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Mean to Her - Curvy Women Wanted

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She moved out of his way as he passed. He smelled coconuts and groaned as it was a familiar scent to her. This wasn’t some fantasy. This was a reality. Leah was his wife and tonight she’d be in his bed.

He wanted their first time to be epic.

After removing his clothes, he stepped into the shower and washed the day away from him. He took his time, calming himself, but his cock was still rock-hard.

He stepped out of the shower after turning it off. Then he wrapped a towel around his waist and paused as he held the door handle.

Stop being a pussy.

Opening the door, he walked into the room and stopped.

Leah was in the bed with the blanket pulled up underneath her arms. Naked. She was completely naked.

“I, you seem a little nervous about tonight,” she said.

“No, it’s…”

She raised a brow.

“It’s your first time.”

Her cheeks were red.

“And I want this to be perfect for you.”

She nodded. She gripped the edge of the blanket and threw it off her. For the first time, he got to see all of her naked, curvy body, and she was better than he imagined. Her hands rested at her waist. She dropped her hands to clasp them, then stopped, clenching them into fists.

“I’m a virgin, Blake, but I know how this is supposed to go.” She took a step toward him, then another. She closed the distance and suddenly, her body was next to his. The towel he wore was the only piece of fabric separating them. “And I know it’s going to hurt tonight, but after we have sex for the first time, it’ll get easier.” She smiled up at him. “The real question right now, Blake, is do you want to have me? Or just keep your fantasies of me?” She tugged on his towel and it dropped to the floor.

Her palm landed flat on his stomach, sliding down to cup his erection.

He wrapped his hand around hers, getting her to squeeze him a little tighter. “I haven’t been with a girl in a very long time.”

“And now you can only have me.”

Letting go of her hand, he sank his fingers into her hair, taking her mouth as he walked her back toward the bed. The moment she stopped, he moved her so she lay back. Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down, sliding his tongue across each of her hardened nipples.

She gasped his name. The sound echoed around the room, but all he could focus on was her body. He spent time dedicated to each nipple, biting and sucking, getting it just right, and pinching the hardened peak before kissing down her body.

Blake gripped her thighs and spread them wide so he would have unlimited access to her pussy. When he got to her belly button, he slid his tongue in, then traced down toward her pussy.

He moved her up the bed, getting her comfortable so all of this experience wouldn’t overwhelm her. Then he placed his hands on the inside of her thighs, keeping her steady. Sliding his hands up, he teased the lips of her sex open. With his gaze still on her, he slowly lowered until he was right over her cunt. He placed the tip of his tongue over her clit and started to stroke.

She gasped, her body jolting beneath him.

Taking her bud into his mouth, he used his teeth to help her get accustomed to the feel of him before sucking her inside.

Over and over, he flicked her clit, feeling the vibrations from her body shaking. She was so close to an orgasm. He wanted to drink her in, to savor every second of it as he gave her what she needed.

The instant she came, the sweet sounds spilling from her mouth were exactly what he wanted. He didn’t let her orgasm end. Continuing his assault on her clit, he brought her to a second orgasm, but this time, as she shook through the aftershocks of pleasure, he moved between her thighs. Gripping his cock tight in his fist, he plunged inside her, taking her hard.

She screamed.

He held her in his arms, kissing her, trying to offer her some comfort, holding still within the walls of her pulsing pussy. He’d wanted Leah to be completely drugged on her releases, to not even register him claiming her.

She was so tight. She’d be sore, and he hated himself for causing her any pain, but soon, there would be nothing but pleasure. It was what he intended to give her.

Mindless, all-consuming pleasure.


“Yes, I know.”

He looked down at her and hated to see the tears tracking down her face.

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said.

“But you did.”

He kissed her lips. She reached up, cupping his face. “It’s supposed to hurt.”

“I don’t like causing you pain.”

“And it’s not even hurting much,” she said.

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