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Mean to Her - Curvy Women Wanted

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She laughed. “I don’t know how you can even know I was having second thoughts.” She sighed. “We don’t know each other.”

“Does your heart race when I’m near?”

She nodded and then realized he couldn’t see. “Yes.”

“Do you think of me when I’m not around?”


“Do you love me?”

“Yes.” She opened her mouth and gasped. “How the hell did you get me to … love you?”

“I’m going to screw up, Leah. Our marriage isn’t going to be perfect, but I’m going to try. I’ll try every damn day because I will fight for this and for us, all the time. I know you have your doubts, but I will shake them.”

Stepping forward, she kissed his lips. “I hope that isn’t bad luck.”

“Does that mean you’re coming downstairs?”


“Please don’t leave me at the altar.”

She chuckled. “I won’t. I promise.”

John arrived. “Everyone is getting ready.”

“I’ll see you downstairs.”

She closed the door, leaning against it. Her heart raced, but she’d spoken the truth. She was in love with Blake. It was crazy. Not too long ago, she’d hated him, but now, she loved him.

There was another knock on the door, and she called for whoever it was to enter.

Her father came in.

“Are you ready?”

“I guess so. How do I look?”

“Like a stunning bride.” He held out his arm.

“Dad, why didn’t you put a stop to this?” she asked. “I’m eighteen.”

“Your age is irrelevant. When I met your mother, our parents wouldn’t allow us to marry and we were in love. There was no one else I wanted, but I had to fight and prove myself every chance I got to be able to marry her. I promised myself if my child wanted to get married and I knew she was being taken care of and in good hands, then I didn’t see a single problem with giving her that chance. That’s what I see with you and with Blake. I’ve watched you around him. You changed your plans from going to England to follow him. That means there’s more to this than a simple crush. It’s in your heart. It’s love, and for that, I would never put my feelings above my kids. Unless you want to tell me differently?”

“No, not different.”

He smiled. “Shall we go and get you married?”

“The nerves are there.”

“It means you’re doing the right thing,” he said.

“It does?”

“Yeah, if you’re nervous, it’s always a good thing.” He patted her hand and they walked downstairs, heading toward the dining room, which led outside. Soft music played as she arrived.

All conversation ceased. Staring down at the altar, she saw Blake standing there. He smiled at her and for the first time since they’d begin their relationship, everyone else faded until all that remained was him.

One step in front of the other.

The audience didn’t even exist. Her father handed her over and Blake took her hand. His grip was firm, and it was like a switch went off inside her brain. This wasn’t a joke. He didn’t intend to leave her at the altar or humiliate her.

Blake Sutton had been telling the truth right from the start. He was in love with her and had been for some time. Now he intended to marry her. She wasn’t running away. Nor was she scared.

This was real. Their marriage would be real.

The priest began to talk, but the words didn’t matter. Staring into Blake’s eyes, she knew this was all that mattered, the two of them, forever. They said their vows, but the real words came in the I dos.

Once they were spoken, she was in his arms, and his lips were locked on hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on. The crowd went wild, but she didn’t care.

She accepted this marriage, and against all odds, loved this man. She wasn’t going to change. Neither of them would. They were going to be together for the rest of their lives.

He pulled away and smiled down at her. “You’re starting to see what I see, aren’t you?”

“I love you, Blake. I don’t think I’ve ever said the words and meant them.”

The smile he granted her would stay with her forever.

“Come on, I want to drive the photographer crazy and capture every single moment we can.”


For their wedding night, their parents had hired them a hotel room for the day and the weekend. Come Monday, they still had to return to school, but they would be returning as husband and wife.

They were the first to get married.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, Blake was nervous. Marrying her hadn’t been scary. Tonight worried him, though. Women on their first time, well, it hurt. Leah was a virgin. He hadn’t been with a virgin, but since John had dropped the bombshell a couple of days ago, he’d been doing some extensive reading.

When the bathroom door opened, Leah stepped out, wearing a bathrobe. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he said.

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