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Mean to Her - Curvy Women Wanted

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Blake let go of her, grabbing her arms. He spun them so this time, she was on her back with him between her spread thighs. Staring down at her, he smiled.

She was the only woman he wanted to be with. Leah began to unbutton her dress, revealing her creamy skin. The bra she wore was lace, giving a hint of the red nipples he wanted to taste.

“Marry me,” he said. The words blurted out of his mouth as he looked at her.

Leah paused and he groaned. All he wanted to do was be with her, and now she stopped.


“I mean it. I’m not just saying that in the heat of the moment. I want you, Leah. Every single second of every day, and not just for the sex. I want it all.”

“This is … wow,” she said.

“It’s not a no.”

“We’re eighteen.”

“So? What does it matter what our ages are? You love me. I know you haven’t said the words, but I see the way you smile. You love me, but you’re afraid the moment you tell me, I’m going to pull some kind of prank on you. I’m not. I’m in love with you. I want to marry you. To have a future.”

“What if in a few years you don’t want me?” she asked.

He hated the frown between her brows.

“Not possible. Leah, I messed up. I waited three years to tell you how I felt, and that’s my mistake. One I’m not going to be making again. I love you. I want you to marry me. Please, give me this chance. I will prove to you that I’m not fucking around.”

“Marriage is a big step,” she said. “We’ve been going out a couple of months.”

“And? I know I want to be with you for the rest of our lives.” He kissed her lips. “Isn’t this worth fighting for?”

“It’s a lot.”

He smiled. “You’re not saying no.”

“I guess not.” She frowned. “What … people are going to think I’m pregnant.”

“I don’t care what other people think. The only person who matters to me is you.” He took possession of her mouth and then slowly trailed his lips down toward her neck, flicking his tongue across the pulse before kissing to her breasts. He glided his tongue across each mound before nipping at the flesh, but suddenly, he pulled away.

“Why did you stop?” she asked.

“Simple. I want to prove to you that this is more than sex or a joke. I’m in love with you, Leah. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me. I won’t sleep with you before then. I’m not going to rush you.”

“And if I want to wait until after college?”

Bad idea. You want her, moron. She wants you.

“Then we wait. I can wait a lifetime for you.”

“This is … wow. What about our parents?”

“We can tell them. We’re eighteen. This is what we want and we can arrange it. Marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.”

“This is so crazy. More than I could ever imagine.” She sat up and he helped her to rebutton her dress.

He crawled off her, giving her space. That still wasn’t a no. He had a chance. “I know I messed up with you, but I love you, Leah. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Yes,” she said.


“Yes. I’ll marry you. I can’t … yes. Let’s do this. I don’t know if it’s the right decision, but it feels like the right one. Let’s get married.” She burst out laughing as he pulled her in close. His head pressed to hers.

“You won’t regret this,” he said.

“We’re going to do this?”


“And you’re not going to leave me at the altar?”

“No, I’ll even have John coming to visit you so you know I’m still here.”

“We’re going to get married.”

“Hell, yeah, we are.”

Chapter Six

Within one month, before graduation, Leah stood in her bedroom, glancing out at her parents’ backyard to see all the guests. Most of whom she didn’t know. They had come into town to see her marry Blake. A guy she’d decided to make this life-changing decision with. When they both told their parents, she expected them to refuse, but instead, they were joyous, their happiness taking her completely by surprise.

She didn’t know what to do but now she stood here, a virgin on her wedding day, complete with a beautiful white dress and a startling bouquet of gorgeous red roses.

There was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“It’s me,” Blake said.

“Blake, you can’t come in.”

“I know. It’s bad luck, but I wanted to know if you’re okay. If there’s anything I can do?” he asked.

She frowned and went to the door, opening it a crack. His eyes were closed.


“No, I won’t look at you. I want this to be perfect.” He held out his hand. “Tell me. What’s going on in that crazy head of yours?”

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