I'm pregnant, which is still freaking me out, and well...there's Luc."

"All that stuff is a piece of cake," Jules returns dryly with a wave of her hand. "With the exception of Lucas."

She grins at me and I have to admit...that's funny, so I smile back.

"It's just," I start, then stop, remembering I don't share.

"It's just what?" Jules pushes at me. "Spill it and get it off your chest. You'll feel so much better for it."

"Fine," I say with a

nother sigh--this one of defeat--and I let it out in a frenzied rush before I chicken out. "I don't know what's going on with Luc and me and I'm scared, and life has turned around a hundred and eighty degrees in the last few weeks and I sometimes feel like I'm on quicksand. Sometimes Luc makes me feel like I'm sinking faster, and sometimes I feel like he's pulling me out, and I'm so confused. But what's weird is I think I want more, and I think he does too, but I'm not sure because we don't really talk about those types of things, and the reason we don't is because I think he's being deferential to my feelings because he knows how fucked up I am in the head so he tries to protect me, you know? And I am rambling on like an absolute maniac, but, asked for it."

Jules eyes are dancing with humor as she looks across the table at me. "I don't get it. Lucas is a phenomenal catch. He's totally into you and it's so obvious."

I don't respond, holding my silence. For her to understand my hesitancy, she'd have to know a lot more about me, and I've only ever shared that with Lucas. I like Jules a hell of a lot. Probably more than any other woman I've been casual friends with, except for maybe Simone, who is a hoot to be around. Can I open myself up to someone else?

On the other hand, if I don't answer her question, I look like a total bitch, and I don't want to be that. Jules is going to marry Max and become Lucas's sister-in-law, and in turn, become our baby's aunt. She'll be in my life as well, and I don't want to have stilted relationships with these people.

I take a sip of my tea, more as a stall tactic than anything. After setting the cup down, I decide to admit frankly to Jules why it's troubling that Luc is into me, as she says.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Cold Fury Hockey Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024