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Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

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Self-consciously, Maya drew the torn sides of her nightshirt together over her own naked breasts. ‘Blaise?’

‘What is it?’ Immediately he moved in closer, sweeping the sides of her nightshirt aside and possessively cupping her hips with his warm, slightly callused hands as he concernedly examined her face.

‘If you’re coming back to bed…does that mean you’ll be spending the night with me?’

His ensuing laugh was low and sensual, and almost rough with undisguised need. ‘Try ejecting me, darling, and you’ll have a genuine fight on your hands!’

‘Good morning, my love!’ The housekeeper paused in the kitchen doorway, clearly startled by the sight of Maya sitting with her chair pulled out from the pine table and the huge Irish Wolfhound lying at her feet, as though keeping guard over the lovely young brunette. ‘You’re up and about early. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get you a nice cup of tea.’

‘Don’t bother about tea, Lottie, thanks all the same.’ Getting to her feet, Maya dusted down her jeans. As if on cue, Sheba also rose, gazing up at her with an expression that looked like longing in her eyes. ‘I thought I’d take Sheba for a bit of a walk before breakfast…is that all right?’

‘Of course it’s all right. My Tom usually takes her, but he’ll be glad of a break this morning before he tackles the day’s work, I’m sure. There’s always plenty to do round a big place like this, and today he’s mowing that huge front lawn. You don’t need to bother with a lead, lass—just don’t let madam here dictate the pace, or you’ll come back fit for nothing!’

Out in the grounds, breathing in air that was akin to having pure oxygen injected into her lungs, Maya tramped grass still damp with morning dew. The Irish Wolfhound loped along beside her quite agreeably. Strangely, she found unexpected comfort and companionship in the animal’s presence. She had never had a pet when she was a child—her father hadn’t allowed it—but being around Sheba made her realise that she actually liked the idea. However, her thoughts did not dwell on the subject for long. Not when every cell in her body was still vibrating with the memory of Blaise’s passionate loving last night, and her skin carried the tender spots to prove it.

Extricating herself from that warm, cosy bed this morning, she’d been so careful not to disturb him, but thankfully the calm, rhythmic rise and fall of his heavenly chest had indicated that he was enjoying the deepest of deep sleeps—one he wouldn’t wake from in a hurry. The fact hardly surprised Maya when they’d spent most of the night lost in each other’s arms, driven to greater and greater heights of ardent fervour by this—this maelstrom of need and desire that they seemed to generate so electrifyingly between them.

She’d risen early because she’d needed some time on her own to absorb what had occurred. Her only other lover had been Sean, and although she had lost her virginity to him he had hardly set her on fire with his quickly over with attentions. Even at the time Maya had known in her heart that her relationship with him had been nothing but a Band-Aid for what really ailed her…a deep, gnawing loneliness coupled with a sometimes desperate need for love that wouldn’t go away.

But nothing could have prepared herfor the passionate revelation that was Blaise Walker… Tugging open the neckline of her waterproof jacket, she sniffed. Even though she’d showered thoroughly, and washed her hair twice, it was as though he’d left his provocative masculine scent all over her…Or was she just imagining that was so because she’d simply not been able to get enough of him? Would a woman ever be able to get enough of such an incredible man? Now Maya knew that he’d ruined her for anyone else. Any other man she might be with in the future would only ever get barely a quarter of what she felt for Blaise. But even considering that there might be another man in her future was akin to feeling as if she was already betraying herself. She simply couldn’t do it…not after what she’d just experienced. If this so-called affair of theirs did develop into something deeper on her part could she honestly handle it as easily as she seemed to be trying to convince herself that she could?

Sheba chose that moment to nudge her with that huge head of hers. It took Maya a couple of seconds to realise what she wanted. ‘I’m sorry, poppet…I didn’t think to bring a ball to throw for you.’ She fondly ruffled the thick grey fur. ‘Maybe I can find a stick for you instead? Come on, girl…let’s go see what we can find, eh?’

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