Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4) - Page 8

None of that meant she was interested in rekindling things with Braden, who she could not trust.

* * *

The first week passed quickly, with Braden getting to know the players and the staff. He discovered he enjoyed the hectic pace of the season, keeping up with each man on the team and their chronic issues and those things that put them on the Injured Reserve List. He actually liked the job more than he’d thought he would, coming off humanitarian work.

Seeing Willow every day was a bonus, even if she treated him to her cool, professional persona that didn’t give him any way to break through her reserve. He didn’t think anyone noticed that they weren’t actually speaking to one another. Only Hudson had caught on quickly, but he knew their history. It was only a matter of time before Willow’s stiffness around him became obvious to others.

Today was Tuesday and the weekend on the road was fast approaching. He planned to travel with the team and be there on the sidelines. He didn’t believe in passing the buck, and though he had other general practitioners who could go, he wanted to show he had the chops for the job, not just Ian’s approval.

Dr. Daniel Barrett, head orthopedic surgeon for the team, had two orthopedists and one surgeon traveling with them, and Braden had tapped another GP to go with them. He hadn’t chosen Cole Walsh. He’d like to say he wasn’t biased against the man or that he didn’t want an open road to Willow, but that would be bullshit and he was man enough to admit it. By the same token, he wasn’t taking Hudson, either, because two new doctors who didn’t know the ropes wouldn’t be smart. He understood he needed to learn on the job and watch the people who’d been around longer than him for protocol. But once and if an injury occurred, his instincts would kick in, and he’d know exactly what to do.

Today was the day the coaches put together game plans, and the rookies had been in the gym working out while injured players were being seen by trainers. Braden spent the day examining various guys, eager to get to know them, and by seven p.m., he was exhausted and ready to get out of here.

But he wasn’t headed straight to the parking lot. He had a pit stop to make first. He’d taken note of what time Willow called it a day, and tonight he was leaving around the same time and hoped to intercept her before she left.

With a little luck, this time there wouldn’t be any interruptions. A certain doctor was working with a particularly tricky patient, and that should keep the man busy, because Braden had a plan.

He headed directly to Willow’s office around the corner from his and stopped in the open doorway, catching Willow mid-stretch. Wearing the type of clothing she favored, fitted black leggings and a body-hugging top, she touched her toes, and her sweet, pert ass teased him.

He couldn’t contain a groan as his cock responded to her position.

She jerked her body up and swayed from the sudden movement. He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her close to steady her. The warm scent went straight to his already hard groin.

“Thank you but I’m fine now,” she said, quickly stepping away. “I didn’t realize my office door was open.”

He cleared his throat and hoped the desire she’d triggered didn’t show on his face. He also prayed she didn’t glance down, because the effect she had on him would be glaringly evident.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, gathering up her bag and things to take home for the night.

He met her gaze, her blue eyes narrowed warily. “I came to convince you to have dinner with me. I want to talk and clear the air.” And hopefully put the past behind them.

She shook her head. “Not only is it not a good idea but it’s unnecessary. We’re making do just fine.”

“I disagree. You’re not speaking to me unless it’s about a patient, you’re not relaxed around me like you are around everyone else, and we’re both traveling to Denver this weekend. So we’re going for dinner.”

She hesitated, then seemed to come to some sort of conclusion and nodded. “Fine. But somewhere close to my place and I want to be home early. I have to wake up at four thirty.”

He’d take that as a win. “Fine by me. Do you still live in the same apartment?”

She nodded.

“And is your favorite Mexican place still around the corner?”

He caught the widening of her eyes. “Yes, I remembered,” he said in a gruffer voice than usual. There were many things he recalled about Willow that would surprise her. But there was time to get into that. “Are you ready?”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare Nation Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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