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Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

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Blaise drank his coffee, checked the time on his watch and gazed out of the window for the umpteenth time. He’d woken in a state of almost instant arousal at the thought of engaging Maya in some sexy, languorous early-morning lovemaking, and instead had been confused and disgruntled to find that she had already risen without him. As he’d swung his legs out of bed, then scraped his fingers through his hair, he’d quickly added frustration to the list of woes he was mentally compiling because of her desertion.

Walking into the kitchen, he had felt his jaw all but hit the floor at Lottie’s cheery announcement. ‘Miss Hayward has taken Sheba for a walk…wasn’t that kind of her?’

Kind? Blaise had echoed ironically. Abandoning him in preference to taking his dog for a walk wasn’t kind…it was pure sadistic torment! Yet part of him knew an honest admiration for Maya too, at the realisation she was obviously trying to overcome a childhood fear by taking Sheba out.

He found himself reflecting on what a tough road she’d been travelling. Just the thought of that idiot that she’d gone out with who’d so clumsily revealed what he was up to, with an accidental text to Maya’s mobile phone, made Blaise want to find him and teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget!

Then, realising that the idea had been generated by a too-easy familiar fury sweeping through him, he experienced genuine revulsion that he was perhaps becoming more like his father every day. Clenching his jaw, he shook his head, as if to rid himself of such a demoralising, painful thought. Now, hearing Maya’s velvet-soft voice in the hallway in brief conversation with Tom, another far more agreeable sensation gripped him instead. With almost bated breath he waited for her to come through the kitchen doorway.

‘Hi there.’ Her smile was a little lopsided—almost shy—but to Blaise’s eyes she looked simply wonderful, with her pink cheeks, her dark hair mussed by the wind, dressed in well-worn jeans and a red waterproof jacket.

‘Good morning.’ He sauntered across to her, not hesitating to tug her gently but firmly into his arms. ‘You deserted me. I woke up and there you were…gone.’

‘I just—I just needed some fresh air, so I took Sheba with me for a walk. The grounds here are really beautiful—just like a stately home.’

‘With the aid of a couple of part-time gardeners Tom does a sterling job taking care of it all. But let’s not talk about the grounds or the gardens, hmm?’

‘I think we should talk about the play. I can’t wait to get started on the research today.’

To Blaise’s chagrin, Maya ducked out of the way of his intended kiss, and stepped out of his embrace too.

‘So it’s to be all business, is it?’ He knew he sounded unreasonably annoyed—almost petulant—but right then he didn’t care. ‘Just as if last night never happened?’

Maya frowned. ‘I want to do a good job for you, Blaise—remember I told you that? And I don’t want you to think that I’m somehow expecting special privileges because we slept together either. I’m here to work, and that’s how I intend to proceed from now on.’

‘Really?’ Irritation made Blaise feel like breaking something. He could hardly believe she was acting so cool with him…as if she’d just had a one-night stand she was quickly regretting, instead of being consumed by the thought of how soon they could get together again, as he was.

Maya didn’t answer him…just stood there calmly unzipping her jacket.

‘Well, if that’s the way you want it, then so be it. Get yourself some breakfast, then come and find me in my study. I’ll expect to see you there in exactly twenty minutes…no later!’

As he headed out of the room, he was so mad that he could hardly bring himself to look at her…


WHEN Maya turned up in Blaise’s study, just under twenty minutes later, it was to find him writing furiously away in long-hand at his desk. She knew he must have heard her enter, but he didn’t glance up to acknowledge her presence for at least two or three minutes. Already aware he was not very happy with her, but also aware that an artist at work should never be disturbed unless it was an emergency—a rule that had been drummed into her by her father—she deliberately kept quiet.

To be honest, it was no hardship for Maya just to watch him. Although she kept experiencing an almost irresistible urge to touch him…to slide her hand round that exquisite sculpted jaw and bring his mouth close to hers, so that she could tease and taste and remind herself of what she’d so freely enjoyed doing last night. But because he looked so serious she also wanted to brush back that rogue lock of dark gold hair from his forehead as he bent over his large spiral notebook and make him look at her instead.

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